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  • Junior - Weekly email - Friday 10th January

    Fri 10 Jan 2025 Junior School
    Dear Parents / Carers,
    Year 6 DT - thank you for the offers to help with cooking with Year 6 next week. We have enough parent helpers now. 
    PTA Events - the PTA is holding a Barn Dance on Saturday 8th March at the Memorial Hall. Tickets are available on Classlist
    Data Collection Sheets - envelopes have been sent home with copies of the information we hold on your child. Please can you take a moment to check that contact details are all correct. 
    Charity Fun Run -  1st Chalfont St Giles are delighted to offer their first event charity fun run, supporting 3 of their fabulous leaders/volunteers to raise money and awareness for their chosen charities in the build up to the London Marathon.
    Mrs McCarthy, Ben and Dale are all running the London Marathon for charity - full details on the event page below.

    Sat 8th Feb, 9am. CSG Scouts Hut. 2km and 5km routes. All ages and abilities welcome - come and join us - the more the merrier.

    Full details and tickets via our event page here,

    You must buy a ticket to take part - please sign up early so we can be prepared!
    School clubs for the Spring term - some of the external clubs that are available:
    • Tuesday PFO Football (Captiv8 Life Ltd) -  open to all year groups - School Field from 3.45pm to 4.45pm - register online here and sign up here
    • Wednesday Mini Tennis with Mark Scholfield - open to all year groups - Upper Playground from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - Mini Tennis
    Our School Amazon Wish List - for any gifts, it is always lovely to know who has donated items so we can thank you properly! The link to the gift list can be found here
    Diary dates for next week:
    Monday 13th January 
    • Year 3 PE day today - children to come to school in PE Kit
    • Music lessons -  Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the day


    Tuesday 14th January
    • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
    • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
    • Music lessons - Guitar lessons with Mr Atkinson, BMT - in the Music Room during the day
    • Cross Site Reading - children from Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 to visit Infant School to read with children (approx 11am to 12am)
    • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the Music Room during lunchtime
    • PFO / Captiv8 Life Football Club on the School Field / Main Hall from 3:45pm to 4:45pm - pickup from the back of Main Hall -  register online here and sign up here once registered
    • Year 5 & 6 Netball Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit & trainers - from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from Top Playground 
    • Cookery Club with Smart Raspberry in the Dining Hall from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
    • No Rocky Road Club today - this club starts next week


    Wednesday 15th January

    • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
    • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
    • Year 5 PE day today - children to come to school in school PE Kit
    • Year 5 Maple class swimming lessons begin today - children to come to school in PE kit and bring  swimming gear to school - details here
    • Music lessons - Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the afternoon
    • Tennis club with Mark Schofield on the Upper playground from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pickup from Top Playground - details here
    • No Football club today - starts next week
    Thursday 16th January
    • Gym Club (Before School) with Springbucks in the Main hall - from 7:45am to 8:45am - entrance via Parsonage Road entrance only
    • PE for Year 4 today - children to come to school in school PE Kit
    • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the music room
    • Music lessons - Strings lessons with Mrs Priestley, BMT - in the Music Room
    • Homework club - in the IT Suite for invited pupils - 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from the Dining Hall at 4:30pm
    • No Football clubs today - start next week


    Friday 17th January 
    • Reading in your child's class - parents are welcome to pop into class from 8:45am until 8:55am (gates will be open from 8:40am on Fridays)
    • Year 6 PE day today -  children will still have PE today so may want to bring in a school top for PE in the afternoon
    • Music lessons - Drum lessons with Teach me Drums - in the Music Room during the morning
    • Acacia parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only



    Future Dates
    Monday 20th January - Year 6 Dodgeball PE Festival during the afternoon - details as per email and here

    Tuesday 21st January - Year 5 Netball PE Festival during the morning - details as per email and here
    Friday 24th January - Bonsai parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Friday 31st January - Beech parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Tuesday 4th February - Year 6 day trip to Warner Studios (Harry Potter) - details here

    Tuesday 4th February - Year 5 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
    Friday 7th February - Maple parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Friday 7th February - PTA kids disco - details on Classlist 
    Monday 10th February - Year 6 SATs practise sessions am - no music lessons during the morning
    Tuesday 11th February - Year 6 Fitness PE Festival during the morning - details TBC
    Wednesday 12th February - Year 6 SATs practise sessions am - no music lessons during the morning
    Thursday 13th February - PTA Valentine bake sale after school - details TBC

    Friday 14th February - last day of half term (non uniform day as requested by School Council)
    Monday 24th February - school opens for new half term
    Friday 28th February - Acer parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Monday 3rd March - Year 4 visit to Neasden Temple - details here
    Thursday 6th March - Parent Evening meetings from 5pm to 8pm - details TBC
    Friday 7th March - Year 6 trip to Battle of Britain Bunker - details here
    Friday 7th March - Palm parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Saturday 8th March - PTA Barn days - details on Classlist
    Monday 10th March - Parent Evening meetings from 3:40pm to 6pm - details TBC
    Thursday 13th March - PTA Hot Dog lunch day - details TBC
    Friday 14th March - Oak parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Tuesday 18th March - Year 4 Benchball  PE Festival during the morning - details TBC
    Friday 21st Marc- Ash parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Friday 4th April - last day of Spring term (early finish at 1:45pm)
    * * * * *
    Community Events - details of local events, workshops, summer camps and activities - see details here
    School Term Dates for 2025/ 2026 have been added to the school website - here
    Term dates printable version is available here
  • Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 10th January

    Fri 10 Jan 2025 Infant School
    Dear Parents/Carers,
    Welcome back! It has been lovely to see all the children back after the Christmas break and we are looking forward to the term ahead.
    Children Starting School or Moving up to Junior School - September 2025
    The portal to apply for a place through Buckinghamshire Council opened on the 5th November 2024 and closes for online applications on the 15th January 2025.
    Spring Term Clubs
    We are pleased to confirm that PFO Football (now Captiv8 Life Ltd) will continue to run on Mondays. Please register here in the first instance and then to book a place at the club here.  
    Mini Tennis will also continue on Wednesday lunchtime. Please see the school website here for sign up information.
    We are also pleased to confirm the Outdoor Adventurers club exclusively for year 2. Maximum number is 10 participants and was on a first come first served basis. Anyone who did not receive an email confirming their place today will be offered a space in the future.
    Girls Underwear 
    If you have any spare, clean pants and socks for girls we would be very grateful if you could donate them to school to help us with any toileting accidents.
    Community & Cultural Events
    Please see here for details of events coming up in the community.
    CSG Fun Run - 8th Feb
    1st Chalfont St Giles Scouts are delighted to offer our first event charity fun run, supporting 3 of our fabulous leaders/volunteers to raise money and awareness for their chosen charities in the build up to the London Marathon. One of these leaders, Mrs McCarthy is a member of staff at the Junior School.

    Mrs McCarthy, Ben and Dale are all running the London Marathon for charity - full details on the event page below.

    Sat 8th Feb, 9am. CSG Scouts Hut. 2km and 5km routes. All ages and abilities welcome - come and join us - the more the merrier.

