Dear Parents / Carers
We hope that Year 6 enjoyed their adventures on the slopes at the Snow Centre on Tuesday. Thank you to Mrs Holt for organising this exciting trip. Year 3 did well at the Basketball festival on Wednesday afternoon competing against other schools. Thank you to the parents who supported both of these trips. We also had some fabulous Egyptian costumes yesterday when Year 3 journeyed back to Ancient Egypt with Portals to the Past.
Everyone looked amazing in their Christmas jumpers today and thank you for the generous donations to support Liberty's Legacy. Mrs McCarthy is fundraising for this charity and will give us an update next week. If anyone would like to know more about this charity or make a donation of £2 or more Mrs McCarthy's Just Giving page is here
Thank you to the PTA for running their pop up christmas present stall this afternoon - there was a lot of work involved in pre-wrapping all of the gifts and sorting labels but it all seemed to go very smoothly today. A huge thank you also to the PTA for last week's Silent Disco. We hope everyone enjoyed these events.
Carol Services - we would like to invite parents and family members to join us for our annual Carol Service at the Village Church on Tuesday 17th December. Please note that the service timings have changed slightly from previously published. Parents are invited to join their child's year group service at the church
- The service for Year 3 & Year 4 is from 1:25pm to 2:20pm
- The service for Year 5 & Year 6 is from 2:25pm to 3:20pm
Meal ordering Spring term - The menu for the Spring term is available on the website here and you can now start ordering meals for the Spring term using ParentMail. The school meal service will start on Tuesday 7th January 2025. Please note that meal orders need to be booked or changed via ParentMail and this must be done 7 days in advance for Junior School children. For the first day of term on Tuesday 7th January 2025, meal orders will need to be entered on ParentMail by Tuesday 31st December 2024. If we are informed of any changes to the menu, we will let you know in advance wherever possible.
Lost property - the lost property box in the Dining Hall will be emptied over the summer any unnamed items will be recycled or rehomed. If you are missing anything please take a moment to check the box. We have a lot of unnamed PE hoodies just now.
Volunteer Readers - no afternoon readers in school this week - thank you all very much for your support this term. This reading time makes a huge difference for the children.
Art Club - children have been busy in the Art Club this half term making banners and christmas cards - they have shared some images here
School clubs for the Spring term - we will be sharing details of clubs next week for you to sign children up for the Spring Term
Details for some of the external clubs are available already: :
Pip Dance Academy - we are talking to a new club provider for an after school on Fridays and have a brief survey here. The survey will close at the end of the day on Tuesday 17th December.
PFO Football club - Hi everyone, As you may or may not know, PFO is merging with another company in Aylesbury. The new company is called 'Captiv8 Life Ltd'. They have many exciting plans for the future but the clubs and camps in south bucks won't be affected. That said, the way you sign up for the club is now changing. As this club is popular and has sold out recently, we want to give you all equal opportunity to sign up to the new system before releasing the club next week.
To sign up, click this link:
Once you've signed up, the Captiv8 team will need to accept your application before you can then sign up for the club so make sure you do it in plenty of time. The club will be open to book on MONDAY 16TH DECEMBER AT 4PM. Any questions then please email PFO / Captiv8 will still be running their after school football club at the Junior School starting on 13th January.
Our School Amazon Wish List - for any gifts, it is always lovely to know who has donated items so we can thank you properly! The link to the gift list can be found here
Surplus Exercise Books - we have some exercise books that are surplus to requirement. If you would like some, there are some outside the office under the table - blue covers with small 5mm squares - please help yourself or ask at the office.
Hour of Code - during the last week of term children will be taking part in the Hour of Code and there are some amazing activities. There are quite a few free sites that children can explore at home (please note that there are some paid for add-ons but the main sites are free to access). Link to resources -
Diary dates for next week:
Monday 16th December
- Year 3 PE day today - children to come to school in PE Kit
- Year 6 SATS practice sessions during the morning (no music lessons this morning)
- Music lessons - Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the afternoon
Tuesday 17th December
- Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
- Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate and via main school entrance
- Year 6 SATS practice sessions during the morning (no music lessons this morning)
- Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the Music Room during lunchtime
- Junior Carol Services at the Village Church:
- The service for Year 3 & Year 4 is from 1:25pm to 2:20pm
- The service for Year 5 & Year 6 is from 2:25pm to 3:20pm
- NO PFO Football Club today - this club has finished for this term
- NO Year 5 & 6 Netball Club - this club has finished for this term
- Cookery Club with Smart Raspberry in the Dining Hall from 3:30pm to 4:30pm - extra catchup session today
- No Rocky Road Club today - this club has finished for this term
Wednesday 18th December
- Early Birds Breakfast Club in the ATA Room from 8am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
- Morning Maths Club in the ICT Suite from 8:15am to 8:45am - this club is for invited children only - entrance via main Parsonage Road gate
- Year 5 PE day today - children to come to school in school PE Kit
- Music lessons - Piano lessons with Ms Cicvarova, BMT - in the Music Room during the afternoon
- No Tennis club with Mark Schofield - this club has finished for this term
- No Year 5 & 6 Girls Football Club - this club has finished for this term
Thursday 19th December
- Gym Club (Before School) with Springbucks in the Main hall - from 7:45am to 8:45am - entrance via Parsonage Road entrance only
- Christmas parties in classes this afternoon - children may wear party clothes today but remember coats and suitable shoes for the day
- No PE for Year 4 today
- Music lessons - Piano and Woodwind lessons with Mrs Wayman, BMT - in the music room
- Music lessons - Strings lessons with Mrs Priestley, BMT - in the Music Room
- No Girls Football Club - this club has finished for this term
- NO HOMEWORK club - this club has finished for this term
- No Year 5 & 6 Boys Football Club - this club has now finished
- No Year 3 & 4 Girls Football Club - this club has finished for this term
- No PTA Christmas Bake sale after school today - BAKE SALE has been CANCELLED
Friday 20th December
- Reading in your child's class - parents are welcome to pop into class from 8:45am until 8:55am (gates will be open from 8:40am on Fridays)
- No PE for Year 6 today
- Music lessons - Drum lessons with Teach me Drums - in the Music Room during the morning
- Last day of term - early finish at 1:45pm
Future Dates
Tuesday 31st December - deadline to order school meals for first week of term
Monday 6th January 2025 - Inset Day for staff training
Tuesday 7th January - School opens for start of new term today
Tuesday 7th January - Year 3 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
Thursday 9th January - Homework club restarts for Spring term
Wednesday 15th January - Year 5 Maple class - swimming lessons begin today - details here - donations and consent can be given on ParentMail
Monday 20th January - Year 6 Dodgeball PE Festival during the afternoon
Tuesday 21st January - Year 5 Netball PE Festival during the morning
Tuesday 4th February - Year 6 day trip to Warner Studios (Harry Potter)
Tuesday 4th February - Year 5 Songs of Praise service at village church (11:30 to 12 service – family and friends are invited to attend)
Tuesday 11th February - Year 6 Fitness PE Festival during the morning
Friday 14th February - last day of half term
* * * * *
Community Events - details of local events, workshops, summer camps and activities - see details here
PFO / Captiv8 - PFO are using a new system called 'Coacha'. This is where you can see what's going on and sign up for any clubs or camps we have (starting with our Monday 23rd December Christmas Camp @ CSG Junior School. 9am - 4pm. £5 for the day! All profits to charity!) -
Chorister for a Day - to be held at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, on Sunday 19th and Sunday 26th January 2025. These events are open to both girls and boys in Years 2-3 at school who may be interested in finding out more about the opportunity of a choristership here at St George’s - details here
Springbucks Gymnastics Holiday Camp - 23rd December - details here
Wycombe Wanderers Football Club are running a ticket promotion of £5 on all Child (11 and under) tickets for our fixture vs Bolton Wanderers (with a full paying adult) on Friday 20th December 2024, with the game kicking off at 7.45pm. - details here
Calm Little Minds - Christmas Camp at Holtspur School - Mon 23rd Dec 2024 - details here
Hope you all have a good weekend