Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We've reached the end of the term and had a great time working with your children and each other.
All of the staff would like to say a huge thank you for the Christmas gifts you have so generously given them - they really are appreciated!
Christmas Parties
The children really enjoyed their Christmas parties and it was so lovely to see them having such a wonderful time and getting into the festive spirit. They even got a visit from Father Christmas and it was lovely to see their faces light up!
Christmas Church Service
It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Church Service. All the children performed magnificently and made their teachers very proud of them. It was a great way to conclude the term.
School Lunches
The menus for the Spring term are now on the school website and ready for you to order on ParentMail. Please note that if you would like your child to have lunch for the first day of term, you will need to have ordered by Saturday 4th January.
Spring Term Clubs
We are pleased to confirm that PFO Football (now Captiv8 Life Ltd) will continue to run on Monday next term. Please register here in the first instance and then to book a place at the club here.
Mini Tennis will also continue on Wednesday lunchtime. Please see the school website here for sign up information.
We are also pleased to confirm the Outdoor Adventurers club exclusively for year 2 next term. Please see email and Google form sent today for sign up information. Maximum number is 10 participants and is on a first come first served basis.
Governor Christmas Newsletter
Please click the link below
Children Starting School or Moving up to Junior School - September 2025
The portal to apply for a place through Buckinghamshire Council opened on the 5th November 2024 and closes for online applications on the 15th January 2025.
Community & Cultural Events
Please see here for details of events coming up in the community.
Village Christmas Window Competition
CSG Parish Council have sent out competition forms for children to enter the village Christmas window competition.
Monday 6th January
Tuesday 7th January
Wednesday 8th January
Thursday 9th January
Friday 10th January
- Friday reading 08.45 - 08.55 - Years 1 and 2
Future Dates
New dates in bold
Wednesday 29th January: Year 1 PE Festival
Friday 14th February: Dress down Friday
Friday 14th February: School closes for half term at 3.15pm
Monday 24th February: School opens at 08.45am
Wednesday 26th February: Year 1 visit to Northwood United Synagogue - more detail to follow
Tuesday 4th March: Reception PE Festival
Wednesday 26th March: Year 2 trip to Woburn Safari Park - more detail to follow
Friday 28th March: Family Day - TBC
Thursday 3rd April: Easter Church Service in the Village Church 9.15am - parents invited to attend
Friday 4th April: Nursery and Reception Easter Egg Hunt - timings to follow
Friday 4th April: Years 1 and 2 Egg Rolling - timings to follow
Friday 4th April: Last day of Spring Term, Nursery children ready to collect from 1.20 pm. School closes at 1.30pm