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Mrs A O'Dwyer (Infant School) and Ms N Shine (Junior School) are our Science Curriculum Leaders.




Science is a way of viewing and making sense of the world. It can explain natural and man-made events and develop logical thinking. 

Our Science Vision:  We want the children at CSG to enjoy learning scientific concepts, questioning how things work and possessing the skills to find out themselves. With our curriculum and learning environment, we want children to be enthused and inspired to develop a lifelong interest in science and to ignite their curiosity and encourage them to confidently explore and discover the ever changing world around them. 


 We aim to:


  • enhance knowledge, skills and understanding of scientific concepts.
  • talk about and explain their understanding of concepts, skills and methods as well as listen to others.
  • prepare children to use science in the wider world.
  • enjoy science.
  • become independent scientists.
  • be able to apply knowledge and skills to scientific tasks.
  • provide equal opportunities for all children.




During a child’s time in Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception), they will develop awareness of science in the world around them. In the Foundation Stage curriculum, this is part of the specific area, Understanding the World. Please refer to the area of our website dedicated to the Early Years Curriculum for more information about developing scientific understanding at this early stage.


Science is taught in Key Stage 1 and 2 (Year 1-6) using the science National Curriculum 2014. The curriculum is organised into different units for KS1, Lower KS2 (Years 3 & 4) and Upper KS2 (Years 5 & 6). Progression is built into the planning to allow children to develop their independence when working scientifically as they progress throughout the school.


We plan for opportunities for active learning. This includes encouraging the children to: verbalise what they are doing and why, tackle a range of tasks involving practical investigations and problem solving, and apply their knowledge and skills to work across the curriculum. Teachers’ expectations are high and matched to the ability and experience of individual children.


All Science lessons include a Bright Idea (to get the children thinking scientifically and articulating their thoughts). This is followed by the main part of the lesson where the focus is on developing key skills from the science topic being taught and discussing children’s understanding.


We are always looking for ways to ensure that the learning and teaching of science is exciting, relevant and inspiring. As part of this drive, we have achieved the 2022 Quality Mark for Science and further developed our provision by achieving the Silver Quality Mark from the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom.




Children's work is assessed continuously in line with EYFS and National Curriculum requirements and the school's record-keeping and assessment policy. Observational and written assessments are made as an integral part of the child's work. Assessments carried out throughout each strand of work are used to inform future planning and helping children know the next steps in their learning. Pupils' science progress is tracked by the class teacher and whole school analysis is completed by the Assessment Lead and Subject Lead each term.


We are always working to develop our practice in Science and to develop children’s knowledge and understanding. In 2022, we attained the Primary Science Quality Mark.


The summary of our report reads:


 A well-structured PSQM submission. The reviewer enjoyed reading this submission which oozes both determination to improve and reflection on evidence of improvement. Many stakeholders are involved both internally and externally and this school is clearly committed to the developmental journey for science. A well-deserved PSQM celebration.


Congratulations to Mr Holmes and Mrs O’Dwyer and all at Chalfont St Giles on a well-deserved Primary Science Quality Mark. It’s wonderful to see the progress you have been able to make during a challenging year for everyone. I wish you every success with the continuing development of science at your school. We are very proud of this achievement and thank Mr Holmes and Mrs O’Dwyer for their hard work alongside the determination and enthusiasm of all staff to provide our children with the best possible experience and opportunities.

Whole School Science Overview


Year Group

Science Topic


  • Seasonal Changes – discussing changes and children’s observations of these.

  • Developing small world play – for example a  toy farm or  garage.

  • Investigating the natural world – exploring outside, visiting woodland, bug hunting, nocturnal animals,

  • Similarities and differences in the world around them – floating and sinking, light and dark and reflection, exploring magnets,

  • Observation of plants and animals and changes that occur over time– planting seeds and bulbs, flowers and vegetables, growing investigations, life cycles, animals around the world, comparing different habitats


Year 1

  • Seasonal Changes – observing and talking about changes in the weather and the world across the four seasons.

  • Everyday Materials – distinguishing between objects and the material it is made from; naming everyday materials, describing physical properties; comparing and grouping materials based on their properties.

  • Animals including humans – identifying and naming; structures of animals; human body parts and senses.

  • Plants – naming wild and garden plants and trees, observation and discussion of planting and growing, basic parts of plants and trees.


Year 2

  • Uses of everyday materials – suitability of different materials for different uses according to their properties, people who developed new materials, how shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed.

  • Living things and their habitats – living / not living; suitability of different habitats for different plants and animals; simple food chains;

  • Animals including humans – life cycles; basic needs for survival; importance of exercise, healthy eating and hygiene.

  • Plants – plant life cycles; needs of plants to grow and stay healthy.


Year 3

  • Animals including humans – needs, including nutrition

  • Plants – needs, parts of a plant/flower; life cycle of plants

  • Rocks – compare and group different kinds of rocks

  • Light – reflections and shadows

  • Forces and magnets – poles; attraction/repelling; comparing different materials


Year 4

  • Animals including humans – food chains; teeth; digestion

  • Living things and their habitats – classification; habitats and changing environments

  • States of matter – evaporation and condensation in the Water Cycle; solids, liquids and gases; temperature

  • Sound – vibrations; patterns; pitch and volume

  • Electricity – conduction and insulation; series circuits; switches


Year 5

  • Animals including humans – Changes as humans develop to old age

  • Living things and their habitats – reproduction of different types of animals and plants (including humans)

  • Forces and magnets – resistances; gravity; levers, pulleys and gears

  • Earth and space – movements of the moon; orbit of planets around the sun; day/night/sunrise

  • Materials – dissolving; mixtures/solutions; comparing everyday materials scientifically (hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity, response to magnets); irreversible and reversible changes


Year 6

  • Animals including humans – impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the body; human circulatory system (heart, blood vessels and blood); nutrients and how they are transported within animals (including humans)

  • Living things and their habitats – classification of plants and animals based on specific characteristics; describe different broad groups of organisms (microorganisms, plants, animals etc.)

  • Light – travels in straight lines; sight and how the eye works

  • Electricity – voltage; circuit symbols when drawing a circuit diagram; comparing different components

  • Evolution and inheritance – plants’ and animals’ adaptations to their environments; evolution; variation of offspring; fossils

