Dear Parents / Carers
It has been lovely to see everyone back in school this week.
Colour Banded Books - We are missing a number of our colour banded books. Please keep an eye out for the colour banded books at home and send them back into school with your child.
Magazines for Children - If you are subscribed to magazines such as First News, The Week Junior, Happy News or National Geographic Junior, and have copies of these in good condition that you no longer need, please email the office FAO Mrs Mannick if you would be happy to donate copies to the school.
Spring Term clubs - details of clubs are available here. Please sign up again for Spring Term clubs as we start a new register each term. We will be sending emails next week to confirm places in school run clubs
Deanway traffic lights - we have been advised by Affinity Water that there will be traffic lights on the Deanway on Tuesday
Lagger Close - dangerous tree - we have been advised by a local resident that there is a tree at the end of Lagger Close with split branches - this will be dealt with soon but please be aware if you are passing that way
Office team - welcome to Mrs Molly Wallace who has just joined the Junior Office team
Monday 9th January
Tuesday 10th January
Wednesday 11th January
Thursday 12th January
Friday 13th January
Future Dates
Monday 16th January - remaining clubs start this week
Wednesday 18th January - Year 5 Maple class swimming lessons start today - details here
Monday 23rd January - Year 5 Maple class Spring parent evening meetings - 3:40pm to 6pm - details here
Tuesday 24th January - Year 5 Assembly starting at 9am in the Main Hall - parents invited to attend
Tuesday 24th January - Year 5 Maple class Spring parent evening meetings - 3:40pm to 6pm - details here
Tuesday 24th January - Reading Writing & Maths Meeting for parents 6pm to 7pm - details TBC
Thursday 26th January - Year 6 PE festival at CCC - details here - children will need a packed lunch today and to wear PE kit
Thursday 2nd February - Year 3 PE Festival - details here
Monday 6th February - Year 6 SATS practice tests during the morning
Tuesday 7th February - Year 6 SATS practice tests during the morning
Tuesday 7th February - Year 4 to attend the Songs of Praise service in the Village Church - parents and family members are welcome to join this service
Friday 10th February - last day of half term will be a Dress Down Friday as requested by School Council
Monday 20th February - school reopens today for new half term
Thursday 2nd March - World Book Day - details TBC
Thursday 2nd March - parents evening for all parents from 5:30pm to 8pm - details TBC
Monday 6th March - parents evening for all parents from 3:40pm to 6pm - details TBC
Tuesday 7th March - Year 3 to attend the Songs of Praise service in the Village Church - parents and family members are welcome to join this service
Wednesday 15th March - Year 3 Assembly starting at 9am in the Main Hall - details TBC
Wednesday 22nd March - Year 4 Assembly starting at 9am in the Main Hall - details TBC
Wednesday 29th March - Year 4 trip to Woodrow High House - letter and kit list details
Friday 21st April - Reading workshop for parents 9am to 10am - details TBC
Monday 1st May - Bank Holiday
Monday 8th May - Bank Holiday
Tuesday 9th to Friday 12th May - Year 6 SATS this week
Monday 22nd May - Year 6 trip to Chester - letter and kit list details
Community Events - see details here