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Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 24th March

Dear Parents,

Arts Week
Thank you to Mr Yalden for supplying Year 1 with the paint needed for their Arts Week project.
Woburn Safari Park
Year 2 are on their way back and have had a wonderful day learning more about the animals. They were very lucky and missed all the rain we have had! Our thanks to all the parent helpers.
Reception Stay and Play
This is starting after Easter on Thursday mornings. Please sign up for a slot in the Reception classes. Please note there is only 1 slot per child.
Community & Cultural Events
Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.
Childminding Course
Please see the attached flyer from Buckinghamshire Council for more information.
The week ahead:


Monday 27th - Friday 31st March

  • SEN meetings with Mrs Bannister 


Monday 27th March

  • Year 1 Village Fete afternoon 2 pm - Year 1 parents invited
  • Gymnastics (lunch time for Year 1)
  • PFO Football (after school for Reception, Years 1 and 2)


Tuesday 28th March


Wednesday 29th March

  • Yr 2 African afternoon - Year 2 parents invited
  • Tennis (lunch time for Years 1 and  2)
  • French (after school for Reception, Years 1 and 2)


Thursday 30th March

  • Easter Service in Village Church 9 am - 10 am -  parents welcome
  • Gymnastics (lunch time for Years 1 and 2)


Friday 31st March

  • School closes for Easter at 2pm
  • Egg rolling and Egg hunts for Nursery - 11.00 (no parents), Reception - 9.15 and Years 1 & 2 - 9.30
  • Years 1 Friday morning reading 8.45 am
  • Reception Friday afternoon reading 2.55 pm

Future Dates


Monday 17th April: School opens for Summer term at 8.45am
Friday 21st April: Achievement Assembly - Pearl parents invited
Monday 24th April: Reception vision screening
Friday 28th April: Achievement Assembly - Sapphire parents invited
Monday 1st May: Bank Holiday
Friday 5th May: Emerald class Assembly
Monday 8th May: Coronation Bank Holiday
Friday 12th May: Ruby class Assembly
Friday 19th May: Achievement Assembly - Amethyst parents invited
Friday 26th May: Achievement Assembly - Diamond parents invited
Friday 26th May: Dress down Friday
Friday 26th May: School closes for half term
Monday 5th June: INSET day
Tuesday 6th June: School reopens at 8.45 am
Friday 9th June: Pearl class Assembly
Friday 16th June: Sapphire class Assembly
Thursday 13th July: Flower Festival in Village Church 9am - 10am
