Monday 11th November - Music assembly with Mrs Cicvarova's piano students 10:40am to 10:55am (details TBC) - parents of pupils playing are welcome to join us for this assembly
Monday 11th November - Parents’ Evenings for whole year (3:40pm to 6pm) - details here - all side gates will be open for these meetings
Tuesday 12th November - Odd Socks Day - wear odd socks today to raise awareness of Anti Bullying Week
Wednesday 13th November - Open Morning for prospective parents - details here. Please email the school office to book a place on a tour.
Friday 15th November - netball match away v Iver - details TBC
Tuesday 19th November - Year 3 library visits during the afternoon - children with library cards will be able to borrow a book. You can apply for a library card using this form or online via Bucks LIbrary service website here
Wednesday 20th November - Year 6 Cross Country PE Festival at Amersham - details here
Wednesday 20th November - Music assembly with Mr Vlad Rakovskis's drumming students - 10:40am to 10:55am (details TBC) - parents of pupils playing are welcome to join us for this assembly
Thursday 21st November - Year 4 library visits during the afternoon - children with library cards will be able to borrow a book. You can apply for a library card using this form or online via Bucks LIbrary service website here
Tuesday 26th November - Year 5 library visits during the afternoon - children with library cards will be able to borrow a book. You can apply for a library card using this form or online via Bucks LIbrary service website here
Wednesday 27th November - Flu vaccinations for all year groups in school today
Wednesday 27th November - flu vaccinations for all pupils in school - details here
Thursday 28th November - Year 6 library visits during the afternoon - children with library cards will be able to borrow a book. You can apply for a library card using this form or online via Bucks LIbrary service website here
Friday 29th November - PTA Christmas Jumper sale after school - sale of preloved donated jumpers for children and adults (the PTA have asked for donations of jumpers suitable to sell - these can be dropped off at the school office)
Tuesday 3rd December - Year 4 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
Wednesday 4th December - Beauty and the Beast Panto in school this morning - details TBC
Wednesday 4th December - Christmas Lunch is being served today - details here
Thursday 5th December - Music assembly with Mrs Wayman's piano and woodwind students & Mrs Priestley's strings students - 10:40am to 10:55am (details TBC) - parents of pupils playing are welcome to join us for this assembly
Friday 6th December 2024 - PTA Kids Disco – 5:30pm to 7pm TBC
Tuesday 10th December - Year 6 trip to Snow Centre - details here
Tuesday 10th December - Music assembly with Mr Atkinson's guitar students - 10:40am to 10:55am (details TBC) - parents of pupils playing are welcome to join us for this assembly
Wednesday 11th December - Year 3 PE Festival (Basketball) at Amersham School - details here
Thursday 12th December - Year 3 Egyptian Day - details here
Friday 13th December - PTA pop up Christmas shopping afternoon - details TBC
Thursday 19th December - PTA Christmas Bake sale - details TBC
Friday 20th December - last day of term - early finish at 1:45pm
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Community Events - details of local events, workshops, summer camps and activities - see details here