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Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 7th June

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome back, we are looking forward to a busy half term.
It was lovely to see all of our visitors in school this morning for our Family Day and we hope you all enjoyed coming! Thank you to our wonderful PTA for running the cafe.
Year 1 enjoyed their Sports Festival at Amersham School on Tuesday. Thank you to our parent helpers for accompanying the children.
PTA Update
  • Strawberry Fayre tomorrow!!
  • Thank you for all your support in the run up to the Strawberry Fayre. It is looking to be a fabulous event and we hope to see lots of you there to support the school and come together as a community.
  • If you pre-ordered there will be an envelope at the gate to the Shakman Field with your name on it!
  • If you have forgotten to return raffle ticket stubs, please bring them to the gate with your money tomorrow BEFORE 14.30
  • Please take a moment to look at the attached programme and download to your phones.
It is fantastic to see the children logging onto Mathseeds this week and completing so many lessons.  The class who completed the most lessons on Mathseeds is Pearl class, with Sapphire in second place - well done to you all! The children who have completed the most lessons this week are:
Pearl: Dougal and Emmeline
Sapphire: Willow and Lenny
Emerald: Riddhi and Mya
Ruby: Carina and Mykhailo
Amethyst: Isla and Millie
Diamond: Poppy and Izza
Class Photos
Helen Rayner Photography will be coming into school to take class group photos on 11th June.  
Please ensure your child is dressed in their school uniform including their school cardigan or jumper.
Reading Books
A huge thank you to the PTA for funding new books for our book scheme.  We are now lucky enough to have an extra 200 books for the children to enjoy.
Sustainability Survey
Please view the attached document to complete the survey, thank you.
The week ahead:
Monday 10th June


Tuesday 11th June
  • Class Photographs


Wednesday 12th June

  • Tennis - lunchtime - Years 1 and 2


Thursday 13th June

  • PFO Football - after school - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2


Friday 14th June

  • Pearl class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch
  • Friday reading 08.45 - 08.55 - Years 1 and 2
  • Friday reading 15.00 - 15.15 - Reception

Future Dates- new dates are in bold


Monday 17th - Friday 21st June: Year 2/3 Transition week
Thursday 20th June: Nursery assembly 11.15 am - parents invited to watch
Friday 21st June: Emerald class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch
Monday 24th June - Friday 28th June - Sports Week
Friday 28th June: Sports Day from 10 am - parents invited, more detail to follow
Tuesday 2nd July: County Transition Day
Thursday 4th July - Memorial Hall to be used as polling station - No hot meals
Friday 5th July: Ruby class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch
Wednesday 10th July: Year 1 Ruislip Lido trip - more detail to follow
Friday 12th July: YEAR 2 ONLY-Junior School PTA Summer Party (information on Classlist)
Tuesday 16th July: Year 2 Leavers Production - parents invited to watch
Wednesday 17th July: Flower Festival in Village Church - parents invited to attend
Thursday 18th July: Reception trip to College Lake - more detail to follow
Tuesday 23rd July: School closes for Summer at 2 pm
