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Welcome to Reception!


Our Foundation level Reception Team for 2024-2025:


Class Teachers - Mrs Stainbank and Mrs O'Dwyer (Fridays) in Pearl Class. 


Class Teachers - Miss Cockle and Mrs O'Dwyer (Thursdays) in Sapphire Class. 


LSAs (Learning Support Assistants support the class teachers) are Mrs Brittain, Mrs Jukes & Mrs Smit


SSAs (Special Support Assistants who work with individual children) are: Miss Douglas, Mrs Manzoor, Mr Walker & Mrs Wade.


Our Sapphire Class Parent Rep is TBC and the Pearl Class Parent Rep is TBC

2024-2025 Letters and Information

2023-2024 Letters and Information

Reception Information for Parents 2023-2024


PE & Games


  • Reception PE sessions will begin afterhalf term, we will let you know which day nearer the time. This will give you plenty of time to practise getting dressed and undressed.
  • Please ensure your child brings their PE kit into school as soon as possible and that all clothing is clearly named (including shoes!)
  • Please can you place some spare underwear and socks in their PE bag in case of an accident.




  • Autumn – All About Me and Celebrations
  • Spring – Houses and Homes and Growing
  • Summer – All Around The world and Minibeasts


Other activities


  • The children visit the library once a week. Please make sure their books are in school. A parent usually runs the library sessions for us. You will be notified when this is starting.  
  • We enjoy working alongside our parent helpers. Thank you to all of you who give up your time. Please let us know if you are DBS checked through the school and would like to help.
  • Forest School will take place on a Wednesday morning with Mrs Evans. You will get a letter when it is your child`s turn.  
  • Pearl class are starting Forest School tomorrow. Sapphire will be after half term.

What to expect, when? A parent's guide


An information booklet designed to help you as a parent/carer find out more about how your child is learning and developing during their first five years, in relation to the EYFS. Children develop more rapidly during the first five years of their lives than at any other time. This booklet has been written to help you as a parent know what to expect during these vitally important years by focusing on the seven areas of learning and development which are covered in the EYFS.


Booklet source:
