Dear Parents/Carers,
We have reached the end of another packed term! It has been a very busy week with Year 2's Africa Day, Reception's trip to Bekonscot Model Village, our Easter Service and today's egg rolling and egg hunt. A huge thank you to all the staff for their hard work towards these events; to you for supporting your children and of course to our wonderful PTA for all their ongoing efforts.
School Lunches
The lunch menus have been loaded onto our website and you are now able to order your child's lunches via ParentMail for the next term. If you have any concerns regarding the allergens, please click here for detailed information from St Joseph's.
For your convenience you can order up to 3 days in advance: for example you would need to have ordered on Friday for the following Monday, Saturday for Tuesday etc. For the first day of term, you will need to have ordered by Saturday 13th April. Please be aware that orders MUST be made or changed through ParentMail and not the school office.
Red Nose Day
A huge thank you for your generous donations across the schools we have raised in excess of £490.00
It has been great to see so many children engaging with Mathseeds this term and to see the enthusiasm the children have shown towards using it! The winning class for this term is Ruby class so well done to all of you in Ruby! Our Mathseeds super students of the term go to:
Emerald: Isla
Ruby: Freya
Amethyst: Ayla
Diamond: Malou
Next term, we will be looking at who completes the most lessons each week as well as the amount of time spent on Mathseeds for our weekly certificates.
Ruby Class - Woodland School
Woodland school for Ruby class will start the Wednesday after Easter and will run for 6 weeks;
Year 1 PE
Please note that there will be no PE lessons for the Year 1 classes in the first week of term.
Community & Cultural Events
Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.
The first week back:
Monday 15th April
Tuesday 16th April
- School opens for Summer term at 08.45
Wednesday 17th April
- Year 2 Sports Festival
- Tennis - lunchtime - Years 1 and 2
Thursday 18th April
Friday 19th April
- Friday reading 08.45 - 08.55 - Year 1
- Friday reading 15.00 - 15.15 - Reception
Future Dates- new dates are in bold
Wednesday 24th April: Reception Vision Screening
Tuesday 7th May: Nursery trip to Chiltern Open Air Museum - more detail to follow
Friday 17th May: Pearl class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch
Friday 24th May: Sapphire class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch
Friday 24th May: Last day of half term, school closes at 3.15 pm
Monday 3rd June: INSET Day
Tuesday 4th June: School opens at 08.45
Wednesday 5th June: Year 1 sports event - more detail to follow
Saturday 8th June: Strawberry Fayre
Tuesday 11th June: Class photographs
Friday 21st June: Emerald class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch
Monday 24th June - Friday 28th June - Sports Week
Friday 28th June: Sports Day from 10 am - parents invited, more detail to follow
Tuesday 2nd July: County Transition Day
Friday 5th July: Ruby class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch
Wednesday 8th July: Year 1 Ruislip Lido trip - more detail to follow
Friday 12th July: YEAR 2 ONLY-Junior School PTA Summer Party (information on Classlist)
Tuesday 16th July: Year 2 Leavers Production - parents invited to watch
Wednesday 17th July: Flower Festival in Village Church - parents invited to attend
Thursday 18th July: Reception trip to College Lake - more detail to follow
Tuesday 23rd July: School closes for Summer at 2 pm