    Full details and tickets via our event page here,
    You must buy a ticket to take part - please sign up early so we can be prepared!


    School Term Dates 2025/2026
    School Term Dates for 2025/2026 have been added to the school website - here
    Term dates printable version is available here
    Update from the PTA
    • We'd like to say a massive thank you to the whole school for your support last term. We have raised an incredible £7,348 from events, sales and activities you have supported. Our festive attachment shows how this was achieved across the different events.
    • Thank you to those that come to the events, buy, donate, bake, volunteer on a stall or help organise - we could not do this without you.
    • The Christmas Fayre and Santa's Grotto was amazing - we hope everyone had fun! The smiles on the faces of the children seeing Santa make everything worthwhile. Between the fayre and fabulous raffle we raised over £2,000.
    • We will share more soon on how some of the funds are being spent but we have given each class £400 to supplement classroom learning and also paid a deposit of £7,500 for the new infant playground shelter.
    The week ahead:
    Monday 13th January
    • PFO Football after school club 15.30 - 16.30 open to all year groups.


    Tuesday 14th January


    Wednesday 15th January

    • Mini Tennis lunchtime club 12.20 - 12.50pm - open to years 1 & 2 
    • Outdoor Adventurers after school club 15.15 - 16.15 - open to year 2


    Thursday 16th January


    Friday 17th January

    • Friday reading 08.45 - 08.55 - Years 1 and 2

    Future Dates


    New dates in bold


    Wednesday 29th January: Year 1 PE Festival
    Friday 14th February: Dress down Friday
    Friday 14th February: School closes for half term at 3.15pm
    Monday 24th February: School opens at 08.45am
    Wednesday 26th February: Year 1 visit to Northwood United Synagogue - more detail to follow
    Monday 3rd March: Parents Evening - 3.30pm-6pm. More detail to follow
    Tuesday 4th March: Reception PE Festival
    Wednesday 12th March: Parents Evening - 5pm to 8pm. More detail to follow
    Wednesday 26th March: Year 2 trip to Woburn Safari Park - more detail to follow
    Friday 28th March: Family Day - TBC
    Thursday 3rd April: Easter Church Service in the Village Church 9.15am - parents invited to attend
    Friday 4th April: Nursery and Reception Easter Egg Hunt - timings to follow
    Friday 4th April: Years 1 and 2 Egg Rolling - timings to follow
    Friday 4th April: Last day of Spring Term, Nursery children ready to collect from 1.20 pm. School closes at 1.30pm
  • Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 20th December

    Fri 20 Dec 2024 Infant School

    Dear Parents and Carers,



    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  We've reached the end of the term and had a great time working with your children and each other. 

    All of the staff would like to say a huge thank you for the Christmas gifts you have so generously given them - they really are appreciated! 

    Christmas Parties
    The children really enjoyed their Christmas parties and it was so lovely to see them having such a wonderful time and getting into the festive spirit.  They even got a visit from Father Christmas and it was lovely to see their faces light up!
    Christmas Church Service
    It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Church Service. All the children performed magnificently and made their teachers very proud of them. It was a great way to conclude the term.


    School Lunches

    The menus for the Spring term are now on the school website and ready for you to order on ParentMail.  Please note that if you would like your child to have lunch for the first day of term, you will need to have ordered by Saturday 4th January.  

    Spring Term Clubs
    We are pleased to confirm that PFO Football (now Captiv8 Life Ltd) will continue to run on Monday next term. Please register here in the first instance and then to book a place at the club here.  
    Mini Tennis will also continue on Wednesday lunchtime. Please see the school website here for sign up information.
    We are also pleased to confirm the Outdoor Adventurers club exclusively for year 2 next term. Please see email and Google form sent today for sign up information. Maximum number is 10 participants and is on a first come first served basis.   
    Governor Christmas Newsletter 
    Please click the link below
    Children Starting School or Moving up to Junior School - September 2025
    The portal to apply for a place through Buckinghamshire Council opened on the 5th November 2024 and closes for online applications on the 15th January 2025.
    Community & Cultural Events
    Please see here for details of events coming up in the community.
    Village Christmas Window Competition
    CSG Parish Council have sent out competition forms for children to enter the village Christmas window competition. 
    The first week back:
    Monday 6th January
    • INSET Day
    Tuesday 7th January
    • School opens at 8.45am


    Wednesday 8th January


    Thursday 9th January


    Friday 10th January

    • Friday reading 08.45 - 08.55 - Years 1 and 2

    Future Dates


    New dates in bold


    Wednesday 29th January: Year 1 PE Festival
    Friday 14th February: Dress down Friday
    Friday 14th February: School closes for half term at 3.15pm
    Monday 24th February: School opens at 08.45am
    Wednesday 26th February: Year 1 visit to Northwood United Synagogue - more detail to follow
    Tuesday 4th March: Reception PE Festival
    Wednesday 26th March: Year 2 trip to Woburn Safari Park - more detail to follow
    Friday 28th March: Family Day - TBC
    Thursday 3rd April: Easter Church Service in the Village Church 9.15am - parents invited to attend
    Friday 4th April: Nursery and Reception Easter Egg Hunt - timings to follow
    Friday 4th April: Years 1 and 2 Egg Rolling - timings to follow
    Friday 4th April: Last day of Spring Term, Nursery children ready to collect from 1.20 pm. School closes at 1.30pm
  • Junior - Weekly email - Friday 20th December

    Fri 20 Dec 2024 Junior School
    Dear Parents / Carers,
    A quick reminder that school is finishing at 1:45pm today!

    A huge thank you to all of our amazing musicians who played during the carol services this week. Also thank you to Mr Holmes for organising the two services.

    A special thank you to the Year 6 helpers who have been sorting and delivering our Christmas post. They have delivered a lot of cards over the past few weeks!

    All of the staff would like to say a huge thank you for the Christmas gifts you have so generously given them - they really are appreciated!

    School Newsletter - the Christmas edition of the School newsletter is available here 


    Year 3  DT - in the spring term Year 3 will be making pneumatic toys and are looking for cardboard boxes with integral hinged lids (such as shoe boxes or tea bag boxes) and balloons. Please can children bring them in to school in the first week of term in January

    Year 6 DT - We are planning on doing some cooking in the afternoons of the week of 13th January and would be grateful for some extra help. Please contact the office, letting us know of your availability, if you  would like to help between 1.45pm and 3.15pm on either Monday 13th, Tuesday 14th, Wednesday 15th or Thursday 16th January. Best wishes Mrs Franklin, Mrs Holt and Miss Young

    Christmas Jumper fundraising - both Infants & Junior school together raised £319 in total (£78 Infants and £241 Juniors) for Liberty's Legacy. Mrs McCarthy sends a huge thank you to everyone - Mrs McCarthy's Just Giving page is here .

