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School Uniform

Village School Uniform Policy

Uniform Suppliers


New logoed uniform items can be ordered from our suppliers PMG Schoolwear


Orders can be placed online or they are operating an appointment system if you wish to visit their High Wycombe store. They have recently moved to The Eden Centre.

Second Hand Uniform


Second hand uniform is available via the PTA. They hold sales each term or you can contact them via Classlist to order items.


Junior School Ties


The Junior School office stocks school ties - these can be ordered via ParentMail and can then be collected from the office or sent home via your child.

PMG Schoolwear provide an online ordering system plus our uniform is on sale in in their shop in High Wycombe.


PMG supply all of our logoed uniform items (jumpers, cardigans, PE tops and PE bags) as well as standard uniform items (skirts, trousers, shirts etc.).


Our school ties are available both online, or in the Wycombe store or direct from school via ParentMail..


Uniform can be ordered from their website -


Delivery can be made in several ways:


  • Directly to your home address (delivery charge will vary depending on weight of order but average charge is £3.95) 
  • Click and collect delivery to either PMGs High Wycombe or Uxbridge stores (Free delivery service)
  • Delivery to school - deliveries are made on an ad hoc basis (Free delivery service)


Please indicate if delivery should be made to Infant School or Junior School in the delivery notes box on the Delivery details page at the checkout.


The High Wycombe store will stock the full range of our logoed uniform items


PMG Schoolwear High Wycombe
Unit 67, The Eden Centre
29 Eden Walk
High Wycombe
HP11 2AU


Further details are available on their website


Please note that the Uxbridge store will only provide the Click and Collect service, our uniform is not stocked in Uxbridge.


We hope that the range of buying and delivery options will make ordering school uniform a simple process. All details regarding prices, sizing, deliveries can be found on the PMG Schoolwear website.

Chalfont St Giles Village School Uniform




School logo green V neck jumper or cardigan #

White blouse/shirt with collar/polo shirt – no T-shirts

Grey pinafore dress or skirt or dark grey jogging bottoms or school trousers

Summer term -any dress of simple design in green & white stripes or check. Dark grey shorts.

Plain white or grey or black or green socks or tights

Black school shoes


Infant School


School logo green V neck jumper or cardigan #

White blouse/shirt with collar/polo shirt – no T-shirts

Grey pinafore dress or skirt or trousers or shorts

Summer term - any dress of simple design in green & white stripes or check

Plain white or grey or black or green socks or tights

Black school shoes


Junior School


School logo V neck jumper or cardigan #

White shirt/blouse with collar (long or short sleeve)

School tie # (also available from Junior School Office)

Grey pinafore dress or skirt or trousers or shorts

Summer term - any dress of simple design in green & white stripes or check. Ties do not need to be worn in the summer term.

Plain white or grey or black or green socks or tights

Black school shoes


# Items to be obtained directly from school uniform suppliers PMG SchoolWear


# Items to be obtained directly from school uniform suppliers PMG SchoolWear


PE Kit


Children must wear appropriate clothing for PE:


  • School logo green T-shirt #
  • Black shorts or skort (no cycling shorts)
  • Slip-on plimsolls (optional at Juniors) and trainers for outdoor PE. Trainers should be a single plain colour (but not fluorescent.)
  • Plain black jogging bottoms with minimal logos, no leggings or cycling shorts. (Dark green remains acceptable until children may grow out of these.)
  • Bottle green hooded top #
  • PE bag marked with child’s name #


Painting aprons are required for boys and girls.


# Items to be obtained directly from our school uniform supplier PMG SchoolWear


Additional requirements


  • Coats should be practical, warm and at the very least showerproof
  • Long hair (boys and girls) should be kept off the face by a hair tie/ band and should be tied back into a pony-tail or plait for reasons of health and safety
  • PE bags for PE kit should be of the drawstring variety and not sizeable sports bags
  • Wristwatches are the only acceptable form of jewellery. No bracelets or necklaces etc. are permitted unless prior arrangements have been agreed for religious or health reasons.
  • Earrings are not allowed to be worn in school under any circumstances.  If ears are to be pierced please ensure this is done at the start of the summer holidays so they have a chance to heal before school starts.  Any child wearing earrings into school will be asked to remove them.


