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Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 23rd September

Dear Parent/Carer,

Infant School Harvest Festival-Wednesday 28th September
We look forward to welcoming you to our Harvest Festival at the Village Church on Wednesday from 9am. Children are invited to bring in the items listed in the attached flyer as we are coordinating with the Church and their Harvest Festival.
Dogs in the Playground
Please can we remind you dogs should not be brought into the playground under any circumstances, including dogs being carried. Thank you.
Macmillan Coffee Morning-Friday 30th September
We would like to invite family and friends to join us for a Macmillan Coffee morning to be held in the Junior School dining hall from 9am to 9:30am. A group of Year 6 children are helping to organise this charity event. You can also donate directly to Macmillan via our supporter page 
Moving up to Junior School Leaflet 2023/2024 - Year 2 parents
Please find attached the Junior Transfer information leaflet from Bucks CC Admissions team for parents who will be going through the process in the coming months.
Forest School on 17th October
This is the same date as the school photos.  If your child is doing Forest School on this day, please send them in their uniforms with their Forest School clothes in a named bag and the staff will help them change.
Village Church Harvest Festival-Sunday 25th September
Please see the attached leaflet for further information 
The week ahead:


Monday 26th September


  • Gymnastics (lunch time for Year 1)
  • PFO Football (after school for Reception, Years 1 and 2)


Tuesday 27th September



Wednesday 28th September


  • Harvest Festival in Village Church 9 - 10 am
  • Tennis (lunch time for Year 2)
  • French (after school for Reception, Years 1 and 2)


Thursday 29th September


  • Gymnastics (lunch time for Years 1 and 2)


Friday 30th September


  • Macmillan Coffee Morning 9 - 9.30 am at the Junior School
  • Years 1 and 2 Friday afternoon reading 3.05 pm
  • Tennis (lunch time for Year 1)

Future Dates 


Monday 3rd October: Year 1 Vision Screening


Tuesday 4th October: Flu Vaccination Clinic for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 
Monday 17th October: Individual School Photographs
Friday 21st October: Dress down Friday - more information to follow.
Friday 21st October: School finishes for half term
Tuesday 20th December: Christmas Church Service in Village Church 9am - 10am
Thursday 30th March 2023: Easter Service in Village Church 9am - 10am
Thursday 13th July 2023: Flower Festival in Village Church 9am - 10am
