Dear Parents / Carers
The end of the school year is now upon us and we have the sad task of saying goodbye to our leavers. We wish them all the very best in their new schools and look forward to hearing how they get on in future years. We know that they will all be amazing!
Thank you to the PTA and everyone who helped with the Summer Fun event yesterday - it was a lovely evening and the weather was very kind to us
Thank you so much for all the gifts you have passed on to us this week, they are all very much appreciated
Governors Report for the year- see here
School Newsletter for the summer term - see here
Sponsored Walk4Books - we have so far raised £698 from the Sponsored Walk. Thank you to everyone who has paid in a donation - we look forward to buying some additional books for next year.
Contacting the school over the summer - due to electrical upgrades the phone lines will be unavailable for certain periods over the summer break so please email any urgent enquiries rather than leave voice messages as they will not be accessible.
School meal ordering - meals for the Autumn term can now be ordered on ParentMail. ParentMail balances for leavers will be transferred to siblings where possible and balances over £5 will be refunded over the next few weeks.
School clubs - details of clubs taking place in the autumn term have been sent out today. Details are also on the website here
Uniform orders via PMG - PMG Schoolwear will be operating an appointment system over the summer for visits to their stores. They strongly suggest early booking as spaces are limited and the stores can be very busy, especially in the last few weeks of the Summer. Please note that their Cut Off Date for ordering is August 12th, after which uniform items may not be available before children go back to school in September. PMG website -
Lost Property - any remaining Lost Property items will be disposed of over the holiday
Amazon Wish List - a huge thanks for the donations that we have received this term. Your generosity is much appreciated
Readers and Volunteers - many thanks to our volunteer readers, parent helpers and our small but fabulous PTA team. Everything that you all do to support the school is very much appreciated
Monday 4th September
Tuesday 5th September
- School starts for the new Term
A weekly email with details for the first week of term will be sent out at the end of the summer holidays
Term dates for 2023-2024 - details here
Community Events - see details here
Chalfont Saints Football club are looking for new players to join their club - details here
Milton's Cottage summer newsletter with details of special events- details here
Wycombe Museum Summer Holidays 2023 What's On Poster - details here
CSG Tennis Club Summer Camps - details here
Springbucks Gym Summer Camps - details here
CSG Village Show - The Chalfont St Giles Village Show will take place on Saturday 2nd September and is held in Stone Meadow.
There are lots of fun competitions which are open to all ages. They include gardening, cookery, craft, art, photography and technology. You can view the different classes on the online schedule the online schedule here or pick up a schedule from Yalden’s or The Olde Post House. Full details on our website here
You can enter online which is the quickest and easiest method, or if you do not have online access, you can use the form which is in the schedule . There are many cash prizes and cups to be won.
The Chalfonts Beekeepers Society also sponsors a Pre-Show Colouring Competition which can be downloaded here / Classes for this competition are Classes are: Pre-school/Nursery, Reception/Year 1, Years 2/3, Years 4/5/6. Paper copies of the template are available from the school office and may be coloured in using any medium. Templates will also be available from the library and the show website and all Colouring Competition entries should be handed in to the Chalfont St. Giles Library no later than noon on Tuesday 29th August 2023. The Competitions at the show offer a great opportunity to show off your skills as well as a fantastic family day out. Come and join us!
Village Show Junior Competition Classes are online here
Buckinghamshire Council have published links to holiday activities in the county - link is here
Bucks Libraries Summer Reading Challenge - The Summer Reading Challenge has now started in the CSG Community Library - details are here
All Together Community charity is having a Summer Fun-draising campaign - further details are given here
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We hope that you all have a wonderful summer