Dear Parents / Carers
Welcome back to a busy half term!
We hope that children have enjoyed our Arts Week exploring art inspired by celebrating 100 years of Disney.
Chiltern Young Artists Competition - congratulations to Matthew in Year 6 and Alfie in Year 5 who both won prizes in the recent Chiltern Young Artists competition. The winning pictures will be on display in Chalfont St Peter library from Monday 18th March
Governor Vacancy - One of our school governors, Ms Svensson, has stepped down from the governing board. We thank her for her contribution to the school and are now looking for someone to replace her. This is not an elected position but is open to any parent or other member of the community to apply. The vacancy will be filled following a meeting with a small group of governors who will want to find out more about you and what you can offer the school. The main requirements are an interest in education, a willingness to learn, question and challenge, and a motivation to help make CSG Village School as excellent as it can possibly be. You also need to be able to commit 2-4 hours a week during term time, ideally some of which will be during the school day. In return, you get to learn a lot about how the school operates, be involved in important decisions affecting the children and staff and be part of an enthusiastic and committed team. If you are interested, please contact me via either school office or via the school website to discuss or to apply. Donna Westall, Chair of Governors
Lunchtime job opportunity at the Infant School - Are you currently thinking that now is a great time to get a part time job that fits into your child's school hours? We are currently looking to recruit lunchtime staff to work with the Infant children helping them with their food and their playground time. It is for 1 hr 45 mins Monday to Friday (11.45am - 1.30pm). Please contact either School Office if you or anyone you know would be interested in joining our school family.
World Book Day - as part of our celebrations for World Book Day on Thursday 7th March 2024, we would like to invite your children to come to school dressed as an exciting word, with our theme being ‘Wonderful Words.’ The possibilities for this are endless and full details are given in the letter here
Thank you for all of your book donations for the second-hand book sale which all children will have the opportunity to visit on World Book Day. We now have plenty of books as we have had 483 books donated!!! We will be asking for a donation of 50p for a book and kindly ask that children initially only bring in one 50p for one book, so we can ensure all children are able to choose one on Thursday 7th. Any books left over at the end of the sale will be available for everyone at an after-school sale in the dining room. We are very grateful for all the kind donations we have received for this sale; the money raised will go back into buying new and interesting books for the children
Year 3 Dance sessions - apologies that the PE dance sessions have been postponed again. These PE sessions will now take place on Thursday 14th March and Thursday 21st March Those weeks Year 3 will have Pe on Thursdays and Year 4 will switch to PE on Tuesdays. We will note these changes in the relevant weeks of the weekly emails.
Meal orders on ParentMail - all weeks for this half term are now available to order. Apologies that the last week of this term had not been published.
Junior School Amazon Wish List - for future gifts, it is always lovely to know who has sent them so we can thank you properly! The link to the gift list can be found here
Diary dates for next school week
Tuesday 27th February
- Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only (current Year 4 to Year 6 children who attended last year are welcome to continue in this club) - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
- Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - (current Year 4 to Year 6 children who attended last year are welcome to continue in this club) entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
- Year 4 PE day today - children to come to school in school PE Kit - change of day this week
- Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the music room
- Reading Club at lunchtime today - Reading Club with Mrs Mannick in the library - all welcome to drop in from 12:50pm to 1:15pm (children to have lunch before going to the library)
- Year 6 will be visiting CSG Community Library during the afternoon - please remember library cards if children have them
- U10 Boys Away Football match V Little Chalfont School - rescheduled match for invited team - details here
- Year 5 / 6 Netball Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit & trainers - for Years 5 and 6 from 3:30pm to 4:45pm (please can girls change in their classrooms at the end of the day) - pick up from Top Playground
- Cookery Club with Smart Raspberry in the Dining Hall from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
- Rocky Road club after school today - Rocky Road Club with Mrs Rock & Mr Shankland for invited Year 3 & 4 children in the ATA room from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Wednesday 28th February
- Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
- Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
- Year 3 PE Festival at Amersham School (Skipping) - gates open at 8:40am for an 8:45am departure - children to come to school in PE kit and to go straight to class for registration - details here
- Year 5 PE day today - all Year 5 children to come to school in school PE Kit
- Year 5 Maple class swimming lessons today - information form here - children who are swimming will need to bring their swimming kits in today
- Music lessons - Drum lessons with Teach Me Drums - in the Music Room during the morning
- Year 3 / 4 Netball Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit & trainers - for Years 3 and 4 from 3:30pm to 4:45pm (please can girls change in their classrooms at the end of the day) - pick up from Top Playground
- Year 3 / 4 Girls Football Club with Miss Payne on the Top Field / Main Hall - please remember football boots & shin pads plus football kit or PE kit - Year 3 & 4 from 3:45 to 4:45pm - pick up from the back of the Main Hall
- Year 5 / 6 Girls Football Club with Mr O'Sullivan on the Top Field / Main Hall - please remember football boots & shin pads plus football kit or PE kit - Year 5 & 6 from 3:45 to 4:45pm - pick up from the back of the Main Hall
