Access to education is covered by the Equalities Act 2010, which states that there must be no discrimination, in any form, against pupils with disabilities. Schools have a duty to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to ensure disabled students are not discriminated against. These changes could include providing extra support and aids (like specialist teachers or equipment). Physical changes to the buildings, such as providing ramps, is only required if there is a pupil attending the school that requires such changes: they do not have to be made in anticipation. Access for parents and visitors also needs to be considered.
Full Access Audits of the physical accessibility both sites were undertaken in 2015. A review of this audit is completed every 2 years with the most recent review in 2021. The recommendations from these reports are being implemented as and when possible.
The main building of the Infant School is on one level and all areas are accessible. There is an accessible toilet. The Hall and the Nursery building are generally accessible, with a ramp up to the entrance, but have some internal single steps which it is not possible to eliminate due to the age of the building.
The Junior School has a ramp up to the main entrance and there is level access to the main Hall, staff room and toilets, including an accessible toilet. Access to the all classrooms involves one or more steps.