    Netball kit - a massive thank you to Mrs Farshchi and the Monday evening netball players who have generously donated a set of CSG logoed netball tops for our netball team.
    Meal ordering Spring term - The menu for the Spring term is available on the website here and you can now start ordering meals for the Spring term using ParentMail. The school meal service will start on Tuesday 7th January 2025. Please note that meal orders need to be booked or changed via ParentMail and this must be done 7 days in advance for Junior School children. For the first day of term on Tuesday 7th January 2025, meal orders will need to be entered on ParentMail by Tuesday 31st December 2024If we are informed of any changes to the menu, we will let you know in advance wherever possible.
    Lost property - the lost property box in the Dining Hall will be emptied over the Christmas holiday and any unnamed items will be recycled or rehomed. If you are missing anything please take a moment to check the box at the end of school today.
    School clubs for the Spring term - details have been sent home this week - see here for details
    Our School Amazon Wish List - for any gifts, it is always lovely to know who has donated items so we can thank you properly! The link to the gift list can be found here
    Hour of Code - we hope that the children have enjoyed the hour of coding this week. Link to resources used is here 
    Clubs - details of Spring Term clubs here
    Diary dates for next week:
    Monday 6th January 
    • Inset Day for staff training


    Tuesday 7th January
    • School opens for start of new term today
    • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
    • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
    • Year 3 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
    • Music lessons - Guitar lessons with Mr Atkinson, BMT - in the Music Room during the day
    • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the Music Room during lunchtime 


    Wednesday 8th January

    • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
    • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
    • Year 5 PE day today - children to come to school in school PE Kit
    • Music lessons - Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the afternoon


    Thursday 9th January
    • Gym Club (Before School) with Springbucks in the Main hall - from 7:45am to 8:45am - entrance via Parsonage Road entrance only
    • PE for Year 4 today - children to come to school in school PE Kit
    • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the music room
    • Music lessons - Strings lessons with Mrs Priestley, BMT - in the Music Room
    • Homework club - in the IT Suite for invited pupils - 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from the Dining Hall at 4:30pm 


    Friday 10th January 
    • Reading in your child's class - parents are welcome to pop into class from 8:45am until 8:55am (gates will be open from 8:40am on Fridays)
    • Year 6 PE day today -  children will still have PE today so may want to bring in a school top for PE in the afternoon
    • Music lessons - Drum lessons with Teach me Drums - in the Music Room during the morning



    Future Dates
    Tuesday 31st December  - deadline to order school meals for first week of term
    Wednesday 15th January - Year 5 Maple class - swimming lessons begin today - details here - donations and consent can be given on ParentMail
    Friday 17th January - Acacia parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Monday 20th January - Year 6 Dodgeball PE Festival during the afternoon - details TBC

    Tuesday 21st January - Year 5 Netball PE Festival during the morning - details TBC
    Friday 24th January - Bonsai parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Friday 31st January - Beech parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Tuesday 4th February - Year 6 day trip to Warner Studios (Harry Potter)

    Tuesday 4th February - Year 5 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
    Friday 7th February - Maple parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Tuesday 11th February - Year 6 Fitness PE Festival during the morning - details TBC

    Friday 14th February - last day of half term
    Monday 24th February - school opens for new half term
    Friday 28th February - Acer parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Friday 7th March - Palm parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Friday 14th March - Oak parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    Tuesday 18th March - Year 4 Benchball  PE Festival during the morning - details TBC
    Friday 21st March - Ash parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only - TBC
    * * * * *
    Community Events - details of local events, workshops, summer camps and activities - see details here
    CSG Village Church Tractor Carols - Sunday 22nd December - details of route and timings for stops here
    PFO /  Captiv8  - PFO is using a new system called 'Coacha'. This is where you can see what's going on and sign up for any clubs or camps we have (starting with our Monday 23rd December Christmas Camp @ CSG Junior School. 9am - 4pm. £5 for the day! All profits to charity!) - 
    Chorister for a Day - to be held at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, on Sunday 19th and Sunday 26th January 2025. These events are open to both girls and boys in Years 2-3 at school who may be interested in finding out more about the opportunity of a choristership here at St George’s - details here
    Springbucks Gymnastics Holiday Camp -  23rd December - details here

    Wycombe Wanderers Football Club are running a ticket promotion of £5 on all Child (11 and under) tickets for our fixture vs Bolton Wanderers (with a full paying adult) on Friday 20th December 2024, with the game kicking off at 7.45pm. - details here
    Calm Little Minds - Christmas Camp at Holtspur School - Mon 23rd Dec 2024 - details here
    Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Peaceful and Happy New Year!
  • Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 13th December

    Fri 13 Dec 2024 Infant School
    Dear Parents/Carers,
    Christmas Productions
    It has been a very busy week with all of our Christmas shows. The children were brilliant and we are so proud of each and every one of them! Thank you to everybody who helped to make these events so special. Thank you to our wonderful PTA for supporting these events. If you have taken any pictures or videos of the productions please can we remind you not to post them on social media sites. 
    Christmas Jumper Day
    Everyone looked very festive in their Christmas jumpers today. Thank you for your donations, we have, so far, received £74 for Liberty's Legacy. If you would like to know more about this charity or make a donation of £2 or more, Mrs McCarthy (at our Junior School) is fundraising for this charity and her Just Giving page is here
    School Lunches
    The menus for the Spring term are now on the school website and ready for you to order on ParentMail.  Please note that if you would like your child to have lunch for the first day of term, you will need to have ordered by Saturday 4th January.  
    It has been great to see so many children engaging with Mathseeds this term and completing lessons, as well as seeing the enthusiasm the children have shown towards using it! The winning class for this term is Amethyst class so well done to all of you in Amethyst! Our Mathseeds super students of the term go to:
    Emerald: George
    Ruby: Dougal
    Amethyst: Henry
    Diamond: Asher
    Christmas Party Day - Thursday 19th December
    The children are looking forward to the Christmas parties and can wear their party clothes to school. Please make sure they are still dressed warmly and appropriately (no jewellery or high heeled shoes).   
    Church Service - Friday 20th December 9.15 am
    We look forward to welcoming you to the village church for our Christmas service. The church has requested that NO drinks are taken into the church.
    Last Day of Term - Time Change
    A reminder school finishes at 1.30 pm on our last day of term.
    Lost Property
    The lost property box in the playground has lots of items in it. Please have a look if you are missing anything. Any items left in the box at the end of term will be given to charity.
    Children Starting School or Moving up to Junior School - September 2025
    The portal to apply for a place through Buckinghamshire Council opened on the 5th November 2024 and closes for online applications on the 15th January 2025.
    Community & Cultural Events
    Please see here for details of events coming up in the community.
    The week ahead:
    Monday 16th December
    Tuesday 17th December


    Wednesday 18th December


    Thursday 19th December

    • Christmas Party Day


    Friday 20th December

    • Christmas Service at Village Church 9.15am - parents invited to attend
    • Friday reading 08.45 - 08.55 - Years 1 and 2
    • School finishes for Christmas at 1.30pm, Nursery ready to collect from 1.20pm

