Mrs L Stainbank (Infant School) and Mr T O'Sullivan (Junior School) are our PE Curriculum Leaders.
At Chalfont St Giles Village School, we believe that every child should enjoy a range of
experiences within physical education and sport. Through our extensive curriculum, extra-
curricular clubs and other school sport opportunities, we promote positive attitudes to health and
wellbeing, the development of fundamental skills and a love for being active.
We believe that Physical Education (PE), experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is
essential to ensure children attain optimum physical and emotional development and good
health. We intend to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all
children to succeed in physical education and in developing life skills. We want to teach children
skills to keep them safe, such as being able to swim. We also want to teach children how to
cooperate and collaborate with others as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and
equity of play to embed life-long values. Our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness
of all children at our school, through the sporting skills we teach as well as through the
underpinning values and disciplines PE promotes.
During physical education lessons, children develop fundamental skills and knowledge. As well
as developing physical PE skills we also encourage creativity, collaboration and self-challenge.
Our curriculum equips children with the essential abilities to maximise potential, and enjoy long-
term participation in physical activity and sport. We use the Complete PE scheme to support
teaching and learning across the school.
Across the year children consolidate and further develop their skills through a range of
competitive activities, which include games such as tag rugby, football, cricket, high 5 netball,
gymnastics, dance and athletics.
Through our community links and membership of our Buckinghamshire School Sports
Partnership, our children attend competitive sporting events including ‘PE festivals’ within the
local area. All these festivals embody an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not
only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and
leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the children.
At the Infant School we have a great scheme called Play Leaders, whereby Year 2 children are
trained to lead games and play with the younger children. This is a great opportunity to develop
valuable communication, organisation and leadership skills.
At the Junior School we have a fantastic scheme called Sports Leaders, whereby Year 6
children plan and lead a club for four weeks. Sports Leaders have run a variety of clubs for year
three and four children including: tag rugby, netball, gymnastics, badminton, circuits, football,
basketball and dance. This is an opportunity for children to learn valuable planning, organisation,
communication and leadership skills.
Swimming is currently offered to Year 5 children for 10 weeks of a term. Those children not
meeting the NC objectives are offered top-up swimming in Year 6.
Change 4 Life is a national initiative aimed at getting both children and adults to:
Eat well. Move more. Live longer.
We run a ‘Change 4 Life’ club for selected children to increase their physical activity and improve
their wellbeing. The children have a huge bag of equipment, which is exclusive to the club, and
are able to choose what activities they do during the session. For example: archery, bowling,
cheerleading, javelin, skipping, blindfolded pair work and many more!
This is a great opportunity for children to:
Wake and Shake and Activity Sessions
‘Activity sessions’ are used at our Infant School. They include activities such as action songs,
skipping and using the hula-hoop. We do these sessions after lunch to wake us all up ready for
the afternoon's learning - both children and staff!
'Wake and Shake'; and ‘Activity Sessions’ are used at our Junior school. ‘Wake and Shake’ is a
simple routine set to music that we do as a whole school for five minutes every day. The easy-to-
follow routines are set to popular songs that the children are thoroughly enjoying. Each year
group takes it in turns to choreograph and lead their own routines for the rest of the class. When
the weather is nice we do this on the playground too! Activity sessions are also 5 minutes each
day. They include activities such as action songs, skipping and using the hula-hoop. We do
these sessions after lunch to wake us all up ready for the afternoon's learning - both children and staff!
An extensive range of lunchtime and after school activities support our curriculum, and form the
link to competitive opportunities. Link to clubs.
Staff track the success of each child in our distance marking sheets, noting who has exceeded
expectations and those that need further support or practice so that we ensure all children
We help motivate children to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is
engaging and fun. From our lessons, our children learn to take responsibility for their own health
and fitness, many of whom also enjoy the success of competitive sports. We equip our children
with the necessary skills and a love for sport. They will hopefully grow up to live happy and
healthy lives utilising the skills and knowledge acquired through PE.
Sports Week involves a whole week of exciting, gentle competitive team games as well as the
opportunity to experience new ways of being active. Activities include events such as a joint
school mini-marathon, skipping workshops, multi skills carousal of activities and many more
challenges. On the last day we end our week with a well attended sports day which gives each
child the opportunity to participate in games and races of a gently competitive nature whilst being
supported by their teachers, peers and parents.