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Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 8th November

Dear Parent/Carer,
It has been lovely to welcome the children back this week.
Odd Socks Day 
We are supporting the Anti Bullying Alliances Odd Sock Day again this year and we are looking forward to seeing lots of wonderful brightly coloured socks in school on Tuesday 12th November. There are more details about the Anti Bullying Awareness Week on their website here Please note this is an awareness day only and not a fundraising event. 
World Diabetes Day
We are supporting World Diabetes Day on Thursday 14th November and are inviting children to come to school wearing something blue along with their school uniform for a suggested donation of £1.
Update from the PTA
  • Thank you for not letting the rain put you off buying our delicious Spooky Bakes and fancy dress - we raised a fantastic £390 
  • Hopefully the children were helpful over half term to earn some money for their Smarties - if you haven't already returned the money and gift aid forms please do ASAP
  • Halloween Amnesty - get rid of your stash - there will be a box in the infant playground next Thursday and Friday
  • 'Elfridges - Christmas gift shop for the children to choose gifts for family. They love the independence of being able to choose themselves
PTA Key Dates
  • Sat 30 November - Village lights switch on, PTA stall
  • Mon 2 December - 'Elfridges - orders need to be made by 17 Nov
  • Wed 4 December - Wreath Making night - excellent value and great fun with friends - get your tickets now
  • Fri 13 December - Christmas Fayre and Santa Grotto - Save the Date info on classlist, grotto tickets will be on sale next week
Community & Cultural Events
Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.
The week ahead:

Monday 11th November

  • PFO Football after school club 15.30 - 16.30 open to all year groups.


Tuesday 12th November

  • Odd Socks Day


Wednesday 13th November

  • Mini Tennis Club at lunchtime 12.20 - 12.50pm - open to years 1 & 2 


Thursday 14th November


  • World Diabetes Day-wear something blue 
  • Parents Evening 5.00pm-8.00pm - please note there will NOT be any parking available on School Lane. Please park in Blizzards Yard car park.


Friday 15th November

  • Friday reading 08.45 - 08.55 - Years 1 and 2

Future Dates


New dates in bold


Monday 18th November: Parents Evening 3.30pm-6.30pm
Tuesday 19th November: Year 2 PE festival
Monday 25th November: Reception PE festival
Tuesday 26th November: Open morning for prospective parents
Wednesday 27th November: Flu Vaccinations for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Wednesday 4th December: M & M Production Beauty and the Beast
Wednesday 4th December: Christmas lunch
Monday 9th December: KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - siblings invited
Monday 9th December: Reception Christmas Play 2.15pm
Tuesday 10th December: KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - no siblings
Wednesday 11th December: KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - no siblings
Thursday 12th December: Reception Christmas Play 9.15am
Friday 13th December: Nursery Christmas Play 11.00am
Friday 13th December: Christmas Jumper Day - TBC
Thursday 19th December: Christmas Party Day
Friday 20th December: Christmas Service at Village Church 9.15am - parents invited to attend
Friday 20th December: School finishes for Christmas at 1.30pm
Monday 6th January 2025: INSET Day
Tuesday 7th January: School opens at 8.45am
Wednesday 29th January: Year 1 PE Festival
Friday 14th February: Dress down Friday
Friday 14th February: School closes for half term at 3.30pm