    Future Dates


    New dates in bold


    Monday 6th January 2025: INSET Day
    Tuesday 7th January: School opens at 8.45am
    Wednesday 29th January: Year 1 PE Festival
    Friday 14th February: Dress down Friday
    Friday 14th February: School closes for half term at 3.15pm
    Monday 24th February: School opens at 08.45am
    Wednesday 26th February: Year 1 visit to Northwood United Synagogue - more detail to follow
    Tuesday 4th March: Reception PE Festival
    Wednesday 26th March: Year 2 trip to Woburn Safari Park - more detail to follow
    Friday 28th March: Family Day - TBC
    Thursday 3rd April: Easter Church Service in the Village Church 9.15am - parents invited to attend
    Friday 4th April: Nursery and Reception Easter Egg Hunt - timings to follow
    Friday 4th April: Years 1 and 2 Egg Rolling - timings to follow
    Friday 4th April: Last day of Spring Term, Nursery children ready to collect from 1.20 pm. School closes at 1.30p
  • Junior - Weekly email - Friday 13th December

    Fri 13 Dec 2024 Junior School
    Dear Parents / Carers
    We hope that Year 6 enjoyed their adventures on the slopes at the Snow Centre on Tuesday. Thank you to Mrs Holt for organising this exciting trip.  Year 3 did well at the Basketball festival on Wednesday afternoon competing against other schools. Thank you to the parents who supported both of these trips. We also had some fabulous Egyptian costumes yesterday when Year 3 journeyed back to Ancient Egypt with Portals to the Past. 
    Everyone looked amazing in their Christmas jumpers today and thank you for the generous donations to support Liberty's Legacy. Mrs McCarthy is fundraising for this charity and will give us an update next week. If anyone would like to know more about this charity or make a donation of £2 or more Mrs McCarthy's Just Giving page is here
    Thank you to the PTA for running their pop up christmas present stall this afternoon - there was a lot of work involved in pre-wrapping all of the gifts and sorting labels but it all seemed to go very smoothly today. A huge thank you also to the PTA for last week's Silent Disco. We hope everyone enjoyed these events.
    Carol Services - we would like to invite parents and family members to join us for our annual Carol Service at the Village Church on Tuesday 17th December. Please note that the service timings have changed slightly from previously published. Parents are invited to join their child's year group service at the church 
    • The service for Year 3 & Year 4 is from 1:25pm to 2:20pm
    • The service for Year 5 & Year 6 is from 2:25pm to 3:20pm 


    Meal ordering Spring term - The menu for the Spring term is available on the website here and you can now start ordering meals for the Spring term using ParentMail. The school meal service will start on Tuesday 7th January 2025. Please note that meal orders need to be booked or changed via ParentMail and this must be done 7 days in advance for Junior School childrenFor the first day of term on Tuesday 7th January 2025, meal orders will need to be entered on ParentMail by Tuesday 31st December 2024If we are informed of any changes to the menu, we will let you know in advance wherever possible.
    Lost property - the lost property box in the Dining Hall will be emptied over the summer any unnamed items will be recycled or rehomed. If you are missing anything please take a moment to check the box. We have a lot of unnamed PE hoodies just now.
    Volunteer Readers - no afternoon readers in school this week - thank you all very much for your support this term. This reading time makes a huge difference for the children.
    Art Club - children have been busy in the Art Club this half term making banners and christmas cards - they have shared some images here
    School clubs for the Spring term - we will be sharing details of clubs next week for you to sign children up for the Spring Term
    Details for some of the external clubs are available already: :


    Pip Dance Academy - we are talking to a new club provider for an after school on Fridays and have a brief survey here. The survey will close at the end of the day on Tuesday 17th December.
    PFO Football club - Hi everyone, As you may or may not know, PFO is merging with another company in Aylesbury. The new company is called 'Captiv8 Life Ltd'. They have many exciting plans for the future but the clubs and camps in south bucks won't be affected. That said, the way you sign up for the club is now changing. As this club is popular and has sold out recently, we want to give you all equal opportunity to sign up to the new system before releasing the club next week.

    To sign up, click this link:

    Once you've signed up, the Captiv8 team will need to accept your application before you can then sign up for the club so make sure you do it in plenty of time. The club will be open to book on MONDAY 16TH DECEMBER AT 4PM. Any questions then please email PFO / Captiv8 will still be running their after school football club at the Junior School starting on 13th January.
    Our School Amazon Wish List - for any gifts, it is always lovely to know who has donated items so we can thank you properly! The link to the gift list can be found here
    Surplus Exercise Books - we have some exercise books that are surplus to requirement. If you would like some, there are some outside the office under the table  - blue covers with small 5mm squares - please help yourself or ask at the office.
    Hour of Code - during the last week of term children will be taking part in the Hour of Code and there are some amazing activities. There are quite a few free sites that children can explore at home (please note that there are some paid for add-ons but the main sites are free to access). Link to resources - 
    Diary dates for next week:
    Monday 16th December 
    • Year 3 PE day today - children to come to school in PE Kit
    • Year 6 SATS practice sessions during the morning (no music lessons this morning)
    • Music lessons -  Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the afternoon


    Tuesday 17th December
    • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
    • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
    • Year 6 SATS practice sessions during the morning (no music lessons this morning)
    • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the Music Room during lunchtime
    • Junior Carol Services at the Village Church: 
      • The service for Year 3 & Year 4 is from 1:25pm to 2:20pm 
      • The service for Year 5 & Year 6 is from 2:25pm to 3:20pm 
    • NO PFO Football Club today -  this club has finished for this term 
    • NO Year 5 & 6 Netball Club - this club has finished for this term 
    • Cookery Club with Smart Raspberry in the Dining Hall from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - extra catchup session today
    • No Rocky Road Club today - this club has finished for this term 


    Wednesday 18th December

    • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
    • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
    • Year 5 PE day today - children to come to school in school PE Kit
    • Music lessons - Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the afternoon
    • No Tennis club with Mark Schofield - this club has finished for this term 
    • No Year 5 & 6 Girls Football Club - this club has finished for this term
    Thursday 19th December
    • Gym Club (Before School) with Springbucks in the Main hall - from 7:45am to 8:45am - entrance via Parsonage Road entrance only
    • Christmas parties in classes this afternoon - children may wear party clothes today but remember coats and suitable shoes for the day 
    • No PE for Year 4 today 
    • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the music room
    • Music lessons - Strings lessons with Mrs Priestley, BMT - in the Music Room
    • No Girls Football Club - this club has finished for this term 
    • NO HOMEWORK club -  this club has finished for this term  
    • No Year 5 & 6 Boys Football Club -  this club has now finished 
    • No Year 3 & 4 Girls Football Club - this club has finished for this term
    • No PTA Christmas Bake sale after school today - BAKE SALE has been CANCELLED
    Friday 20th December 
    • Reading in your child's class - parents are welcome to pop into class from 8:45am until 8:55am (gates will be open from 8:40am on Fridays)
    • No PE for Year 6 today
    • Music lessons - Drum lessons with Teach me Drums - in the Music Room during the morning
    • Last day of term - early finish at 1:45pm



    Future Dates
    Tuesday 31st December  - deadline to order school meals for first week of term
    Monday 6th January 2025 - Inset Day for staff training
    Tuesday 7th January - School opens for start of new term today
    Tuesday 7th January - Year 3 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
    Thursday 9th January - Homework club restarts for Spring term
    Wednesday 15th January - Year 5 Maple class - swimming lessons begin today - details here - donations and consent can be given on ParentMail

