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Key Information - Homework 


(From 2021 policy document)




  • To provide a progressive and developmental approach to homework across the school.

  • To involve parents in the learning process by engaging in regular communication.

  • To follow up learning that has happened within the classroom and practise and develop taught skills.

  • To encourage thinking and talking about skills and knowledge taught at school.

  • To learn and develop life-skills and knowledge of the wider world.

  • Over time, develop skills for working independently.

  • To prepare children for transitions into the next phases of their education.


Types of homework


We set a variety of homework activities. These activities may include:


  • Sharing reading books

  • Games/puzzles

  • Discussions with parents or other adults at home

  • Writing tasks

  • Mathematical problems

  • Science investigations

  • Research projects

  • Practical activities


We will provide parents with a topic guide relevant to the forthcoming topic to share with your children at home. This will include information about the topic and suggestions about websites, activities and trips that would support your child’s learning.


Homework Distribution


Homework will be set on Google Classroom for children to access and submit their work. Parents can also communicate with teachers about homework via Google Classroom.


Teachers will mark and respond to home work.


In Keystage 1 maths homework will be set each Thursday and this is due in by the following Thursday. Spelling home work will be set each Wednesday with an in-class check of the words the following Wednesday.


In Keystage 2 all homework will be set each Thursday and will be due in the following Tuesday.


Teachers in Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery):


  • Will give a library book once a week to share at home.

  • Will provide a nursery rhyme pack each half term to be practised at home.

  • Will provide a weekly letter sound pack each half term to be practised at home.

  • Will inform parents of the weekly colour and shape focus.

  • Will provide chatter-boxes once a fortnight to support talking and reading at home.


In their final term, children will take home an early reading book to share each week.


Teachers in Foundation Stage 2 (Reception):


  • Will give Numeracy activities to play at home each week.

  • Will give the children sets of keywords to learn how to read when children have mastered their initial sounds. These will be tested at school.

  • Will send home a weekly phonics sheet to support further practice at home. When the children are ready will replace the phonic sheets with a spelling list to practice.

  • Will ensure children have reading materials that they can share at home.

  • Will follow up the home reading in a weekly guided reading session when your child is ready and ensure another adult hears each child read at least once.


Teachers in Year 1 and 2


  • Will set one piece of maths homework which will be followed up in class along with the mental maths 5 squared challenge (5 mins 5 times per week).

  • Will set a weekly spelling list which will be tested at school.

  • Will ensure children have reading materials that they can share daily at home.

  • Will follow up the home reading in a weekly guided reading session.


Teachers in Years 3 and 4


  • Will set one piece of maths homework each week which will consolidate the learning done in class & be followed up in class along with the weekly mental maths 5 squared challenge (5 mins 5 times per week). These will go out on a Thursday and will be due in on a Tuesday. It is expected that homework is completed.

  • Will set a weekly spelling list which will be tested at school. It is expected that homework is completed.

  • Will ensure children have reading materials that they can share at home.

  • Will follow up the home reading in a weekly guided reading session.

  • Will offer a half termly homework passport with 6 optional activities to complete each half term. Parents will have the choice to complete these tasks over the half term. As each one is completed these can be handed in.




If children are struggling to complete expected homework they can attend Monday homework club (the day before it is due in). Please encourage your child to do this so they begin to keep to deadlines. If there are concerns about the expected homework not being completed, we will contact parents to discuss this and see how we can support them. If the teacher feels it suitable the child may be invited to an after school homework club on a Thursday.


Teachers in Years 5 and 6


  • Will set one learning log piece of homework with a one or two-week duration which will be followed up in class. These will go out on a Thursday and will be due in on a Tuesday.

  • Will set one piece of maths homework each week which will consolidate the learning done in class & be followed up in class along with the mental maths 5 squared (5 mins 5 times per week) challenge. These will go out on a Thursday and will be due in on a Tuesday.

  • Will set a weekly spelling list which will be tested at school.

  • Will ensure children have reading materials that they can share at home.

  • Will follow up the home reading in a weekly guided reading session.




It is expected that all homework will be completed. Unless we have heard from parents to explain why this has not happened in some unusual circumstances. If children are struggling to complete expected homework they can attend Monday homework club (the day before it is due in). Please encourage your child to do this so they can keep to deadlines.

The staff in this phase (Years 5 and 6) will also offer study time at lunchtime for those children who do not complete homework by the deadlines set. This is a logical consequence of none completion of homework.


If parents have concerns about homework not being completed, please contact us so we discuss this and see how we can support you. If the teacher feels it suitable a child may be invited to an after school homework club on a Thursday.


Suggested Homework Timings Year 1 and 2


Maths- 5 squared challenge- 5 minutes a day 5 times a week- 25 minutes

Maths homework- 30 minutes maximum

Reading 10 minutes at least 3 times a week

Spelling- 15 minutes


Suggested Homework Timings Year 3 and 4


Maths- 5 squared challenge- 5 minutes a day 5 times a week- 25 minutes

Maths homework- 30 minutes maximum

Reading 10 minutes at least 3 times a week

Spelling- 5 minutes 5 times a week

Homework Passport- if completed. Maximum 30 mins for each piece


Suggested Homework Timings Year 5 and 6


Maths- 5 squared challenge- 5 minutes a day 5 times a week- 25 minutes

Maths homework- 30 minutes maximum

Reading 15 minutes at least 3 times a week

Spelling- 5 minutes 5 times a week

Learning log - Maximum 45 minutes for a one week duration

                       Maximum of 1 and half hours over 2 weeks.




The needs of all children will be taken into account when setting homework tasks.

The Provision Map for targets SEND children will be used when organising homework tasks.

Homework tasks will also be differentiated for the more able where appropriate.


Role of Parents


Reading: Over the week parents are expected to make note of reading at home in the reading diary. We also request that children are encouraged to read daily- this could include comics/ magazines, directions, instructions etc. As it is also widely recognised that children who are read to by an adult regularly enjoy reading and make more progress, we suggest you read to your children as well.


It can be very helpful for parents to be involved in their children’s homework, ensuring it is completed, discussing the task, reviewing the finished work, helping them to organise themselves and providing a suitable place for homework to be done.  The level of input from parents is expected to reduce as children grow into more responsible and independent learners.


At Key Stage 1 parents are asked directly to help their children learn spellings, listen to reading, complete numeracy games and work with their child. 


At Key Stage 2 parents are still asked to listen to their child read, but most other homework is increasingly expected to be carried out by the child independently.  Parents are expected to engage with their child and offer support where needed whilst encouraging independence. Parents should be careful not to do the child’s work for them: their learning is more important than the quality of the output.  If extended help is given, parents are asked to make a note of this on Google Classroom, as then the teacher can better judge how well the class understood the task and can adjust lesson plans accordingly.

We now use Google Classroom for homework

