Thank you for visiting the website of Chalfont St Giles Village School. I hope you find the information here useful.
Chalfont St Giles Village School, located in Buckinghamshire, in the heart of the Chilterns, was formed in 2011 and is a Hard Federation between Chalfont St Giles Infant School and Chalfont St Giles Junior School.
The school has a caring ethos based upon nurturing principles where children are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning and embrace challenge.
Our vision “Happily Achieving Together - Nurturing Success” underpins our belief that every child has skills and talents that will develop and blossom in our supportive, dynamic and challenging environment.
The school has a proud tradition of high academic standards as well as focusing upon the development of the whole child through providing opportunities and success in many spheres of school life.
We offer a well-balanced and stimulating curriculum that encourages children to develop a positive attitude to their learning. Teaching and learning are engaging, relevant and responsive to current events, bringing the world into the classroom and taking the classroom out into the world.
Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) further enhances our children’s love of learning. We believe that all children have the right to experience the unique and special nature of learning beyond the classroom through a wide range of high quality experiences such as Forest School, workshops, trips and residential visits. Our outdoor learning is integrated into our whole curriculum. We ensure that experiences and sessions are frequent and progressive with a continuous sequence of learning both in and out door.
We set high standards and have high expectations for all our children, both in their learning and behaviour. We strive to ensure that all cultures, faiths and backgrounds are embraced and children show respect for each other and the community.
We aim to ensure our pupils develop enquiring minds and acquire the relevant skills, attitudes and knowledge, including a life-long love of learning, to prepare them as they progress in their education. We also encourage a healthy attitude towards physical activity, diet and emotional well-being through a wide range of experiences and learning opportunities. These include developing a strong set of positive learning behaviours and a good understanding of how our brains work.
The school benefits from a dedicated and hard-working staff who work closely with the parents, pupils and other stakeholders to ensure the school is constantly looking to improve and create the very best learning environment for all those within our school community. The school is also active in the local community.
Our school is committed to a culture where safeguarding is at the centre of our care for our pupils and you can find out more here (link to Safeguarding page)
Visitors to our school often comment on the supportive, caring atmosphere and respectful, warm interactions between all members of our community. If you are interested in finding out more about our school first hand, please come and visit us.
Alastair Haywood
A Hard Federation is where two or more schools operate under one governing body and a single headteacher while keeping their own identities in respect of budget, admissions and performance.