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The Infant School Day

We hope that the following information will be helpful for parents and children at the Infant School. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office staff who will be happy to help.


Our School Day


The doors open each day at 8:45am and the children can come into school from that time. Reception children enter through Sapphire class door and Year 1 and 2 enter through the main entrance. We hope that they will be able to join their class independently; please do not follow the children into the building. The bell is rung at 8.55am and the register is then taken. The end of registration is 9am when lessons begin.


Morning break is between 10:45am and 11:00am and the lunchtime break is between 12:00pm and 1:15pm. Afternoon registration takes place immediately after the lunch break and the afternoon session starts at 1:25pm. School finishes at 3:15pm.


At the end of the day, teachers hand each child over to their parent or to a person who has been nominated by the parent. The following procedures are followed:


  • Pearl and Sapphire classes children are dismissed at the Sapphire fire door.
  • Emerald children are taken through the rear fire door and dismissed at the gate beyond Sapphire class in the corner of the playground.
  • Ruby children are dismissed from the front door: parents line up outside to collect their child. We ask other parents who wish to enter the school at this time to be patient and wait until Ruby children have been dismissed.
  • Diamond and Amethyst classes (Year 2) are taken out into the playground and are dismissed from the wet weather shelter or beside Diamond class windows by their teacher. Parents should wait until all the children have made their way outside before collecting their child.


All parents should ensure that the teacher knows that they have collected their child please.

If your child is going home for tea with a friend, please complete the relevant form (copies available at the office) and either hand it in at the office or give it to the teacher. If you make a regular ‘going home’ arrangement you should complete a nomination form which is available from the school office.


The Infant School week is 32 hours 30 minutes