    Monday 20th January - Year 6 Dodgeball PE Festival during the afternoon

    Tuesday 21st January - Year 5 Netball PE Festival during the morning

    Tuesday 4th February - Year 6 day trip to Warner Studios (Harry Potter)

    Tuesday 4th February - Year 5 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)

    Tuesday 11th February - Year 6 Fitness PE Festival during the morning

    Friday 14th February - last day of half term
    * * * * *
    Community Events - details of local events, workshops, summer camps and activities - see details here
    PFO /  Captiv8  - PFO are using a new system called 'Coacha'. This is where you can see what's going on and sign up for any clubs or camps we have (starting with our Monday 23rd December Christmas Camp @ CSG Junior School. 9am - 4pm. £5 for the day! All profits to charity!) - 
    Chorister for a Day - to be held at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, on Sunday 19th and Sunday 26th January 2025. These events are open to both girls and boys in Years 2-3 at school who may be interested in finding out more about the opportunity of a choristership here at St George’s - details here
    Springbucks Gymnastics Holiday Camp -  23rd December - details here

    Wycombe Wanderers Football Club are running a ticket promotion of £5 on all Child (11 and under) tickets for our fixture vs Bolton Wanderers (with a full paying adult) on Friday 20th December 2024, with the game kicking off at 7.45pm. - details here
    Calm Little Minds - Christmas Camp at Holtspur School - Mon 23rd Dec 2024 - details here
    Hope you all have a good weekend 
  • Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 6th December

    Fri 06 Dec 2024 Infant School
    Dear Parent/Carer,
    Scam calls
    We have had reports of parents being contacted by an Anti Bullying fundraiser company. Just to clarify that we are not working with any agency that is fundraising for anti-bullying and that any calls as such are not linked to the school.
    Well done to all the children who have logged onto Mathseeds - it is lovely to see how many of you have completed lessons this week. The class who has engaged with Mathseeds the most is Amethyst class with Emerald class in a close 2nd place! The children who have completed the most lessons from each class this week are:
    Emerald - Riyan and Annabelle
    Ruby - Dougal and Siena                       
    Amethyst - Vinuth and Samuel
    Diamond - Asher and Ayesha
    Christmas Jumper Day in support of Liberty's Legacy - Friday 13th December
    On Friday 13th December children may wear a Christmas Jumper or decorate their own jumper for a suggested donation of £1. We will have collection pots in school for cash donations. If anyone would like to know more about this charity or make a donation of £2 or more, Mrs McCarthy (at our Junior School) is fundraising for this charity and her Just Giving page is here
    Lost Property
    The lost property box in the playground has lots of items in it. Please have a look if you are missing anything. Any items left in the box at the end of term will be given to charity.
    Key messages from the PTA
      • Santa Grotto tickets and food pre-orders must be booked by end Sunday 8th December, limited availability
      • Make Christmas easier with a John Lewis gift voucher order by 18.00 Sunday 8th December and the school gets 4% cashback on your purchase!
    • Raffle tickets - please return money and stubs ASAP to the PTA postbox next to the infant office. If you need more, ask your class parent or message the PTA. The draw will happen at the Christmas Fayre.
      • For your support at the lights switch on we made over £500 for the school and also to our wonderful bakers and volunteers.
      • We hope you see some of the fabulous wreaths on display around the village, thanks to everyone who came to support and our organisers.
    PTA Key Dates
    • Friday 13 December - Christmas Fayre and Santa's Grotto at the Memorial Hall 15.20 - 18.00. We REALLY NEED some stall volunteers to help make it fun. Slots are either 15.10 - 16.35 or 16.30 - 18.00. Please join the volunteer WhatsApp group to let us know your availability. Some are fun/ game stalls that you can do with your children there.
    Chalfont St Giles and The Great War
    'A new book has been written on Chalfont St Giles and World War One. It describes the Parish, whose borders have changed over the years, between 1900 and 1930 and how the villages of Chalfont St Giles and Jordans were affected by the War. It includes stories of some families and gives details of those who fought and gave medical support to the front line, the casualties and where people lived.
    These books are available in the library and are free but the main sponsors asked that we seek a contribution towards an appropriate charity. We will therefore be very grateful if you would donate something for our Memorial Hall, celebrating its Centenary.
    Thank you
    Community & Cultural Events
    Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.
    The week ahead:
     Monday 9th December
    • KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - in the Memorial Hall, siblings invited
    • Reception Christmas Play 2.15pm in the Memorial Hall
    • PFO Football after school club 15.30 - 16.30 open to all year groups.


    Tuesday 10th December

    • KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - in the Memorial Hall, no siblings


    Wednesday 11th December

    • KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - in the Memorial Hall, no siblings
    • Mini Tennis Club at lunchtime 12.20 - 12.50pm - open to years 1 & 2 


    Thursday 12th December

    • Reception Christmas Play 9.15am in the Memorial Hall


    Friday 13th December

    • Nursery Christmas Play 11.00am in the School Hall
    • Christmas Jumper Day for Liberty's Legacy
    • Friday reading 08.45 - 08.55 - Years 1 and 2

    Future Dates


    New dates in bold


    Thursday 19th December: Christmas Party Day
    Friday 20th December: Christmas Service at Village Church 9.15am - parents invited to attend
    Friday 20th December: School finishes for Christmas at 1.30pm
    Monday 6th January 2025: INSET Day
    Tuesday 7th January: School opens at 8.45am
    Wednesday 29th January: Year 1 PE Festival
    Friday 14th February: Dress down Friday
    Friday 14th February: School closes for half term at 3.15pm
  • Junior - Weekly email - Friday 6th December

