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Junior - Weekly email - Friday 6th December

Dear Parents / Carers
We hope that everyone enjoyed Beauty and the Beast on Wednesday. Many thanks for all of your generous donations that enabled everyone to enjoy this theatre show in school.
A special thanks to our fantastic kitchen team - Ms White, Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs Rickketts who work so hard looking after the children in the Dining Hall every day. They served over 180 Christmas lunches on Wednesday with their usual good cheer. Next Wednesday we have a revised menu as other schools that St Jospehs provide meals to have their Christmas Lunches,
Year 3 - Egyptian Day will take place on Thursday 12th December. Many thanks for your donations for this workshop by Portals to the Past. We still have a slight shortfall for this workshop. If any Year 3 parents have not yet made a contribution and are able to do so that would be very much appreciated. Payment item is Year 3 Egyptian Workshop 2024
Christmas Jumper Day in support of Liberty's Legacy - On Friday 13th December children may wear a Christmas Jumper or decorate their own jumper for a suggested donation of £1. We will have collection pots in school for cash donations. If anyone would like to know more about this charity or make a donation of £2 or more, Mrs McCarthy is fundraising for this charity and her Just Giving page is here
Scam calls - we have had reports of parents being contacted by an Anti Bullying fundraiser company. Just to clarify that we are not working with any agency that is fundraising for anti-bullying and that any calls as such are not linked to the school.
Hour of Code - during the last week of term children will be taking part in the Hour of Code and there are some amazing activities. There are quite a few free sites that children can explore at home (please note that there are some paid for add-ons but the main sites are free to access). Link to resources -
Chalfont St Giles and the Great War - a new book has been written on Chalfont St Giles and World War One.  It describes the Parish, whose borders have changed over the years, between 1900 and 1930 and how the villages of Chalfont St Giles and Jordans were affected by the War.  It includes stories of some families and gives details of those who fought and gave medical support to the front line, the casualties and where people lived.  These books are available in the library and are free but the main sponsors asked that we seek a contribution towards an appropriate charity. We will therefore be very grateful if you would donate something for our Memorial Hall, celebrating its Centenary. Thank you.
Chalfont St Giles Community LIbrary - Returning Borrowed Library books. It was lovely to see all the classes at the library during November. The children borrowed many books. Please could you ensure that they are returned to a library by the due date which is on the date label inside the book, so avoiding fines. If you wish to renew the book, this can be done by visiting the library, going on line or phoning CSG library (01494 874732). If you cannot return the books to a library, bring the books to the school office, where they will be collected by CSG library volunteers. We look forward to seeing you again in the Library. Elaine Hoare, (CSG Library volunteer)
Christmas cards - a polite reminder that we cannot pass on any cards, from the christmas post box, that contain sweets or chocolates. These will be returned to sender wherever possible. Thank you.
Our School Amazon Wish List - for any gifts, it is always lovely to know who has donated items so we can thank you properly! The link to the gift list can be found here
Surplus Exercise Books - we have some exercise books that are surplus to requirement. If you would like some, there are some outside the office under the table  - blue covers with small 5mm squares - please help yourself or ask at the office.
Monday 9th December - School run after school clubs have now finished for the term - a new clubs timetable will be issued shortly. Clubs run by Mr Ballard and external companies continue for a little longer - the full timetable for this term is here
We have details for the following Spring term clubs:
Diary dates for next week:
Monday 9th December 
  • Year 3 PE day today - children to come to school in PE Kit
  • Music lessons -  Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the day


Tuesday 10th December
  • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
  • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
  • Year 6 trip to Snow Centre - details here - please can everyone provide sizes for equipment here - gloves can be pre-ordered on ParentMail. 
  • Bonsai Snow Centre - please be in school for 8:30am as coach departs at 8:45am - children to wear school PE kit and bring in a packed lunch
  • Acacia Snow Centre - Acacia will be leaving school late morning -  children to wear school PE kit and bring in a packed lunch
  • Music lessons - Guitar lessons with Mr Atkinson, BMT - in the Music Room during the day
  • Music assembly with Mr Atkinson's guitar students - 10:40am to 10:55am - parents of pupils playing are welcome to join us for this assembly - - entrance via main school entrance via Parsonage Road
  • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - no lessons with Mrs Wayman today
  • PFO Football Club on the School Field / Main Hall from 3:45pm to 4:45pm - pickup from the back of Main Hall - details here
  • Year 5 & 6 Netball Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit & trainers - from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from Top Playground (last session for this term)
  • Cookery Club with Smart Raspberry in the Dining Hall from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
  • No Rocky Road Club today - this club has finished for this term 


