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Remote Learning



Remote learning is provided for children who are not able to attend school for an extended period of time for reasons of health, personal circumstance discussed and agreed with the Headteacher or due to a national pandemic situation.


Our remote learning provision aims to ensure that:


    • Children across the school benefit from a well-planned and sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject each day
    • Lessons and activities are set so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects
    • Lessons include provision of frequent, clear explanations of new content
    • Teachers can gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum using tasks set and work submitted for feedback
    • Teachers are able to adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to work submitted and contact with children
    • Teachers plan a programme that is of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school


Google Classroom


In most situations, remote learning is communicated and managed via Google Classroom.

During normal operation Google Classroom is used to communicate homework tasks and some pupil reminders. This ensures that pupils are thoroughly familiar with the platform if it needs to be used at short notice.


If remote learning is required for whole classes or the school, we will use Google Classroom.

This will allow staff to keep in contact in a professional and confidential manner with their class. Teachers will be able to schedule learning in a manner that does not overwhelm our children. Teaching and learning can be tailored, changed and updated as time progresses, allowing for replication of classroom activity to the best of our ability.


It must be noted that the work children engage in during a period of closure will be part of our current planning and so cannot be considered as optional. Children and parents should consider the arrangements as set out in this document as highly recommended.


Flexibility of Learning


In our planning and expectations, we are aware of the need for flexibility from all sides:-


  • parents may be trying to work from home so access to technology as a family may be limited;
  • parents may have two or more children trying to access technology and need to
  • prioritise the needs of young people studying towards GCSE/A Level accreditation;
  • teachers may be trying to manage their home situation and the learning of their ownchildren;
  • systems may not always function as they should


An understanding of, and willingness to adapt to, these difficulties on all sides is essential for


Full text of our Remote Learning Policy
