We thought you would also like to see the end of year results for the whole school.
Good level of development: 74% attained the expected standard
81% attained the standard
Reading - 83% at expected level with 35% at greater depth
Writing - 80% at expected level with 23% at greater depth
Maths - 90% at expected level with 30%at greater depth
Science - 95% at expected level
Reading- 89% at expected with 46% at greater depth
Spelling and grammar (SPAG) - 74% at expected with 34% at greater depth
Writing - 69% at expected with 13% at greater depth
Maths - 82% at expected with 39% at greater depth
Reading, writing and maths combined - 64% at expected and 11% at greater depth.
We would like to congratulate all of the children for their hard work and thank all of the staff for their dedication and commitment.