    Fri 06 Dec 2024 Junior School
    Dear Parents / Carers
    We hope that everyone enjoyed Beauty and the Beast on Wednesday. Many thanks for all of your generous donations that enabled everyone to enjoy this theatre show in school.
    A special thanks to our fantastic kitchen team - Ms White, Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs Rickketts who work so hard looking after the children in the Dining Hall every day. They served over 180 Christmas lunches on Wednesday with their usual good cheer. Next Wednesday we have a revised menu as other schools that St Jospehs provide meals to have their Christmas Lunches,
    Year 3 - Egyptian Day will take place on Thursday 12th December. Many thanks for your donations for this workshop by Portals to the Past. We still have a slight shortfall for this workshop. If any Year 3 parents have not yet made a contribution and are able to do so that would be very much appreciated. Payment item is Year 3 Egyptian Workshop 2024
    Christmas Jumper Day in support of Liberty's Legacy - On Friday 13th December children may wear a Christmas Jumper or decorate their own jumper for a suggested donation of £1. We will have collection pots in school for cash donations. If anyone would like to know more about this charity or make a donation of £2 or more, Mrs McCarthy is fundraising for this charity and her Just Giving page is here
    Scam calls - we have had reports of parents being contacted by an Anti Bullying fundraiser company. Just to clarify that we are not working with any agency that is fundraising for anti-bullying and that any calls as such are not linked to the school.
    Hour of Code - during the last week of term children will be taking part in the Hour of Code and there are some amazing activities. There are quite a few free sites that children can explore at home (please note that there are some paid for add-ons but the main sites are free to access). Link to resources -
    Chalfont St Giles and the Great War - a new book has been written on Chalfont St Giles and World War One.  It describes the Parish, whose borders have changed over the years, between 1900 and 1930 and how the villages of Chalfont St Giles and Jordans were affected by the War.  It includes stories of some families and gives details of those who fought and gave medical support to the front line, the casualties and where people lived.  These books are available in the library and are free but the main sponsors asked that we seek a contribution towards an appropriate charity. We will therefore be very grateful if you would donate something for our Memorial Hall, celebrating its Centenary. Thank you.
    Chalfont St Giles Community LIbrary - Returning Borrowed Library books. It was lovely to see all the classes at the library during November. The children borrowed many books. Please could you ensure that they are returned to a library by the due date which is on the date label inside the book, so avoiding fines. If you wish to renew the book, this can be done by visiting the library, going on line or phoning CSG library (01494 874732). If you cannot return the books to a library, bring the books to the school office, where they will be collected by CSG library volunteers. We look forward to seeing you again in the Library. Elaine Hoare, (CSG Library volunteer)
    Christmas cards - a polite reminder that we cannot pass on any cards, from the christmas post box, that contain sweets or chocolates. These will be returned to sender wherever possible. Thank you.
    Our School Amazon Wish List - for any gifts, it is always lovely to know who has donated items so we can thank you properly! The link to the gift list can be found here
    Surplus Exercise Books - we have some exercise books that are surplus to requirement. If you would like some, there are some outside the office under the table  - blue covers with small 5mm squares - please help yourself or ask at the office.
    Monday 9th December - School run after school clubs have now finished for the term - a new clubs timetable will be issued shortly. Clubs run by Mr Ballard and external companies continue for a little longer - the full timetable for this term is here
    We have details for the following Spring term clubs:
    Diary dates for next week:
    Monday 9th December 
    • Year 3 PE day today - children to come to school in PE Kit
    • Music lessons -  Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the day


    Tuesday 10th December
    • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
    • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
    • Year 6 trip to Snow Centre - details here - please can everyone provide sizes for equipment here - gloves can be pre-ordered on ParentMail. 
    • Bonsai Snow Centre - please be in school for 8:30am as coach departs at 8:45am - children to wear school PE kit and bring in a packed lunch
    • Acacia Snow Centre - Acacia will be leaving school late morning -  children to wear school PE kit and bring in a packed lunch
    • Music lessons - Guitar lessons with Mr Atkinson, BMT - in the Music Room during the day
    • Music assembly with Mr Atkinson's guitar students - 10:40am to 10:55am - parents of pupils playing are welcome to join us for this assembly - - entrance via main school entrance via Parsonage Road
    • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - no lessons with Mrs Wayman today
    • PFO Football Club on the School Field / Main Hall from 3:45pm to 4:45pm - pickup from the back of Main Hall - details here
    • Year 5 & 6 Netball Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit & trainers - from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from Top Playground (last session for this term)
    • Cookery Club with Smart Raspberry in the Dining Hall from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
    • No Rocky Road Club today - this club has finished for this term 


    Wednesday 11th December

    • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
    • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
    • Year 5 PE day today - children to come to school in school PE Kit
    • Open Morning for prospective parents - details herePlease email the school office to book a place on a tour. Tours at 10am and 11am and Headteachers presentation at 10:30am
    • Revised menu today - the menu is available here
    • Music lessons - Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the afternoon
    • Year 3 PE Festival (Basketball) at Amersham School - details here - children to come to school in School PE Kit - the coach will be leaving after lunch so normal lunch for Year 3 today
    • Tennis club with Mark Schofield on the Upper playground from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pickup from Top Playground - details here
    • No Year 5 & 6 Girls Football Club - this club has now finished
    Thursday 12th December
    • Gym Club (Before School) with Springbucks in the Main hall - from 7:45am to 8:45am - entrance via Parsonage Road entrance only
    • Year 3 Egyptian Day - details here
    • Year 4 PE day today - children to come to school in PE Kit
    • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the music room
    • Music lessons - Strings lessons with Mrs Priestley, BMT - in the Music Room
    • Girls Football Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit, trainers and shin pads - for Years 3 & 4 from 3:30pm to 4:45pm (please can girls change in their classrooms at the end of the day) - pick up from Top Playground (last session for this term)
    • Homework club - in IT Suite for invited pupils - 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from the Dining Hall at 4:30pm (please note that this is the last homework club for this term)
    • No Year 5 & 6 Boys Football Club -  this club has now finished 
    • Year 3 & 4 Girls Football Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit & trainers or football bootsfrom 3:30pm to  4:30pm - pick up from Top Playground (last session for this club)
    Friday 13th December 
    • Reading in your child's class - parents are welcome to pop into class from 8:45am until 8:55am (gates will be open from 8:40am on Fridays)
    • Christmas Jumper Day in support of Liberty's Legacy - children may wear a christmas jumper or decorate their own jumper for a suggested donation of £1
    • Year 6 PE day today -  children will still have PE today so may want to bring in a school top for PE in the afternoon
    • Music lessons - Drum lessons with Teach me Drums - in the Music Room during the day
    • PTA pop up Christmas shopping afternoon - children will have the chance to select pre-ordered gifts. Labels have been sent home - please they can be filled in and returned to school (in the coloured, named envelopes provided by the PTA. 
    • Street Dance with Tuffney Performing Arts - in the Main Hall from 3:30pm to 4:15pm - details here
    Future Dates
    Monday 16th December - Year 6 SATS practice sessions during the morning (no music lessons this morning)
    Monday 16th December - Hour of Code - during the last week of term children will be taking part in the Hour of Code and there are some amazing activities. There are quite a few free sites that children can explore at home (please note that there are some paid for add-ons but the main sites are free to access). Link to resources - 
    Monday 16th December - No afternoons readers in school this week - thank you
    Tuesday 17th December - Year 6 SATS practice sessions during the morning (no music lessons this morning)
    Tuesday 17th December - Junior Carol Services at the Village Church - Year 3 & 4 from 1:35pm to 2:20pm and Year 5 & 6 from 2:30pm to 3:15pm - parents are invited to attend their child's service at the village church 
    Tuesday 17th December - Extra Smart Raspberry Cookery Club to make up for session missed on 17th December
    Thursday 19th December - Christmas parties in classes this afternoon - children may wear party clothes today but remember coats and suitable shoes for the day
    Thursday 19th December - PTA Christmas Bake sale - details on Classlist
    Friday 20th December - last day of term - early finish at 1:45pm
    Monday 6th January 2025 - Inset Day for staff training
    Tuesday 7th January - School opens for start of new term today
    Tuesday 7th January - Year 3 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
    Thursday 9th January - Homework club restarts for Spring term
    Wednesday 15th January - Year 5 Maple class - swimming lessons begin today - details here - donations and consent can be given on ParentMail
    Monday 20th January - Year 6 Dodgeball PE Festival during the afternoon
    Tuesday 21st January - Year 5 Netball PE Festival during the morning
    Tuesday 4th February - Year 6 day trip to Warner Studios (Harry Potter)
    Tuesday 4th February - Year 5 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
    Tuesday 11th February - Year 6 Fitness PE Festival during the morning
    Friday 14th February - last day of half term
    * * * * *
    Community Events - details of local events, workshops, summer camps and activities - see details here
    GX Squash club intro offer - 15th Dec 2024 - details here
    Calm Little Minds - Christmas Camp at Holtspur School - Mon 23rd Dec 2024 - details here
    Hope you all have a good weekend and apologies for the very long email this week
  • Junior - Weekly email - Friday 29th November