Wednesday 11th December

  • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Year 5 PE day today - children to come to school in school PE Kit
  • Open Morning for prospective parents - details herePlease email the school office to book a place on a tour. Tours at 10am and 11am and Headteachers presentation at 10:30am
  • Revised menu today - the menu is available here
  • Music lessons - Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the afternoon
  • Year 3 PE Festival (Basketball) at Amersham School - details here - children to come to school in School PE Kit - the coach will be leaving after lunch so normal lunch for Year 3 today
  • Tennis club with Mark Schofield on the Upper playground from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pickup from Top Playground - details here
  • No Year 5 & 6 Girls Football Club - this club has now finished
Thursday 12th December
  • Gym Club (Before School) with Springbucks in the Main hall - from 7:45am to 8:45am - entrance via Parsonage Road entrance only
  • Year 3 Egyptian Day - details here
  • Year 4 PE day today - children to come to school in PE Kit
  • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the music room
  • Music lessons - Strings lessons with Mrs Priestley, BMT - in the Music Room
  • Girls Football Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit, trainers and shin pads - for Years 3 & 4 from 3:30pm to 4:45pm (please can girls change in their classrooms at the end of the day) - pick up from Top Playground (last session for this term)
  • Homework club - in IT Suite for invited pupils - 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from the Dining Hall at 4:30pm (please note that this is the last homework club for this term)
  • No Year 5 & 6 Boys Football Club -  this club has now finished 
  • Year 3 & 4 Girls Football Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit & trainers or football bootsfrom 3:30pm to  4:30pm - pick up from Top Playground (last session for this club)
Friday 13th December 
  • Reading in your child's class - parents are welcome to pop into class from 8:45am until 8:55am (gates will be open from 8:40am on Fridays)
  • Christmas Jumper Day in support of Liberty's Legacy - children may wear a christmas jumper or decorate their own jumper for a suggested donation of £1
  • Year 6 PE day today -  children will still have PE today so may want to bring in a school top for PE in the afternoon
  • Music lessons - Drum lessons with Teach me Drums - in the Music Room during the day
  • PTA pop up Christmas shopping afternoon - children will have the chance to select pre-ordered gifts. Labels have been sent home - please they can be filled in and returned to school (in the coloured, named envelopes provided by the PTA. 
  • Street Dance with Tuffney Performing Arts - in the Main Hall from 3:30pm to 4:15pm - details here
Future Dates
Monday 16th December - Year 6 SATS practice sessions during the morning (no music lessons this morning)
Monday 16th December - Hour of Code - during the last week of term children will be taking part in the Hour of Code and there are some amazing activities. There are quite a few free sites that children can explore at home (please note that there are some paid for add-ons but the main sites are free to access). Link to resources - 
Monday 16th December - No afternoons readers in school this week - thank you
Tuesday 17th December - Year 6 SATS practice sessions during the morning (no music lessons this morning)
Tuesday 17th December - Junior Carol Services at the Village Church - Year 3 & 4 from 1:35pm to 2:20pm and Year 5 & 6 from 2:30pm to 3:15pm - parents are invited to attend their child's service at the village church 
Tuesday 17th December - Extra Smart Raspberry Cookery Club to make up for session missed on 17th December
Thursday 19th December - Christmas parties in classes this afternoon - children may wear party clothes today but remember coats and suitable shoes for the day
Thursday 19th December - PTA Christmas Bake sale - details on Classlist
Friday 20th December - last day of term - early finish at 1:45pm
Monday 6th January 2025 - Inset Day for staff training
Tuesday 7th January - School opens for start of new term today
Tuesday 7th January - Year 3 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
Thursday 9th January - Homework club restarts for Spring term
Wednesday 15th January - Year 5 Maple class - swimming lessons begin today - details here - donations and consent can be given on ParentMail
Monday 20th January - Year 6 Dodgeball PE Festival during the afternoon
Tuesday 21st January - Year 5 Netball PE Festival during the morning
Tuesday 4th February - Year 6 day trip to Warner Studios (Harry Potter)
Tuesday 4th February - Year 5 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
Tuesday 11th February - Year 6 Fitness PE Festival during the morning
Friday 14th February - last day of half term
* * * * *
Community Events - details of local events, workshops, summer camps and activities - see details here
GX Squash club intro offer - 15th Dec 2024 - details here
Calm Little Minds - Christmas Camp at Holtspur School - Mon 23rd Dec 2024 - details here
Hope you all have a good weekend and apologies for the very long email this week
