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Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 28th June

Dear Parents/Carers,


Sports Week

What a busy, fun filled week we have had! The children have taken part in many sporting events, culminating in our sports day today. They should be very proud of all their efforts. Thank you to Mrs Stainbank for organising the week, Mrs O'Dwyer for running Sports Day today and to the PTA for the ice lolly!


Parent Survey

Please could we remind you to complete the survey that was sent out last week.  The link is here.


County Transfer Day - Tuesday 2nd July

Nursery please be reminded that Nursery is open in the morning however parents are expected to take their child/ren to their Reception class at the allocated time.


Current Reception and Year 1 children should attend as normal and will spend the morning in their new classes and meet their teachers.


Current Year 2 children will be visiting their new Junior schools on that day.

Any Year 2 children who do not have a transfer day to attend should not be in school on Tuesday 2nd July. This will be recorded as an authorised absence day for all Year 2 children. If you have ordered a school lunch please cancel your selection from the Parentmail system.


Open Evening for current pupils 

We would like to invite you to the Infant School Open Evening on Tuesday 2nd July. 

This is very much an informal occasion where your child can show you their classroom and the work they have done through the year.

The times are 4.30pm - 5.30pm for Nursery and 5.00pm - 6.30pm for the main school.  Please feel free to pop in at a time which suits you. Can we please highlight that this is not a formal parents evening where you meet with the teacher, it is a celebration of all your child has achieved over the past year.



It was great to see even more children logging onto Mathseeds this week and completing more lessons. The class who have completed the most lessons is Diamond with Sapphire in second place - well done to you all! 


Well done to the following children who have completed the most lessons:

Pearl: Ella and Freya

Sapphire: Toby and Willow

Emerald: Daisy and Riddhi

Ruby: Carina and Savannah

Amethyst: Grayson

Diamond: Reyansh and Malou



PMG Uniform is operating an appointment system this Summer for visits to their stores. They suggest early booking as spaces are limited and the store can be very busy especially in the last few weeks of the Summer. You may have to queue if you do not have an appointment. Please also be aware that their cut off date is August 12th after which uniform may not be available before children go back to school.  


PTA Update

  • The PTA committee had a great planning meeting to sort out the dates for the autumn term so keep your eyes peeled for some fab events!

  • Still looking for good quality uniform for us to sort for a 'preloved uniform sale' - see classlist as we will be doing pre-orders closer to the date

    • Please bring donations to drop-off or pick up any day next week. Look for someone in the PTA or leave in a bag in the wet weather shelter in the infant playground


PTA key dates

  • Thursday 18th July -Preloved uniform and ice lolly Sale

  • Monday 9th September - new parents cafe - for parents of children starting in nursery or reception

  • Saturday 28th September - Oktoberfest - this is TBC but we will be asking for people to register interest shortly before we commit to book!


Sustainability Survey

Please view the attached document to complete the survey, thank you.


Community & Cultural Events

Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.


The week ahead:


Monday 1st July


Tuesday 2nd July

  • County Transition Day

  • Open Evening for current pupils 

    4.30pm - 5.30pm for Nursery and 5.00pm - 6.30pm for the main school


Wednesday 3rd July

  • Tennis - lunchtime - Years 1 and 2


Thursday 4th July

  • Memorial Hall to be used as polling station - No hot meals

  • PFO Football - after school - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2


Friday 5th July

  • Ruby class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch

  • Friday reading 08.45 - 08.55 - Years 1 and 2

  • Friday reading 15.00 - 15.15 - Reception


Future Dates- new dates are in bold


Wednesday 10th July: Year 1 Ruislip Lido trip

Friday 12th July: YEAR 2 ONLY-Junior School PTA Summer Party (information on Classlist)

Tuesday 16th July: Year 2 Leavers Production - parents invited to watch

Wednesday 17th July: Flower Festival in Village Church - parents invited to attend

Thursday 18th July: Reception trip to College Lake - more detail to follow

Tuesday 23rd July: School closes for Summer at 2 pm
