Hot drinks and snacks - a reminder that children should only have water in their water bottles during the day.and morning break snacks should be either fruit or vegetables.
Uniform - Earrings - earrings, of any type, are not allowed to be worn in school under our uniform policy. Anyone who had their ears pierced over the summer holidays should have healed over by now so we ask that they be removed during the school day. Any child wearing earrings into school after the half term holiday will be asked to remove them.
Staff car park - please do not use the staff car park when dropping off either for before school clubs or for start of school, or when picking up
Picking children up from school - a reminder that anyone picking up children from school must be aged 16 or over.
Year 3 Shoeboxes - Year 3 are going to be getting creative in Literacy next week and the children will need a shoe box each. Please could you try and bring one in, any size, named (so we have no confusion or mix ups). If you have any spare you are also willing to bring in that would be greatly appreciated for any fellow classmates!
Year 6 Bonsai have their last swimming session on Wednesday 19th October. Please can children bring in t-shirts and lightweight trouser bottoms for this session - pyjama type or leggings but not thick joggers. Plus a spare bag for the wet clothing and a spare towel might be useful.
Future Dates: