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Junior -  Weekly email - Friday 7th July

Dear Parents / Carers
We hope that everyone enjoyed the transfer day and open evening events on Tuesday. It was lovely to have our new Year 3 children with us for the day and we hope that our Year 6s had fun visiting their new secondary schools.
Thank you to local artist Elly Bazigos who visited the school on Thursday and ran workshops with the children. There were some fantastic cartoon strips created by children, some of which are currently decorating our dining hall. Thank you to Miss Payne for organising these workshops.
Thursday also saw the Misbourne Matins Rotary Club visit to donate dictionaries to our Year 3 children - many thanks to them for these lovely books. We also had a Bucks Music Trust orchestra visit yesterday.
Good luck to our Year 4 science team of Aanya and Anaya, who will be presenting their science project at the finals of the Big Science event in Oxford next week
Year 3 visit to Milton's Cottage on Monday 10th - Year 3 are looking forward to visiting the cottage on Monday. Oak class are going down in the morning after break and Ash class in the afternoon after lunch. It would be great if we had one more parent to help with Ash in the afternoon. If you have a DBS and are able to help please contact the school office. Thank you
Year 6 Dress Rehearsal is on Tuesday 11th from 1:45pm to 3pm. This will be for all Junior School children and for adult family members of Year 6 children, who cannot make the evening performance the next day. If you are planning to attend / have guests attending the dress rehearsal please keep this to a minimum. Adults should arrive at the main school entrance at 1:30pm for a 1:45pm start. Only the Parsonage Road entrance that will be open for this performance

Year 6 Show is on Wednesday 12th July starting at 6pm in the Main Hall. Children should be at school for 5:15pm so that they can change into their costumes in class, and be made up, in plenty of time for the start of the performance. Children are to go straight to their class when they arrive. The PTA will be selling drinks in the Dining Hall from 5.15 pm. If extremely hot weather is forecast we may make the decision to include an interval. If this is the case we will notify parents beforehand. The Lagger Close gate and the Main Entrance gate will be open for children to come into school. The Lagger Close gate will be locked for the duration of the show and opened again for people to leave after the show. The main entrance gate will remain open during the evening. Please do not park in Lagger Close or on Parsonage Road. If you are not attending the show please collect your Year 6 children from the hall at approximately 7:30pm.
Year 6 Bouncy Day is on Thursday 13th July. The day will include bouncy castles and water games. All children should wear comfortable clothes and be prepared for hot weather, please bring in something appropriate to get wet in, a towel and a change of clothes. We would encourage the children to wear long sleeves on the inflatables but due to the warm weather, we understand this may not be appropriate on the day. Please ensure that your child has suncream applied before coming to school and they have a hat to wear throughout the day. Lunch will be included as part of their Bouncy Day, however, if your child is a fussy eater please send in a packed lunch. Any school lunch orders placed for Thursday will be cancelled by the office.
Year 6 Bonsai assembly - please note that our weekly achievements assembly has moved from Friday to Monday 17th July and will start at 10:25. Bonsai parents are warmly invited to join us for this assembly
Hobbies Day - children exhibiting may come into school from 8am to start setting up and to allow parents who need to transport items into school time to do so. Early entrance via Parsonage Road. Children who are not exhibiting should arrive at school at the normal time. All children must be in class for normal registration at 8:45am and after 9am entrance will only be via the main Parsonage Road entrance. The exhibition is open between 9am and 11am and parents and family members are invited to come up to school to see the displays and stands. Sign up form here will close at the end of today
All Together Community charity is having a Summer Fun-draising campaign - further details are given here
School run clubs - please note that Rocky Road and Homework Club have both now finished for the term
Music Lessons - details of music lessons for next year are now available on the music page of the website here
Uniform orders via PMG - PMG Schoolwear will be operating an appointment system over the summer for visits to their stores. They strongly suggest early booking as spaces are limited and the stores can be very busy, especially in the last few weeks of the Summer.
Please note that their Cut Off Date for ordering is August 12th, after which uniform items may not be available before children go back to school in September. PMG website -
Second hand uniform is also available from the PTA who hold regular sales in school or they can be contacted via Classlist
Amazon Wish List - a huge thanks for the donations that we have received this week. For future gifts, it is always lovely to know who has sent them so we can thank you properly! The link to the gift list can be found here
PTA Supermarket Vouchers scheme - the PTA are looking for someone to take on running the Supermarket Voucher scheme from September 2023. The current volunteer is happy to do handover training. The scheme will have to end in September unless a new parent/volunteer is found. It's only a couple of hours a month and worth over £1,000 a year to the school so it would be a real lost opportunity to have to close the scheme.
PTA Summer raffle - raffle tickets have been sent home with children this week. There are some fantastic prizes - details here. Please can and sold tickets be returned to the school office before 14th July. Many thanks.
Pick up information - if possible please can any changes to end of day pickups be emailed in to the office before 12:20pm. Child's full name and class information is really helpful to have as well. Thank you
Bucks Libraries Summer Reading Challenge - The Summer Reading Challenge starts this Saturday 8th July in the CSG Community Library - details are here
Next week: 
Monday 10th July
  • Year 5 PE Day - children to come to school in school PE Kit
  • Year 3 Visiting Milton's Cottage today
  • SEN Parent-Teacher meetings will be held this week
  • Music lessons - Guitar lessons with Mr Norton, BMT - afternoon in the Music Room
  • Chess club with Ray Sayers in the Art Room from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from outside the Art Room - club details
  • Tennis club with Mark Schofield on the Upper playground from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pickup from Upper / Top playground - club details


