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Learning Gems

Our Gem Power Rules which promote positive learning behaviour as well as a positive approach to others.


Ruby Power:


I will be kind to others and make them feel good about their learning and 


Diamond Power:


I will take responsibility for solving problems and use different strategies to help. If I get stuck I will ask a good question. I will recognise when I can do things for myself and when I need some help.


Pearl Power:


I will be honest and fair.


Sapphire Power:


I will focus and engage with my learning and help others to focus as well.


Emerald Power:


I will be a brave learner and always try my best. If I get things wrong or make a mistake I will bounce back and have another go.


Topaz Power:


I will work in a group with others and take it in turns to share my ideas and listen to their thoughts.


Amethyst Power:


I will listen carefully to my partner whilst solving problems.

See our Behaviour Policy for further information on Gem Powers.
