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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

The Year 1 Team for 2024/2025


Class Teacher - Mrs Bannister (Monday to Wednesday) and Mrs Burge (Wednesday to Friday) in Emerald Class.


Class Teacher - Miss Foxe in Ruby Class.


Our LSAs (Learning Support Assistants who help the class teacher) are:

Mrs Knight & Mrs Herriott


Our SSAs (Special Support Assistants who work with individual children) are:

Ms Douglas & Mrs Manzoor


Our Year 1 Class Parent Reps are

Emerald Class Parent Rep TBC 

Ruby Class Parent Rep TBC.

2024-2025 Letters and Information

Year 1 Reminders - 2023-2024 - tp be updated for 2024/2025


PE Day


Both classes will have PE on a Monday afternoon for the first half of the Autumn term.


  • Children need to come into school wearing their PE kit.  Please label all kit clearly.
  • After half term, Emerald class will have PE on a Tuesday and Ruby class will be on a Thursday


Our Topics and key books/authors for this coming year:




Science -seasons and materials

Key authors -Jill Murphy and Shirley Hughes



Our Village Fete

Science -seasons and plants

Key authors -Michael Rosen and Fairy Tales



Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

Science -seasons and humans and other animals

Key authors –Julia Donaldson and The Ahlbergs


Trips and enrichment activities


  • Trip related to toys topic (tbc)
  • Pantomime (Christmas)
  • Village Fete (Spring)
  • Ruislip Lido (Summer)
  • Sports festivals (Multi Skills Amersham 29th Nov)
  • Library visits (dates tbc)
  • Cross site reading

Key Authors for Year 1
