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Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 6th December

Dear Parent/Carer,
Scam calls
We have had reports of parents being contacted by an Anti Bullying fundraiser company. Just to clarify that we are not working with any agency that is fundraising for anti-bullying and that any calls as such are not linked to the school.
Well done to all the children who have logged onto Mathseeds - it is lovely to see how many of you have completed lessons this week. The class who has engaged with Mathseeds the most is Amethyst class with Emerald class in a close 2nd place! The children who have completed the most lessons from each class this week are:
Emerald - Riyan and Annabelle
Ruby - Dougal and Siena                       
Amethyst - Vinuth and Samuel
Diamond - Asher and Ayesha
Christmas Jumper Day in support of Liberty's Legacy - Friday 13th December
On Friday 13th December children may wear a Christmas Jumper or decorate their own jumper for a suggested donation of £1. We will have collection pots in school for cash donations. If anyone would like to know more about this charity or make a donation of £2 or more, Mrs McCarthy (at our Junior School) is fundraising for this charity and her Just Giving page is here
Lost Property
The lost property box in the playground has lots of items in it. Please have a look if you are missing anything. Any items left in the box at the end of term will be given to charity.
Key messages from the PTA
    • Santa Grotto tickets and food pre-orders must be booked by end Sunday 8th December, limited availability
    • Make Christmas easier with a John Lewis gift voucher order by 18.00 Sunday 8th December and the school gets 4% cashback on your purchase!
  • Raffle tickets - please return money and stubs ASAP to the PTA postbox next to the infant office. If you need more, ask your class parent or message the PTA. The draw will happen at the Christmas Fayre.
    • For your support at the lights switch on we made over £500 for the school and also to our wonderful bakers and volunteers.
    • We hope you see some of the fabulous wreaths on display around the village, thanks to everyone who came to support and our organisers.
PTA Key Dates
  • Friday 13 December - Christmas Fayre and Santa's Grotto at the Memorial Hall 15.20 - 18.00. We REALLY NEED some stall volunteers to help make it fun. Slots are either 15.10 - 16.35 or 16.30 - 18.00. Please join the volunteer WhatsApp group to let us know your availability. Some are fun/ game stalls that you can do with your children there.
Chalfont St Giles and The Great War
'A new book has been written on Chalfont St Giles and World War One. It describes the Parish, whose borders have changed over the years, between 1900 and 1930 and how the villages of Chalfont St Giles and Jordans were affected by the War. It includes stories of some families and gives details of those who fought and gave medical support to the front line, the casualties and where people lived.
These books are available in the library and are free but the main sponsors asked that we seek a contribution towards an appropriate charity. We will therefore be very grateful if you would donate something for our Memorial Hall, celebrating its Centenary.
Thank you
Community & Cultural Events
Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.
The week ahead:
 Monday 9th December
  • KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - in the Memorial Hall, siblings invited
  • Reception Christmas Play 2.15pm in the Memorial Hall
  • PFO Football after school club 15.30 - 16.30 open to all year groups.


Tuesday 10th December

  • KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - in the Memorial Hall, no siblings


Wednesday 11th December

  • KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - in the Memorial Hall, no siblings
  • Mini Tennis Club at lunchtime 12.20 - 12.50pm - open to years 1 & 2 


Thursday 12th December

  • Reception Christmas Play 9.15am in the Memorial Hall


Friday 13th December

  • Nursery Christmas Play 11.00am in the School Hall
  • Christmas Jumper Day for Liberty's Legacy
  • Friday reading 08.45 - 08.55 - Years 1 and 2

Future Dates


New dates in bold


Thursday 19th December: Christmas Party Day
Friday 20th December: Christmas Service at Village Church 9.15am - parents invited to attend
Friday 20th December: School finishes for Christmas at 1.30pm
Monday 6th January 2025: INSET Day
Tuesday 7th January: School opens at 8.45am
Wednesday 29th January: Year 1 PE Festival
Friday 14th February: Dress down Friday
Friday 14th February: School closes for half term at 3.15pm
