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Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 8th December

Dear Parent/Carer,

We have had such a busy week. The children enjoyed having a Christmas lunch on Wednesday as well as going to the Junior School for Jack and the Beanstalk. Thank you to those parents who have already contributed, contributions are still being accepted on ParentMail if you are yet to pay for the pantomime.
Year 2 children enjoyed their Great Fire of London workshop today which helps consolidate all of their learning this term. Thank you for all your donations to allow this to take place. 
Year 1 visited the Milestones Museum where they had a fantastic time learning all about toys from the past and comparing them with the toys of today. Thank you to all the parents who helped with the trip.  
Reading Advent Calendar 
We have been opening the doors of our reading advent calendar in school.  Here is the link so you can join in and share with your child(ren) at home:
Mrs Bannister - Reading Coordinator
Christmas Post Box 
The post box is now available in Reception for the children to post cards to their friends. Please ensure that the child's full name and class is written on the envelope to help the elves deliver them! Please ensure that sweets and chocolate are NOT put into envelopes or brought into school.
Christmas Productions
Tickets for KS1 productions have been sent home. Seats have not been allocated however Year 2 will sit at the front and Year 1 nearer the back.
Tickets are not being issued for Reception's productions. Everyone who has requested tickets have been allocated their choices.
Christmas Tree Trail
We have a tree in the trail at the bottom of School Lane which has been decorated by the children. Please admire it as you walk up the hill and make sure you vote for us in the competition!
Christmas Jumper - Save the Children Charity Day - Friday 15th December
Children may wear their Christmas jumpers or decorate their school jumpers for a suggested £1 donation.
Christmas Party Day - Monday 18th December
The children are looking forward to the Christmas parties and can wear their party clothes to school. Please make sure they are still dressed warmly and appropriately (no jewellery or high heeled shoes).   
PTA updates


  • A busy week with a number of events - thank you for your support:
    • The lights switch on was cold but successful - thank you to our bakers and stall volunteers.
    • It was lovely to see the excitement of the children at the Christmas shopping event - we hope your gifts are tucked under the tree ready!
    • A lovely wreath making event was held and we've loved seeing the pictures of them hung on the doors.
  • We still need a few volunteers for the Christmas Fayre (15 December) PLEASE PLEASE help if you can. Contact Laura Cuss on classlist or email
  • Christmas raffle tickets, we will be holding a flash sale on classlist next week if you need more.


Future PTA key dates
  • 13 December - deadline for your coloured donations for class hampers to your class parent. They look amazing (so thank you) but we need time to finalise then for the Fayre!
  • 14 December - deadline to return ticket stubs and money to the PTA via school. If you miss this deadline please bring to the Christmas Fayre
  • 15 December - Christmas Fayre 15.20 - 18.00 at the Memorial Hall details on Classlist. Grotto tickets now sold out!
Children Starting School or Moving up to Junior School - September 2024
The portal to apply for a place through Buckinghamshire Council opened on the 1st November 2023 and closes for online applications on the 15th January 2024.
Community & Cultural Events
Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.
The week ahead:

Monday 11th December


  • KS1 Sibling friendly Christmas production 9.15-10.15
  • Reception Christmas production 14.15-15.15


Tuesday 12th December


  • KS1 Christmas production 9.15-10.15 (no siblings)


Wednesday 13th December


  • KS1 Christmas production 9.15-10.15 (no siblings)


Thursday 14th December


  • Reception Christmas production 9.15-10.15


Friday 15th December


  • Nursery Christmas production 11.00-12.00
  • Official Christmas Jumper Day


Future Dates


Monday 18th December: Christmas Party Day
Tuesday 19th December: Christmas Church Service in Village Church 9.15 am,  parents invited
Tuesday 19th December: Schools closes at 2 pm
Thursday 4th January: School opens at 8.45 am
Monday 29th January: Reception Owl visit - more detail to follow
Friday 9th February: School closes for half term at 3.15 pm
Monday 19th February: School opens at 8.45 am
Thursday 29th February: Parents Evening 5 - 8 pm - more detail to follow
Monday 4th March: Parents Evening 3.30 - 6 pm - more detail to follow
Friday 8th March: Family Day - more detail to follow
Wednesday 13th March: Reception Sports Festival - more detail to follow
Friday 15th March: Comic Relief Day TBC
Friday 22nd March: Year 2 Woburn Safari Park trip - more detail to follow
Tuesday 26th March: Reception Bekonscot trip - more detail to follow
Wednesday 27th March: Easter Church Service in Village Church 9.15 am, parents invited
Thursday 28th March: Last day of Spring Term, school closes at 2 pm
Thursday 28th March: Nursery and Reception Easter Egg Hunt
Thursday 28th March: Years 1 and 2 Egg Rolling
