Key Information - FOI & Data Protection
Links to further information on Data Protection and the Freedom of Information Act.
Data Use Policy - September 2018
The School holds pupil data within our secure School Management System. Pupil information is shared with Bucks County Council and with other Schools as children transfer to secondary schools. This is all processed via Bucks County Council’s secure file transfer system.
Under the Data Protection Act we are obliged to inform you of any third parties we may share the data with and to give you choice to opt out.
Basic data is shared with the following companies:
- ParentMail for the collection of trip and dinner money
- The School photographers – currently Stanley Baker Studios Ltd and Imago Photographers
- Junior Librarian – library system
- Parents Evening System - SchoolCloud
- Wonde - software for uploading data from SIMS to other systems
- MIS:Synch - software for uploading data from Sims to other systems
- Cool Milk - milk for pupils system
- Gmail for Education – name and email address only
- MyMaths - maths software
- RM Easimaths - maths software
- Khan Academy - maths software
- Reading Eggs - literacy software
- Target Tracker - data tracking software
- Maths Circle TTRockStars - TimesTable Rockstars - maths software
- CPOMS - safeguarding software
- Groupcall Xporter on Demand XoD - software for uploading data from SIMS to CPOMS
- Residential trip providers
The school holds details of each company’s registration number with the ICO (Information Commisoner’s Office).
Use of the above system is deemed to represent your consent to your child’s data being included in the system. If you wish to opt out of any system please notify us in writing.