Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.
The week ahead:
Monday 3rd June
Tuesday 4th June
Wednesday 5th June
- Year 1 sports event
- Tennis - lunchtime - Years 1 and 2
Thursday 6th June
- PFO Football - after school - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Friday 7th June
- Family Day 9 am - 11 am
- Friday reading 15.00 - 15.15 - Reception
Saturday 8th June
- Strawberry Fayre - Shakman Field - 11.30 - 15.30
Future Dates- new dates are in bold
Tuesday 11th June: Class photographs
Friday 14th June: Pearl class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch - DATE CHANGE
Monday 17th - Friday 21st June: Year 2/3 Transition week
Thursday 20th June: Nursery assembly 11.15 am - parents invited to watch
Friday 21st June: Emerald class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch
Monday 24th June - Friday 28th June - Sports Week
Friday 28th June: Sports Day from 10 am - parents invited, more detail to follow
Tuesday 2nd July: County Transition Day
Thursday 4th July - Memorial Hall to be used as polling station - No hot meals
Friday 5th July: Ruby class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch
Wednesday 10th July: Year 1 Ruislip Lido trip - more detail to follow
Friday 12th July: YEAR 2 ONLY-Junior School PTA Summer Party (information on Classlist)
Tuesday 16th July: Year 2 Leavers Production - parents invited to watch
Wednesday 17th July: Flower Festival in Village Church - parents invited to attend
Thursday 18th July: Reception trip to College Lake - more detail to follow
Tuesday 23rd July: School closes for Summer at 2 pm