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Junior - Weekly email- Friday 18th November 2022

Dear Parents / Carers
We hope that children have enjoyed the tennis taster sessions at the CSG Tennis Club this week. Those that were missed due to the rain have been rescheduled. Many thanks to their tennis coach James Martin for running these sessions.

SEN questionnaire - Thank you to those who have taken the time to share their views on the SEN provision at our school. If you have not yet completed the questionnaire but are happy to share your views, Mrs Bannister would really appreciate your contribution.

Year 4 MTC - Information for Year 4 parents about the 2023 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is available here
School Photo orders - the ordering deadline for free delivery to school has been extended to Monday 21st November. If you order after this date, a delivery charge will apply.
PTA Pop up Christmas Shop for children - on Friday 16th December the PTA will once again be running a Christmas Shop during the afternoon, where the children can pick their own pre-paid small gifts for their family and even their pets! Children will have the opportunity to visit the shop and choose their gifts during the school day on Friday 16th December. The PTA has asked that all orders be placed by Friday 25th November, to allow them time to buy a selection of gifts. More details on Classlist
Future Dates:
Monday 21st November
  • Open Day for prospective parents - details here
  • Year 5 PE Day - children to come to school in school PE Kit
  • Year 4 recorder lessons
  • Music lessons - Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - morning in the music room
  • School run lunchtime club - Benchball Club with Miss Balaam in the Main Hall for Year 5 children
  • Music lessons - Guitar lessons with Mr Norton, BMT - afternoon in the Music Room
  • External club - Chess club in the Art Room from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from outside the Art Room 
  • External club - Tennis club on the Upper playground from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pickup from Upper / Top playground 


Tuesday 22nd November 
  • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Year 3 PE day -  children to come to school in school PE Kit - Year 3  Ash Class children will be taking part in a tennis taster session at CSG Tennis club during their PE lesson today
  • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the Music Room
  • Reading Club with Mrs Mannick in the library - all welcome from 12:50pm to 1:15pm
  • Rocky Road Club with Mrs Rock & Mr Shankland for invited Year 3 & 4 children - in the ATA room from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
  • Cookery Club with Smart Raspberry in the Dining Hall from 3:30pm to 4:30pm


Wednesday 23rd November 

  • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Open Day for prospective parents - details here
  • Year 6 PE day - children to come to school in school PE Kit
  • Acacia class swimming today - please remember swimming costumes, towels and goggles - letter here and google form here - donations towards costs can be made via Parentmail
  • Music lessons - Drum lessons with MD Drumlab - in the Music Room - additional session
  • Football Club with Mr O'Sullivan in the Main Hall / Top Field - please remember football kit and boots / shinpads - Year 5 & 6 from 3:45 to 4:45pm
  • Tag Rugby Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit and trainers - Year 3 & 4 from 3:30 to 4:30pm (note earlier finish for the remainder of the term)


Thursday 24th November 
  • Gym Club (Before School) with Springbucks Gymnastics in the Main hall from 7:45am to 8:45am - entrance via Parsonage Road entrance only
  • Year 4 PE day - children to come to school in school PE Kit - Year 4 children will be taking part in a tennis taster session at CSG Tennis club during their PE lesson today
  • Year 5 ukulele lessons today
  • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the music room
  • Music lessons - Violin lessons with Mrs Priestley, BMT - in the Music Room
  • Lego Club with Mrs Baker in Acer Class - all year groups from 12:20pm to 12:50pm
  • Dodgeball Club with Mrs Spencer in the Main Hall - for Year 6 from 12:20pm to 12:50pm
  • Music lessons - Cello lessons with Mrs Bignall, BMT - in the Music Room
  • No homework club today due to parents evening in school
  • Football Club with PFO - on the School Field / Main Hall from 3:45pm to 4:45pm
  • Netball Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit & trainers - for Years 5 and 6 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm (note earlier finish for the remainder of the term
  • Parents evening for all parents (not Ash class) from 5:30pm to 8pm) - details here - in person meetings with Year 3 & 4 in dining hall and Year 5 & 6 in main hall - all side gates will be open during the evening


Friday 25th November
  • Reading in class - parents are welcome to pop in to class to read with children between 8:45 and 8:55am
  • Music lessons - Drum lessons with MD Drumlab - in the Music Room
  • Art Club with Mrs Starrs in the Art Room - for Year 5 & 6 children from 12:45pm to 1:15pm
  • Street Dance with Tuffney Performing Arts - in the Main Hall from 3:30pm to 4:15pm


Future Dates:
Tuesday 29th November - Year 3 Oak Class children will be taking part in a tennis taster session at CSG Tennis club during their PE lesson today (rescheduled due to rain)
Wednesday 30th November - Year 4 Roman Day - details here
Wednesday 30th November - class parents reps meeting with Mr Haywood - starting at 9am
Friday 2nd December - school run clubs all finished by today (except Morning Maths / Breakfast Club and Homework Club)
Friday 2nd December - NSPCC workshops in school for Year 6
Tuesday 6th December - Year 5 to attend Songs of Praise Service in Village Church - service starts at 11:30am
Wednesday 7th December - School Christmas lunch - Turkey or Vegan Sausage roll - orders to be placed on ParentMail
Thursday 8th December - Christmas Jumper Day - Save the Children charity day details TBC
Thursday 8th December - last homework club of the term
Friday 9th December - NSPCC workshops in school for Year 5
Monday 12th December - Year 6 SATS practice tests in the morning
Tuesday 13th December - Year 6 SATS practice tests in the morning
Tuesday 13th December - Year 3 / Year 4 Carol Service from 1:30pm to 2:15pm - details TBC
Tuesday 13th December - Year 5 / Year 6 Carol Service from 2:25pm to 3:10pm - details TBC
Wednesday 14th December - amended menu Pasta with Tomato Sauce or Baked potato - orders to be placed on ParentMail
Friday 16th December - PTA Pop Up Christmas Shop for children in school - see Classlist for details
Tuesday 20th December - last Morning Maths and Breakfast Club this term
Tuesday 20th December - last day of term - early finish 2:15pm for Juniors
Tuesday 3rd January - INSET day - school closed for children
Wednesday 4th January - school opens for spring term today
Wednesday 29th March - Year 4 trip to Woodrow High House - details TBC
Monday 22nd May - Year 6 trip to Chester - letter and kit list details - yellow paper consent forms are available from the school office
Community Events - see here  
