Our Year 3 team for 2024-2025:
Class Teacher - Miss Preston in Ash Class
Class Teacher - Miss Payne in Oak Class.
Our LSA (Learning Support Assistants support the class teachers) is Miss Parslow
Our SSAs (Special Support Assistants work with an individual named child) are:
Miss Comrie, Mr Sabetian & Miss Smerdon.
Our Year 3 Class Parent Reps are:
Rosie Leckie (Ash Class) and Nicola Sinclair (Oak Class).
PE Day is Monday
Things your child should have in school:
Exciting, Inclusive, Inspiring, Relevant, Adventurous
Term | Topic | Overview |
Autumn Term | Looking back in time. Ancient Egyptians | In this topic, we will be looking at what life was like in Ancient Egypt, religious beliefs, clothing and farming. Egyptian Day date TBC - a chance to be an Egyptian for the day! Time to get a costume/outfit sorted. |
Spring Term | Settlement and Change. Stone age through to the Iron age | During this topic we will be looking at how people lived in the different periods of the stone age, Bronze age and Iron age. |
Summer Term | Our World. Local area and Europe | In this topic, we begin by looking at the local area and the human and physical features in the village. Lots of opportunities for village visits if we get enough helpers! |