Monday 17th October - Individual school photographs - see email here for more details
Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th October - Year 6 SATS practice tests
Thursday 20th October - Year 6 Greek Day - details here
Friday 21st October - Dress Down Friday as requested by School Council
Friday 21st October - last day of half term (normal end of day time)
Monday 31st October - Inset Day
Tuesday 1st November - School opens today
Wednesday 2nd November - swimming lessons begin for - Acacia Class
Tuesday 8th November - School book fair is on this week
Monday 14th November - parents evening for all parents (3:40pm to 6pm) - details TBC
Thursday 24th November - parents evening for all parents from 5:30pm to 8pm) - details TBC
Term dates are here and Diary Dates here and the School Calendar is here
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Community Events - see here
Letters from school - see here
Have a good weekend