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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Our Year 3 team for 2024-2025:


Class Teacher - Miss Preston in Ash Class


Class Teacher - Miss Payne in Oak Class.


Our LSA (Learning Support Assistants support the class teachers) is Miss Parslow


Our SSAs (Special Support Assistants work with an individual named child) are:

Miss Comrie, Mr Sabetian & Miss Smerdon.


Our Year 3 Class Parent Reps are:

Rosie Leckie (Ash Class) and Nicola Sinclair (Oak Class).

Year 3 Useful Information - 2023-2024 - to be updated for 2024/2025


PE Day is Monday


  • All children to wear school PE kit as specified in the uniform policy on the days they have PE lessons.
  • Please make sure that they have warm layers- e.g. joggers (of the right colour please) and a badged top to be worn if required for the day.
  • Please ensure trainers/plimsolls fit well.
  • Please ensure that the children have water bottles


Things your child should have in school:


  • School bag for reading book and lunch/snack.
  • Children are encouraged to bring in a fruit or vegetable snack for morning break.
  • Named water bottles to drink from in class during the day.
  • Pencil cases later in the school year (date to be confirmed).
Please name all their items!




  • Homework is set on Thursdays.
  • Weekly homework will include: spellings (test the following Thursday), Maths (submit the following Monday), mental 5 squared (5 minutes, 5 times a week), times tables and a learning passport as well as regular reading.
  • Learning passport is optional.
  • Homework will be sent out, and should be returned, via Google classrooms.
  • Spelling test results will be sent home.
  • Reading – please read and record in the Reading Record three times a week

Year 3 Topic Guide


Exciting, Inclusive, Inspiring, Relevant, Adventurous





Autumn Term

Looking back in time.

Ancient Egyptians

In this topic, we will be looking at what life was like in Ancient Egypt, religious beliefs, clothing and farming.

Egyptian Day date TBC  - a chance to be an Egyptian for the day! Time to get a costume/outfit sorted.

Spring Term

Settlement and Change.

Stone age through to the Iron age

During this topic we will be looking at how people lived in the different periods of the stone age, Bronze age and Iron age.

Summer Term

Our World.

Local area and Europe

In this topic, we begin by looking at the local area and the human and physical features in the village.

Lots of opportunities for village visits if we get enough helpers!


2023-2024 - Information for Parents and Year 3 Letters
