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Junior - Weekly email - Friday 17th February

Dear Parents / Carers
Author visit - on Tuesday 21st February, author Jack Meggitt-Phillips will be visiting the Junior School. You can purchase copies of his books through Chiltern Bookshops, to be signed and dedicated at school on TuesdayOrders need to be placed by 5pm on Monday 20th February. The ordered books will be brought to school on Tuesday for children to collect. Only books purchased through this link will be signed and dedicated on the day. 
About the series 'The Beast and the Bethany': Ebenezer Tweezer is a youthful 511-year-old. He keeps a beast in the attic of his mansion, who hefeeds all manner of things (including performing monkeys, his pet cat and the occasional cactus) and in return the beast vomits out presents for Ebenezer, as well as potions which keep him young and beautiful. But the beast grows ever greedier, and soon only a nice, juicy child will do. So when Ebenezer encounters orphan Bethany, it seems like (everlasting) life will go on as normal. But Bethany is not your average orphan . . .
The Pancake Day Cafe will be open in the village on Tuesday 21st February - details of this and other events organised by the Parish Church are given here
Spelling - Attached here is a list of high frequency words (HFW) that are often spelt incorrectly. A copy of this sheet is displayed on every desk in the junior school so that the children can sense check their spelling. Please encourage your child to learn and check their use of these words in work completed at home. Thank you
Junior School Amazon Wish List - Many thanks.
Diary dates for next week
Monday 20th February
  • School reopens today for new half term
  • Music lessons - Guitar lessons with Mr Norton, BMT - afternoon in the Music Room
  • Bench Ball Club with Miss Balaam in the Main Hall - remember trainers - for Year 5 children from 12:20 to 12:50
  • Chess club with Ray Sayers in the Art Room from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from outside the Art Room - club details
  • Tennis club with Mark Schofield on the Upper playground from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pickup from Upper / Top playground - club details
 Tuesday 21st February
  • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Author visit today - Jack Meggitt-Phillips - you can pre order books here
  • Music lessons - Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - morning in the Music Room
  • Lego Club with Mrs Rooney in Acer Class - all year groups welcome from 12:20pm to 12:50pm
  • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the Music Room at lunchtime
  • Reading Club with Mrs Mannick in the library - all year groups welcome from 12:50pm to 1:15pm
  • Rocky Road Club with Mrs Rock & Mr Shankland for invited Year 3 & 4 children - in the ATA room from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
  • Cookery Club with Smart Raspberry in the Dining Hall from 3:30pm to 4:30pm -club details


Wednesday 22nd February

  • Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
  • Year 5 PE Day - children to come to school in school PE Kit and Maple class are swimming so will also need swimming kit and towels today - details here
  • Music lessons - Drum lessons with MD Drumlab - in the Music Room during the afternoon
  • Football Club with Mr O'Sullivan on the Top Field - please remember football kit and boots / shinpads - Year 5 & 6 from 3:45 to 4:45pm - pick up from Beech class
  • Basketball Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit and trainers - Year 3 & 4 from 3:30 to 4:45pm
  • U11s football match for invited team - away v Chesham Bois - kickoff at 4pm


Thursday 23rd February

  • Gym Club (Before School) with Springbucks in the Main hall - Year 3 & 4 from 7:45am to 8:45am - entrance via Parsonage Road entrance only - club details
  • Year 4 PE day - children to come to school in school PE Kit 
  • Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the music room
  • Music lessons - Violin lessons with Mrs Priestley, BMT - in the Music Room
  • Dodgeball Club with Mrs Spencer in the Main Hall - remember trainers - for Year 6 from 12:20pm to 12:50pm
  • Music lessons - Cello lessons with Mrs Bignall, BMT - in the Music Room
  • Homework club - in IT Suite for invited pupils - 3:30pm to 4:30pm - pick up from Dining Hall
  • Football Club with PFO - on the School Field / Main Hall from 3:45pm to 4:45pm
  • Netball Club with Mr Ballard on the Upper Playground - please remember sports kit & trainers - for Years 5 and 6 from 3:30pm to 4:45pm


Friday 24th February

  • Reading in class - parents are welcome to pop in 
  • Year 6 PE day today  children to come to school in school PE Kit 
  • Music lessons - Drum lessons with MD Drumlab - in the Music Room
  • Acer parents are invited to join our Achievements Assembly today - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only
  • Street Dance with Tuffney Performing Arts - in the Main Hall from 3:30pm to 4:15pm
  • PTA Kids Disco 6pm t 7:30pm - see Classlist for details and to buy tickets
Future Dates
Wednesday 1st March - Year 5 Beech class starting swimming lessons today
Thursday 2nd March - World Book Day - children may dress as a book character today - further details TBC
Thursday 2nd March - Parent evening meetings for all parents (not Maple) from 5pm - details here
Friday 3rd March - Palm parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only
Monday 6th March - Parent evening meetings for all parents (not Maple) from 3:40pm to 6pm - details here
Tuesday 7th March - Year 3 to attend the 11:30am Songs of Praise service in the Village Church - parents and family members are welcome to join this service
Tuesday 7th March - Year 6 children to visit CSG Library in the afternoon - remember to bring in your library cards
Thursday 9th March - Year 5 children to visit CSG Library in the afternoon - remember to bring in your library card
Friday 10th March - Oak parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only
Tuesday 14th March - Year 4 children to visit CSG Library in the afternoon - remember to bring in your library card
Wednesday 15th March - Year 3 Assembly starting at 9am in the Main Hall - this assembly will last about 30 minutes
Thursday 16th March - Year 5 Tag Rugby PE festival - details here - parent helpers with school DBS needed - please contact school office
Thursday 16th March - Year 3 children to visit CSG Library in the afternoon - remember to bring in your library card
Friday 17th March - Comic Relief Day - children may wear something red in return for a suggested £1 donation for the Comic Relief Charity
Friday 17th March - Families to School Day - dads or other family members are invited to join their children in the afternoon to make a card for Mother's Day and visit the PTA cafe - details TBC
Monday 20th March - Arts Week in school this week - we are still looking for donations of plastic bottles and plastic bottle tops/ lids

Monday 20th March - SEN meetings with Mrs Bannister this week - appointment dates / times TBC nearer the time
Thursday 23rd March - Music and Arts Evening in school during the evening - time and details TBC

Friday 24th March - Author Visit - Josh Lacey - details TBC
Friday 24th March - no Friday assembly today due to author visit
Monday 27th March - Year 6 practice SATS sessions in the morning
Tuesday 28th March - Year 6 practice SATS sessions in the morning
Wednesday 29th March - Year 4 trip to Woodrow High House - initial letter and kit list and final letter
Friday 31st March - Maple parents invited for Friday assembly - this assembly starts at 1:20pm and will be about 20 minutes - entrance is via Parsonage Road main gate only
Friday 31st March - last day of term
Friday 21st April - Reading workshop for parents 9am to 10am - details TBC
Monday 1st May - Bank Holiday
Wednesday 3rd May - Year 4 Assembly starting at 9am in the Main Hall - this assembly will last about 30 minutes (new date)
Monday 8th May - Bank Holiday
Tuesday 9th to Friday 12th May - Year 6 SATS this week
Monday 22nd May - Year 6 trip to Chester - letter and kit list details 
Monday 26th June - Sports Week
Community Events - see details here 
Handling Anger in the Family course - details here
Pirates of Penzance at CSG Village Church - Saturday 4th March - details here
