Dear Parents/Carers,
Well done to all the children who have logged onto Mathseeds - it is lovely to see how many of you have completed lessons this week. The class who has engaged with Mathseeds the most is Ruby class with Diamond class in a close 2nd place! The children who have completed the most lessons from each class this week are:
Emerald - Riyan and George
Ruby - William and George
Amethyst - Henry and Samuel
Diamond - Isla and Mia
Nursery Information
Nursery are looking for volunteers to help at snack time from 9.30 am to 11 am every week day. If you would be willing to help please contact the school office.
Girls Clothing Request
If you have borrowed any clothing from the school please can we kindly ask that you return it.
We are also in desperate need of girls' clothing (dresses, skirts, tops) and tights and socks. We would be very grateful if you could donate any spare items to school to help us with any toileting accidents.
Keyrings on Bookbags
Please can children only have 1 small keyring attached to their book bag otherwise they are unable to fit into the school trays.
PTA dates for your diary
Friday 14 February - Valentine's Day bake sale at pick up with fancy dress sale for upcoming World Book Day
Thursday 6 March - World Book Day breakfast cafe, book sale and Wonka Bars will be back
Saturday 7 June - Strawberry Fayre - hold the date in your calendars!
PTA update
Christmas Gift Amnesty - we will happily take unopened, unwanted, surplus gifts (adults or children) off your hands. Or if you are doing dry January and want to get rid of the temptation! Bring to pick up or drop off Mon, Wed, Fri for next 2 weeks. There will be a box at the main entrance or in the wet weather shelter depending on weather conditions.
Funding update - we have now provided a total of £15k of funding to the school for a large wet weather shelter for the infant school playground. Installation on this will start soon! The teachers have been busy buying resources for their year groups with over £3.2k covering nursery outdoor playground resources, rugs and cushions, bookshelves, balance boards amongst many other things!
Coming soon - Prosecco and Pamper evening tickets will be on sale soon
Community & Cultural Events
Please see here for details of events coming up in the community.
The week ahead:
Monday 27th January
Tuesday 28th January
Wednesday 29th January
- Year 1 PE Festival
- Mini Tennis lunchtime club 12.20 - 12.50pm - open to years 1 & 2
- Outdoor Adventurers after school club 15.15 - 16.15 - open to year 2
Thursday 30th January
Friday 31st January
- Friday reading 08.45 - 08.55 - Years 1 and 2
- Friday reading 15.00 - 15.15 - Reception
Future Dates
New dates in bold
Monday 10th - Friday 14th: Safer Internet Week
Monday 10th February: Owls visiting Reception
Friday 14th February: Dress down Friday
Friday 14th February: School closes for half term at 3.15pm
Monday 24th February: School opens at 08.45am
Wednesday 26th February: Year 1 visit to Northwood United Synagogue - more detail to follow
Monday 3rd March: Parents Evening - 3.30pm-6pm. More detail to follow
Tuesday 4th March: Reception PE Festival
Wednesday 12th March: Parents Evening - 5pm to 8pm. More detail to follow
Wednesday 26th March: Year 2 trip to Woburn Safari Park - more detail to follow
Friday 28th March: Family Day - TBC
Thursday 3rd April: Easter Church Service in the Village Church 9.15am - parents invited to attend
Friday 4th April: Nursery and Reception Easter Egg Hunt - timings to follow
Friday 4th April: Years 1 and 2 Egg Rolling - timings to follow
Friday 4th April: Last day of Spring Term, Nursery children ready to collect from 1.20 pm. School closes at 1.30pm