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Key Information - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


CSG Graduated Approach


Attached below is a PDF showing a flow chart of our school's Graduated Approach to Special Educational Needs.

Personalised Learning


Personalised Learning enables the school to support as many pupils as possible with diverse needs and experiences to ensure that all are able to progress, achieve and participate and reach the highest standards possible.


The progress of the individual is ensured by:


  • designing teaching and the curriculum to address the needs of the individual pupil.

  • an approach to teaching and learning that focuses on an individual's potential and learning skills.

  • whole-class and group interactions.

  • tailored, focused intervention for pupils.

  • continuous assessment.


Arrangements are made to enable access to the curriculum and to meet the needs of any pupil being identified as being in need of additional support through either Special Needs or Able, Gifted and Talented provision.


Personalised Learning enables support for academic guidance and incorporates personal development and well being alongside opportunities to take responsibility and contribute to school life.


Pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability


The school strives to ensure that pupils who have disabilities or other Special Educational Needs are fully included in school life and are able to fully access the curriculum through the carefully planned and individually tailored provision.


The school’s provision for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is co-ordinated by Miss Pierpoint the Special Educational Needs Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO). She works across both the Junior and Infant school sites which allows for consistency of provision across the school.


Donna Westall is the school’s named governor for Special Educational Needs and Disability.


The school follows the SEN Code of Practice in identifying and supporting children which is in the process of being updated.


Able, Gifted or Talented Pupils


Provision is also made for more able pupils through the extended curriculum and through a variety of opportunities across and outside the school, for example the opportunity to work with pupils at other schools within our network learning community.

Key Information - SEN School Offer


School Offer / SEN Annual Report


The School Offer is part of Bucks LEA Local Offer which can be found on the Bucks Family Information Service.

To contact Miss Pierpoint please phone either school office or use the contact form below.

SENDCO Contact Form

Miss Pierpoint will be our SENDCO for 2023/2024
