Friday 2nd February - Maple parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only
Friday 2nd February - PTA Kids Disco - tickets available on ClasslIst
Monday 5th February - Year 6 Practice SATS sessions this morning
Monday 5th February - Year 6 Acacia Money Minds workshop in school
Tuesday 6th February - Year 6 Practice SATS sessions this morning
Tuesday 6th February - Year 3 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
Tuesday 6th February - Year 6 Bonsai Money Minds workshop in school
Friday 9th February - last day of half term - normal end of school day at 3:30pm
Friday 9th February - Mrs Barrowcliff will be holding a charity cake sale to raise funds for the children's cancer charity from 3:30pm on the lower playground (in dining hall if weather is bad)
Monday 12th February - half term holiday week
Monday 18th February - start of new half term today
Monday 26th February - Early parents evening - details TBC
Friday 1st March - Acer parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only
Friday 1st March - PTA Brush Painting Party at the Junior School for adults from 7pm to 10pm - tickets on Classlist
Tuesday 6th March - Year 6 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day - the dressing up theme for the Junior School this year will be 'Wonderful Words'. Please add the date for World Book Day to your diaries. More details about the day will be shared closer to the time.
Friday 22nd March - Oak parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only
Thursday 28th March - last day of term
Wednesday 1st May - Year 6 Parent Information Meeting covering PGL trip / SRE and SATS - 5:30pm to 6:30pm in school
Tuesday 7th May - Year 5 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)