Music lessons are provided by teachers from Bucks Music Trust or by freelance teachers for Drums and Piano.
Indiviudal and small group music lessons take place in the Music/IT Meeting Room
Changes to lessons will be noted on the weekly email to parents.
Individual music lesson timetables can be found on the Music Notice Board in the far corner of the Dining Hall and copies of these are also sent out via class registers.
All children will need to obtain their own musical instrument on which to practice and, except for piano, to bring to lessons. It is possible to buy or hire instruments and the music teachers can provide details of instruments that would be suitable. Children will also need to purchase music books for their lessons. Some school recorders or ukuleles are available for whole class lessons and teachers will inform children about these.
You can apply online for Instrumental and vocal lessons via the BMT website using the link below.
Once you have completed an online form, a member of the BMT team will be in touch with you to organise your lessons here at school.
Details are also available as electronic documents as shown on this page.
For general enquiries, questions about invoices or applications for instrumental lessons or music centre membership please see the BMT website on links below.