    Fri 29 Nov 2024 Junior School
    Dear Parents / Carers
    We hope that Year 5 and 6 enjoyed their trips to the library this week - it was lovely to see Mrs Peal there on Tuesday afternoon. 
    Congratulations to the drumming students for a great assembly this afternoon. 
    School Council Meeting - on Wednesday we had a School Council meeting in school - meeting minutes are here
    Hour of Code - during the last week of term children will be taking part in the Hour of Code and there are some amazing activities. There are quite a few free sites that children can explore at home (please note that there are some paid for add-ons but the main sites are free to access). Link to resources - 
    Year 3 - In Literacy, Year 3 are designing and making their own 'Tin Forest' in a shoe box. If you have a spare shoe box floating around please can you send it in with your child. Also if you can spare a little bit of tin foil that would be great. We have some but any extra would be much appreciated. Many thanks, Miss Payne and Ms Preston
    Year 3 - Egyptian Day will take place on Thursday 12th December. Many thanks for your donations for this workshop by Portals to the Past. We still have a slight shortfall for this workshop. If any Year 3 parents have not yet made a contribution and are able to do so that would be very much appreciated. Payment item is Year 3 Egyptian Workshop 2024
    CSG Village Lights - the Village Lights will be switched on this weekend Saturday 30th November- details here
    Panto - many thanks for your generous donations towards the cost of the M&M Productions pantomime. We hope that the children enjoy seeing Beauty and the Beast on Wednesday morning.
    Christmas post - The Junior School Christmas Post Service will open next week for children to send cards to their friends in school. Please can the recipient child's full name and class be written on the envelope. We ask that no chocolate coins or sweets of any sort are included with the cards because of allergies. Many thanks.
    Library volunteers - now that the school library is up and running, we would like to open it up at lunchtimes for the children to use and enjoy. We would be really grateful for any volunteers (with a current school DBS) who may be able to give up 30 mins of their time each week to open the library and to check books in and out. We would like to be able to open the library between 12:50 and 1:15pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please contact the office if you would be interested in this role. Mrs Franklin
    Our School Amazon Wish List - for any gifts, it is always lovely to know who has donated items so we can thank you properly! The link to the gift list can be found here
    Surplus Exercise Books - we have some exercise books that are surplus to requirement. If you would like some, there are some outside the office under the table  - blue covers with small 5mm squares - please help yourself or ask at the office.
    Diary dates for next week:
    Monday 2nd December 
    • Year 3 PE day today - children to come to school in PE Kit
    • Music lessons -  Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the day


    Tuesday 3rd December
    • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
    • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
    • Year 4 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
    • Music lessons - Guitar lessons with Mr Atkinson, BMT - in the Music Room during the day
    • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the Music Room at lunchtime
    • Lego club in Acer with Mrs Rooney
    • PFO Football Club on the School Field / Main Hall from 3:45pm to 4:45pm - pickup from the back of Main Hall - details here
    • Year 5 & 6 Netball Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit & trainers - from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from Top Playground
    • No Smart Raspberry Cookery club today   
    • Rocky Road club after school with Mrs Rock & Mr Shankland for invited children in the ATA room from 3:30pm to 4:30pm   (last session of the term for this club)


    Wednesday 4th December

    • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
    • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
    • Year 5 PE day today - children to come to school in school PE Kit
    • Beauty and the Beast Panto in school this morning - M&M Productions are visiting our school - contributions may be made on ParentMail
    • Christmas Lunch is being served today - order as normal on ParentMail by Monday 25th November - the menu is available here
    • Music lessons - Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the afternoon
    • Drama Club - Year 5 & 6 club - Main Hall from 12.20 to 12.50 with Mrs Thomson
    • Beech Class swimming lesson - details here (last lesson)
    • Tennis club with Mark Schofield on the Upper playground from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pickup from Top Playground - details here
    • Year 5 & 6 Girls Football Club with Mr O'Sullivan on the Top Field / Main Hall - football boots & shin pads plus football kit or PE kit - from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from the back of the Main Hall (last session of the term for this club)
    • NO Year 3 Multisports Club until further notice
    Thursday 5th December
    • Gym Club (Before School) with Springbucks in the Main hall - from 7:45am to 8:45am - entrance via Parsonage Road entrance only
    • Year 4 PE day today - children to come to school in PE Kit
    • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the music room
    • Music assembly with Mrs Wayman's piano and woodwind students & Mrs Priestley's strings students - 10:40am to 10:55am - parents of pupils playing are welcome to join us for this assembly- entrance via main school entrance via Parsonage Road
    • Music lessons - Strings lessons with Mrs Priestley, BMT - in the Music Room
    • Girls Football Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit, trainers and shin pads - for Years 3 & 4 from 3:30pm to 4:45pm (please can girls change in their classrooms at the end of the day) - pick up from Top Playground
    • Homework club - in IT Suite for invited pupils - 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from the Dining Hall at 4:30pm
    • Year 5 & 6 Boys Football Club with Mr Holmes on the Top Field / Main Hall - football boots & shin pads plus football kit or PE kit - from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from the back of the Main Hall  (last session of the term for this club)
    • Year 3 & 4 Girls Football Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit & trainers or football bootsfrom 3:30pm to  4:30pm - pick up from Top Playground
    Friday 6th December 
    • Reading in your child's class - parents are welcome to pop into class from 8:45am until 8:55am (gates will be open from 8:40am on Fridays)
    • Year 6 PE day today -  children to come to school in PE Kit
    • Music lessons - Drum lessons with Teach me Drums - in the Music Room during the day
    • Music assembly with Mr Vlad Rakovskis's drumming students 1:20pm to 1:35pm - parents of pupils playing are welcome to join us for this assembly - entrance via main school entrance via Parsonage Road (Note new date and time)
    • Street Dance with Tuffney Performing Arts - in the Main Hall from 3:30pm to 4:15pm - details here
    • PTA Kids Silent Disco – 5:30pm to 7pm - see Classlist for details and ticket orders
    Future Dates
    Monday 9th December - school run after school clubs have now finished for the term - a new clubs timetable will be issued shortly
    Tuesday 10th December - Year 6 trip to Snow Centre - details here - please can everyone provide sizes for equipment here - gloves can be pre-ordered on ParentMail
    Tuesday 10th December - Music assembly with Mr Atkinson's guitar students - 10:40am to 10:55am - parents of pupils playing are welcome to join us for this assembly - - entrance via main school entrance via Parsonage Road
    Wednesday 11th December - Open Morning for prospective parents - details herePlease email the school office to book a place on a tour. Tours at 10am and 11am and Headteachers presentation at 10:30am
    Wednesday 11th December - Year 3 PE Festival (Basketball) at Amersham School - details here
    Wednesday 11th December - revised menu today - the menu is available here
    Thursday 12th December - Year 3 Egyptian Day - details here
    Thursday 12th December - last homework club for this term
    Friday 13th December - Christmas Jumper Day in support of Liberty's Legacy - children may wear a christmas jumper or decorate their own jumper for a suggested donation of £1
    Friday 13th December - PTA pop up Christmas shopping afternoon - you can now place orders on Classlist. Can all orders please be placed by Monday 24th November to allow the PTA enough time to buy a selection of gifts
    Monday 16th December - Year 6 SATS practice sessions during the morning (no music lessons this morning)
    Tuesday 17th December - Year 6 SATS practice sessions during the morning (no music lessons this morning)
    Tuesday 17th December - Junior Carol Services at the Village Church - Year 3 & 4 from 1:35pm to 2:20pm and Year 5 & 6 from 2:30pm to 3:15pm - parents are invited to attend their child's service at the church - final details TBC
    Tuesday 17th December - Extra Smart Raspberry Cookery Club to make up for session missed on 17th December
    Thursday 19th December - Christmas parties in classes this afternoon - children may wear party clothes today but remember coats and suitable shoes for the day
    Thursday 19th December - PTA Christmas Bake sale - details TBC
    Friday 20th December - last day of term - early finish at 1:45pm
    Monday 6th January 2025 - Inset Day for staff training
    Tuesday 7th January - School opens for start of new term today
    Tuesday 7th January - Year 3 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
    Thursday 9th January - Homework club restarts for Spring term
    Wednesday 15th January - Year 5 Maple class - swimming lessons begin today - details here - donations and consent can be given on ParentMail
    Monday 20th January - Year 6 Dodgeball PE Festival during the afternoon
    Tuesday 21st January - Year 5 Netball PE Festival during the morning
    Tuesday 4th February - Year 6 day trip to Warner Studios (Harry Potter)
    Tuesday 4th February Year 5 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
    Tuesday 11th February - Year 6 Fitness PE Festival during the morning
    Friday 14th February - last day of half term
    * * * * *
    Community Events - details of local events, workshops, summer camps and activities - see details here
    Woodrow - Christmas Fayre on Sunday 1st December 2024, from 11am until 3pm - details here
    Amersham Band - live music to The Snowman - details here
    CSG Parish CHurch - Gingerbread house making sessions - details here
    Calm Little Minds - Christmas Camp at Holtspur School - Mon 23rd Dec 2024 - details here
    Hope you all have a good weekend
  • Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 29th November