Tuesday 11th July

  • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Year 3 PE Day - children to come to school in school PE Kit
  • Big Science Event Final for invited Year 4 group
  • Year 4 to attend the 11:30am Songs of Praise service in the Village Church - parents and family members are very welcome to join this service
  • Music lessons today - Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - morning in the Music Room
  • Music lessons today - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the Music Room at lunchtime
  • Year 6 show dress rehearsal from 1:45pm to 3pm. This will be for Junior School children and up to 2 adults per Year 6 child, who cannot make the evening performance on the 12th July. Adults should arrive at the main entrance at 1:30. This is the only entrance that will be open for this performance


Wednesday 12th July

  • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Music lessons - Drum lessons with MD Drumlab - in the Music Room during the morning
  • Cricket Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit and trainers - Year 3 & 4 from 3:30 to 4:45pm - details here
  • Year 6 show from 6pm to 7:30pmTwo tickets have been given to Year 6 children. Please stick to only two people attending the performance as we are limited with space. There is a waiting list for additional tickets so any spares please return to the Year 6 teachers.


Thursday 13th July

  • Gym Club (Before School) with Springbucks in the Main hall - from 7:45am to 8:45am - entrance via Parsonage Road entrance only - club details
  • Year 6 Fun Day details as per email
  • Year 4 PE day today - children to come to school in school PE Kit
  • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the music room
  • Music lessons - Violin lessons with Mrs Priestley, BMT - in the Music Room
  • Music lessons - Cello lessons with Mrs Bignall, BMT - in the Music Room
  • Year 5 to visit the CSG Library during the afternoon. Children with a library card will be able to borrow a book so please can the children bring in their library cards today plus any village library books that they wish to return. You can apply for a library card using this form
  • PFO Football Club - on the School Field / Main Hall from 3:45pm to 4:45pm
  • Athletics / Softball Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit & trainers - for Years 5 and 6 from 3:30pm to 4:45pm


Friday 14th July
  • Reading in your child's class - parents are welcome to pop into class from 8:45am until 8:55am (gastes will be open from 8:40am on Fridays)
  • Hobbies Day - open from 9am to 11am - parents and family members are invited to visit our Hobbies Day- entrance is via the main school entrance  - please note that children may come onto site early to drop items off - 
  • Year 6 PE day today - children to come to school in school PE Kit 
  • Music lessons - Drum lessons with MD Drumlab - in the Music Room
  • Art Club with Mrs Starrs in the Art Room - for Year 5 & 6 children from 12:45pm to 1:15pm 
  • No Friday assembly today -  moved to Monday 17th
  • Street Dance with Tuffney Performing Arts - in the Main Hall from 3:30pm to 4:15pm - details here
  • PTA Summer Fun Event - see Classlist for full details and tickets - 4:30pm to 6pm for CSG Village School children (Year 2 to Year 6) and Family Event from 6pm to 7:30pm - if you can help please contact PTA or your Class Parent


Future Dates
Monday 17th July - Bonsai parents are invited to join our Achievements assembly today - this assembly starts at 10:25pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only
Monday 17th July - Reports will be sent home today - if parents need separate copies please contact your class teacher or the School Office
Monday 17th July - deadline to confirm places for the Year 4 Woodrow Trip in June 2024 - deposit and consent can be given via ParentMail - please contact the office if you have any questions or if your child is not going on this trip

Monday 17th July - deadline to confirm places for the Year 6 PGl Trip in June 2024 - deposit and consent can be given via ParentMail - please contact the office if you have any questions or if your child is not going on this trip
Tuesday 18th July - Talent Show - children who would like to perform during this afternoon event please sign up by 7th July - details here 
Thursday 20th July Year 6 Leavers Assembly morning - Year 6 parents/carers are warmly invited to attend. (The leavers assembly events are for adults only. Please make alternative arrangements for children under school age)


  • 9:30-10:30 Certificate assembly where we celebrate the achievements of Year 6. These will include a variety of awards including the citizenship awards, sports week awards, trip awards for example. Year 5 children will also attend this assembly.
  • 10:30-11:00 Tea and coffee break for Year 6 parents 
  • 11:00-12:20 Leavers assembly where we will be joined by the rest of the school
  • 12:30 Year 6 parents leave the school site.
Friday 21st July - last day of term with early finish time today at 2:15pm.
Term dates for 2023-2024 - details here
Community Events - see details here 
CSG Tennis Club Summer Camps - details here
Springbucks Gym Summer Camps - details here
Wycombe Wanderers Community Health Day - 15th July 2023 - details here
CSG Village Show - The Chalfont St Giles Village Show will take place on Saturday 2nd September and is held in Stone Meadow.
There are lots of fun competitions which are open to all ages. They include gardening, cookery, craft, art, photography and technology. You can view the different classes on the online schedule the online schedule here  or pick up a schedule from Yalden’s or The Olde Post House. Full details on our website here
You can enter online which is the quickest and easiest method, or if you do not have online access, you can use the form which is in the schedule . There are many cash prizes and cups to be won.
The Chalfonts Beekeepers Society also sponsors a Pre-Show Colouring Competition which can be downloaded here /  Classes for this competition are Classes are: Pre-school/Nursery, Reception/Year 1, Years 2/3, Years 4/5/6. Paper copies of the template are available from the school office and may be coloured in using any medium. Templates will also be available from the library and the show website and all Colouring Competition entries should be handed in to the Chalfont St. Giles Library no later than noon on Tuesday 29th August 2023.
The Competitions at the show offer a great opportunity to show off your skills as well as a fantastic family day out. Come and join us!  
The Hodgemoor Wildlife Junior Photography Award. The Hodgemoor Riding Association and its members are sponsoring a photography competition in the Junior Photography Section. Look out for more details
* * * *
Wishing you all a lovely weekend (and apologies for the very long email this week)
