Class Representatives
Each class has a volunteer parent who acts as a liaison point between the school and parents on general issues.
Class parents are a representative of the class and of the school.
The role includes:
- Attend half termly meetings with Mr Haywood to raise any parental concerns and questions. After these meetings contacting parents about any questions or issues the school has to gain feedback and information.
- Welcoming all new and existing parents who join the class.
- Using Classlist App as Class Ambassador to enable parents, within a class, to contact each other.
- Mustering voluntary help when needed, eg, on school trips and a rota for reading support.
- Organising rotas for PTA events such as the Summer Party, Discos and Strawberry Fayre.
- Providing a route for quick communication to all parents, eg, if the school were to be closed class parents will support the school by managing a communication cascade process so that all parents are informed as quickly as possible.
- Arranging social gatherings.
- Facilitating the arrangements for lift shares to any school events for which this may be required.
- Organising any collections that may need to be done.
- Sending out reminder posts on Classlist about the upcoming week and specific events
- Keep you informed about PTA events and how you can help support the school.
Class Reps do not provide general school administration support. For this please refer to the friendly staff based in the school offices and the website.
For any issues related specifically to your child please contact your child’s class teacher or the school office.