    Fri 29 Nov 2024 Infant School
    Dear Parent/Carer
    Candlelight Parade for Years 1 and 2
    We are looking forward to seeing the children taking part in the Candlelight Parade on Saturday evening. Please be in the school playground at 4.45 p.m.  Please bring your lantern back to school on Monday morning.
    Christmas Post Box 
    The post box will be available in Reception from Monday for the children to post cards to their friends. Please ensure that the child's full name and class is written on the envelope to help the elves deliver them! Please ensure that sweets and chocolate are NOT put into envelopes or brought into school.
    Christmas Lunch Day - Wednesday 4th December
    Children are invited to wear a festive jumper over their regular school uniform should they wish to for this occasion. 
    Google Classroom
    Google classroom is finally up and running! Please login to your child's account with their user name and password (this information is in your child's reading record). Once logged in your child's current class should show with an option to 'join'. Please click to join the class. If you have any queries please contact the school office.
    Please make sure you have logged on to Google Classroom and accepted / joined the class invite by Monday 2nd December so that your child can be allocated their spellings / maths homework on Wednesday.
    Christmas Jumper Day for Liberty's Legacy - Friday 13th December
    Children are invited to wear a Christmas jumper or decorate their school jumper for a suggested £1 donation 
    Key messages from the PTA
    • Christmas Fayre - only 14 Santa Grotto tickets remaining secure now with personalised letters from Santa and food pre-orders here. 
    • WE NEED YOU! Desperate call for volunteers for the village lights switch on this Saturday - only 1 hour of your time needed at this lovely festive community event! Please email if you can.
    • ELFRIDGES - if you have purchased tickets for your child please send in with a carrier/ reusable bag on Monday.
    • Raffle tickets please return money and stubs ASAP to the PTA postbox next to the infant office. If you need more, ask your class parent or message the PTA. The draw will happen at the Christmas Fayre.
    • Thank you for all the coloured raffle donations, some of the hampers are starting to look amazing... If you haven't and can please donate please pass to your class parent.
    • Shopping vouchers - leaflets and order forms were in book bags. Deadline to order is 1 December. This is such an easy way to make money for the PTA - please do consider it for Christmas shopping/ gifts.
    PTA Key Dates
    • Sat 30 November - Village lights switch on - come and support our stall
    • Mon 2 December - 'Elfridges if purchased, the children will pop out of class on Monday to the gift shop to select their gifts. 
    • Wed 4 December - Wreath Making night - excellent value and great fun with friends. Ticket deadline 6pm TODAY
    • Fri 13 December - Christmas Fayre and Santa's Grotto - lots of planning underway to make even better than last year!
    Community & Cultural Events
    Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.
    The week ahead:
    Saturday 30th November
    • Christmas Lighting Ceremony Event - on the village green between 2.30pm and 6.30pm
    Monday 2nd December
    • PFO Football after school club 15.30 - 16.30 open to all year groups.


    Tuesday 3rd December


    Wednesday 4th December

    • Wednesday 4th December: M & M Production Beauty and the Beast
    • Christmas lunch
    • Mini Tennis Club at lunchtime 12.20 - 12.50pm - open to years 1 & 2 


    Thursday 5th December


    Friday 6th December

    • Friday reading 08.45 - 08.55 - Years 1 and 2

    Future Dates


    New dates in bold


    Monday 9th December: KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - siblings invited
    Monday 9th December: Reception Christmas Play 2.15pm
    Tuesday 10th December: KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - no siblings
    Wednesday 11th December: KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - no siblings
    Thursday 12th December: Reception Christmas Play 9.15am
    Friday 13th December: Nursery Christmas Play 11.00am
    Friday 13th December: Christmas Jumper Day for Liberty's Legacy
    Thursday 19th December: Christmas Party Day
    Friday 20th December: Christmas Service at Village Church 9.15am - parents invited to attend
    Friday 20th December: School finishes for Christmas at 1.30pm
    Monday 6th January 2025: INSET Day
    Tuesday 7th January: School opens at 8.45am
    Wednesday 29th January: Year 1 PE Festival
    Friday 14th February: Dress down Friday
    Friday 14th February: School closes for half term at 3.15pm
