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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


The Year 2 Team for 2024/2025


Class Teachers - Mrs Watt and Mrs Ketley (one day a week) in Amethyst Class


Class Teachers - Miss Martin and Mrs Ketley (one day a week) in Diamond Class


Our LSAs (Learning Support Assistants who help the class teachers) are

Mrs Gillam & Mrs Gilbert


Our SSA (Special Support Assistants who work with individual children) are

Mrs Dewhurst & Mrs Mossop


Our Year 2 Class Parent Reps are 

Amethyst Class Parent Rep - TBC

Diamond Class Parent Rep - TBC

Year 2 - 2023-2024 - to be updated for 2024/2025


Expectations for our Year Group


  • What to bring to school: bookbags, reading books, reading record, waterproof coat, water bottle everyday.
  • Spelling book in on a Monday.
  • Children are given the opportunity to change their book every morning.
  • Homework -Spellings uploaded to Google Classroom every Wednesday, Maths 5 squared and a game uploaded every Thursday -there is no need to hand Maths homework in but please let us know if your child is struggling with something.
  • PE days wear kit to school

First Half of Autumn Term

  • Diamond Tuesday
  • Amethyst Thursday

Then will be Monday for both classes.

  • Behaviour -rewards and consequences
  • No toys to be brought into school -no show and tell in Year 2.

Our Topics and key books/authors for this coming year:




Topic: Great Fire of London

Key Author: Julia Donaldson and James Mayhew




Topic: Africa and Beyond

Key Author: Colin McNaughton and Oliver Jeffers




Topic: Inspirational Changes

Key Author: Roald Dahl and Peter Bently


Curriculum Enrichment




Great Fire of London Workshop: Autumn Term

Woburn Safari Park: Spring Term

Captain Cook Memorial Walk: Summer Term


Science STEM Week: Autumn Term

Arts Week: Spring Term

Sports Week: Summer Term


PE - This year we have Mr Ballard coming in to teach PE with each year group. He is also doing playleader workshops and will teach healthy eating -Change4life.


We also have a PE partnership with the Amersham school, which will include sports festivals and activities throughout the year. 