Thursday 29th February
- Gym Club (Before School) with Springbucks in the Main hall - from 7:45am to 8:45am - entrance via Parsonage Road entrance only
- Art Club at lunchtime today - Art Club with Mrs Starrs in the Art Room is for Year 5 & 6 children who have signed up and is from 12:45pm to 1:15pm (children to have lunch before going to this club)
- Lego Club at lunchtime today - Lego Club with Mrs Baker in Acer Class is for children who have signed up and runs from from 12:20pm to 12:50pm (children to have lunch after this club)
- Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the music room
- Music lessons - Strings lessons with Mrs Priestley, BMT - in the Music Room
- Year 4 visiting CSG Community Library in the afternoon - please remember library cards if children have them
- Homework club is on today in the IT Suite for invited pupils - from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from the Dining Hall at 4:30pm
- Year 5 / 6 Boys Football Club after school today with Mr Holmes on the Top Field / Main Hall - please remember football boots & shin pads plus football kit or PE kit - from 3:45 to 4:45pm - pick up from the back of the Main Hall
Friday 1st March
- Reading in your child's class - parents are welcome to pop into class from 8:45am until 8:55am (gates will be open from 8:40am on Fridays)
- No Year 6 PE day today t
- Music lessons - Drum lessons with Teach me Drums - in the Music Room during the day
- Acer parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only
- Street Dance with Tuffney Performing Arts - in the Main Hall from 3:30pm to 4:15pm
- U10 girls football match away v Prestwood - team and details TBC
Future dates:
Tuesday 5th March - Year 6 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
Tuesday 5th March - Year 3 visiting CSG Community Library - please remember library cards if children have them
Tuesday 5th March - Year 4 Davenies Football Festival for invited team - details here
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day - the dressing up theme for the Junior School this year will be 'Wonderful Words' - details here
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day second-hand book sale in school which all children will have the opportunity to visit. A donation of 50p for a book and kindly ask that children initially only bring in one 50p for one book on Thursday 7th, so we can ensure all children are able to choose one. Any books left over at the end of the sale will be available for everyone at an after-school sale in the dining room.
Thursday 7th March – Year 5 visiting CSG Community Library - please remember library cards if children have them
Thursday 7th March - Later parents evening from 5pm to 8pm - details here - Year 3 & 4 teachers in Dining Hall and Year 5 & 6 Teaches in the Main Hall - all gates will be open during the parents evening
Thursday 7th March - No Homework club or Y5/6 Boys football clubs today due to parents evening meetings
Friday 8th March - Family to School event during the morning from 9:30am to 11:30am - family members are invited to visit the school to help make a card for Mothers Day plus there will be the PTA pop up cafe and gift orders pick up point in the main hall - entrance only via Parsonage Road - please let us know if you are able to attend - details and sign up here.
Friday 8th March - Palm parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only
Tuesday 12th March - Archery workshops for Year 5 and Year 6 classes - this is a free sports enrichment workshop that will take place in the main hall
Tuesday 12th March - Year 4 PE Festival at Amersham School (Frisbee) - details here
Friday 15th March - Ash parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only
Friday 15th March - Comic Relief day - children may wear something red in return for a donation for the Comic Relief Charity. This can be a costume with a red theme or just their normal school uniform with something red.
Wednesday 20th March - Year 4 Class Assembly - from 9am to 9:30am in the Main Hall - Year 4 parents are invited to attend
Wednesday 20th March - Music and Arts Evening - details TBC
Friday 22nd March - Oak parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only
Thursday 28th March - last day of term
Monday 15th April - Inset Day
Tuesday 16th April - School opens for start of Summer Term
Wednesday 1st May - Year 6 Parent Information Meeting covering PGL trip / SRE and SATS - 5:30pm to 6:30pm in school
Tuesday 7th May - Year 5 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
Wednesday 8th May - Year 3 year group assembly from 9am to 9:30am - parents are invited to attend this assembly
Wednesday 22nd May - Year 5 Class Assembly - from 9am to 9:30am in the Main Hall - Year 5 parents are invited to attend
Community Events - see details here
Chalfont Concert Wind Band’s ‘Quest for the Stars’ concert on Sunday 28th April. Perfect for 7-11 year olds and their families, the concert is space-themed with lots of familiar tunes and a chance to see instruments up close. Limited numbers so bag your tickets now! - Flyer here
CSG Parish Church Choir - choir practice is every Friday with Junior Choir 5:15pm to 6:15pm and Adults 5:45pm to 7pm. If you enjoy singing why not consider joining us. Contact Cathy Langdale 01494 581385 or - further details here
Alltogether Community Charity book sale - there are still some books available for sale so book sales will continue when the community fridge is open on Saturday mornings (10am to 12pm in the CoOp car park)
Term dates 2023-2024:
- School opens on Monday 19th February 2024 and the end of the term on Thursday 28th March 2024
- Easter Holidays
- School opens on Tuesday 16th April 2024 and the end of the half term on Friday 24th May 2024.
- Half term week
- School opens on Tuesday 4th June 2024 and the end of the term on Tuesday 23rd July 2024
INSET Days for staff training (days school is closed to pupils - please note these may be different at other local schools):
- Monday 15th April 2024
- Monday 3rd June 2024
Inset days for 2024/2025 have now been confirmed as below and our full term dates for 2024/2025 are available here
- Tuesday 3rd September 2024 (set by Bucks)
- Wednesday 4th September 2024
- Monday 4th November 2024
- Monday 6th January 2025
- Monday 2nd June 2025
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.