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Infant Weekly Email - Friday 1st March

Dear Parents/Carers,

It is fantastic to see so many children logging onto Mathseeds this week. The class who spent the most minutes on Mathseeds is Ruby class with Emerald class a very close second - well done to Ruby class! The children who have spent the most time using it from each class this week are:
Emerald - Daisy, Riddhi and Ada
Ruby - Savannah and Lucy                             
Amethyst - Emily and Maximus 
Diamond - Izza, Frankie and Taylor
Nursery Open Day
Nursery are holding an Open Day on Tuesday 12th March, if you or anyone you know is interested in a tour please contact the school office.
Family Day - Friday 8th March
Children will be coming in to school at the normal time (between 8.45 and 8.55), parents are invited in from 9 am. Please sign in and take a visitor sticker over in the Memorial Hall before coming in to school. There will be no Friday reading. Visitors are welcome at any time between 9.00 a.m and 11.00 a.m. and are not expected to stay for the whole 2 hours!
Please ensure you have completed the Google form for Family Day by next Friday, 1st March. Please see the email sent 11th February for the form.
Comic Relief Day-Friday 15th March
We are again supporting the Comic Relief charity and children are invited to wear something red in return for a suggested £1 donation. This can be a costume with a red theme or just normal uniform with something red. 
Please see the link below to donate as this year we are not accepting cash donations.

PTA updates

  • World Book Day - Wonka Bars - will you win a golden ticket? We have some excellent prizes coming together, see details and latest on prizes on classlist - on the day purchase only, preorder vegan/ allergy free in advance
  • Mother's Day gift event and Breakfast Cafe - in conjunction with the Family Day at the school the PTA will have a breakfast cafe (sausage & bacon rolls, pastries and child friendly options) in the Memorial Hall from 08:15
    • If you have pre-ordered gifts these will be available for the children to come and choose, depending on weather we will confirm where soon!
  • Do you have any connections to businesses or companies who might like to offer sponsorship or prizes for our Strawberry Fayre? We give full credit and advertising in return. Speak to someone on the PTA or email   

Future PTA key dates

  • 7 March - World Book Day - Wonka Bar Sale from 14:45 infant playground
  • 8 March - Family Day - breakfast cafe at Memorial Hall from 08:15
  • 8 June - Strawberry Fayre
Community & Cultural Events
Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.
The week ahead:
Monday 4th March
  • Parents Evening 3.30 - 6 pm 


Tuesday 5th March


Wednesday 6th March

  • Tennis - lunchtime - Years 1 and 2


Thursday 7th March

  • World Book Day
  • PFO Football - after school - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2


Friday 8th March

  • Family Day 9 am to 11 am
  • Friday reading 15.00 - 15.15 - Reception


 Future Dates- new dates are in bold


Tuesday 12th March: Nursery Open Day
Wednesday 13th March: Reception Sports Festival 
Friday 15th March: Comic Relief Day - wear something red
Wednesday 20th March: Year 1 Village Fete afternoon, parents invited
Friday 22nd March: Year 2 Woburn Safari Park trip 
Monday 25th March: Year 2 Africa Day, parents invited in the afternoon
Tuesday 26th March: Reception Bekonscot trip
Wednesday 27th March: Easter Church Service in Village Church 9.15 am, parents invited
Thursday 28th March: Last day of Spring Term, school closes at 2 pm
Thursday 28th March: Nursery and Reception Easter Egg Hunt
Thursday 28th March: Years 1 and 2 Egg Rolling
Monday 15th April: INSET Day
Tuesday 16th April: School opens for Summer term at 08.45
Wednesday 17th April: Year 2 Sports Event - more detail to follow
Wednesday 24th April: Reception Vision Screening - more detail to follow
Tuesday 7th May: Nursery trip to Chiltern Open Air Museum - more detail to follow
Friday 17th May: Pearl class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch
Friday 24th May: Sapphire class assembly 9 am - parents invited to watch
Friday 24th May: Last day of half term, school closes at 3.15 pm
Monday 3rd June: INSET Day
Tuesday 4th June: School opens at 08.45 
Wednesday 5th June: Year 1 sports event - more detail to follow
Tuesday 11th June: Class photographs
Friday 14th June: Family Day - more detail to follow
