We hope that everyone has had a lovely summer break and are ready for the new term starting next Tuesday 6th September.
School meals for the Autumn term - The new menu is on our website and the meal options are also on ParentMail. Details of children's food allergies have been added to ParentMail. Please inform the School Office of any food allergies that we may need to be aware of, or any changes that may occur over the year.
Lunch boxes - A reminder that we do not allow sweets, fizzy drinks or chocolate bars in our lunchboxes. For advice on how to provide a healthy lunch for your child please see here.
We have a number of children attending this school who have a severe allergy to nuts & sesame seeds - including both peanuts and tree-growing nuts. This allergy is not just triggered through ingestion but can also be via touch and inhalation. Under no circumstances are any items containing nuts or nut products to be brought onto site, either during the school day or before and after school. This includes birthday treats that get handed out to the children. Such products also include peanut butter and Nutella/hazelnut chocolate spread and some cereal bars. Your cooperation on this matter is very much appreciated.
ParentMail - Parents of new starters should have received a login link for ParentMail. If you already use ParentMail and get a message to say the link has expired, it may be that you need to log into your existing ParentMail account and just accept the additional child. Children will be moved into their correct class groups once term has begun. Should you have any queries that you cannot resolve via the Parentmail online help system, please email the office and we will aim to resolve these..We are still waiting for allergen information from St Josephs kitchen for weeks 2 to 5
Diary Dates for 2022-2023 - see here for an overview of dates for the next academic year. Term dates are also given at the end of this email
ClassList - the new classes and Class Parents have been set up now - all classes have at least one Class Parent though Ash class are still looking for a class parent rep. Please talk to the Ash teachers or contact the School Office if you are interested in this role,
School clubs - our clubs change each term and details of the Autumn term clubs will be sent out early next week. Clubs will start during the week of 19th September, apart from Breakfast Club and Morning Maths that start on Tuesday 6th September.
Individual Music lessons for 2022-2023 - a letter with details about music lessons is available here. Bucks Music Trust lesson details for 2022/23 and a sign up form are also available. More information about music on the website here.
Medicines in school - if your child needs to have medicines in school the office will be in touch, or you are welcome to contact us to discuss this. If medical needs should change at any point please do contact the School Office.