To try and alleviate the ‘busyness’ of the playground at pick up time, particularly around the main entrance, Ruby class will now be dismissed from the side gate on the far side of the playground (where Emerald class are currently dismissed from). Woodland School collection from the Shakman playground on Wednesday and Thursday will remain the same.
Diamond class will now be dismissed from the main entrance, not from under the window any more.
All other classes will be dismissed from the same locations.
These new locations will be in place from Monday.
The week ahead:
Monday 10th October
- Gymnastics (lunch time for Year 1)
- PFO Football (after school for Reception, Years 1 and 2)
Tuesday 11th October
Wednesday 12th October
- Tennis (lunch time for Year 2)
- French (after school for Reception, Years 1 and 2)
Thursday 13th October
- Gymnastics (lunch time for Years 1 and 2)
Friday 14th October
- Year 2 Friday morning reading 8.45 am
- Year 1 Friday afternoon reading 3.05 pm
- Tennis (lunch time for Year 1)
Future Dates
Monday 17th October: Individual School Photographs
Tuesday 18th October: School Open Day
Friday 21st October: Dress down Friday - more information to follow.
Friday 21st October: School finishes for half term at 3.15pm
Monday 31st October: INSET day
Tuesday 1st November: School reopens at 8.45am
Friday 4th November: Reception and Junior Portal opens for Bucks residents at 11am
Thursday 17th November: School Open Day
Thursday 17th November: Parents Evening 5.30-8.00pm. More information to follow
Monday 21st November: Parents Evening 3.30-6.00pm. More information to follow
Friday 9th December: Year 1 trip to Milestones Museum. More information to follow
Monday 12th December: KS1 Christmas Production 9.15am. Siblings invited to attend
Monday 12th December: Reception Christmas Production 2.15pm
Tuesday 13th December: KS1 Christmas Production 9.15am
Wednesday 14th December: KS1 Christmas Production 9.15am
Thursday 15th December: Reception Christmas Production 9.15am
Friday 16th December: Nursery Christmas Show 10.45am
Monday 19th December: Whole School Christmas Parties
Tuesday 20th December: Christmas Church Service in Village Church 9am - 10am
Tuesday 20th December: School closes for Christmas at 2pm
Wednesday 4th January 2023: INSET day
Thursday 5th January: School opens for the Spring term at 8.45am
Friday 13th January: Reception and Junior online applications portal closes at midnight
Thursday 30th March: Easter Service in Village Church 9am - 10am
Thursday 13th July: Flower Festival in Village Church 9am - 10am