Dear Parent/Carer,
We hope everyone enjoyed seeing the school fully prepared for Christmas this morning - our Christmas elves have been working extremely hard and it has been worth every moment to see the look on the children's faces. As the weather is growing more wintery please ensure your child has a warm coat to wear.
Parent Helpers
Thank you so much to all our parent helpers who make such a difference to the childrens education. Due to the upcoming festive events we will not require any further help for the rest of this term so please take the opportunity to have a well earned break!
Near miss on School Lane
Unfortunately a young child was very nearly hit by a car pulling away, understandably the mother and child were both very shaken. PLEASE do not park on School Lane or in the Memorial Car Park, we have parking permits available for you to park in Blizzards Yard car park (behind Co-Op).
Well done to all the children who have logged onto Mathseeds this week - it is great to see so many of you using it. The children who have spent the most time using it from each class this week are:
Ruby - Carina and Kairon
Emerald - Alfie F, Marnie and Ada
Amethyst - Isla and Millie
Diamond - Malou and Frankie
Spare Underwear
If anyone has any spare knickers age 5-9 please could they be donated to the school medical room.
Christmas Lunch Day - Wednesday 6th December
Children are invited to wear a festive jumper over their regular school uniform should they wish to for this occasion.
Chistmas Post Box
The post box is now available in Reception for the children to post cards to their friends. Please ensure that the child's full name and class is written on the envelope to help the elves deliver them! Please ensure that sweets and chocolate are NOT put into envelopes or brought into school.
Children Starting School or Moving up to Junior School - September 2024
The portal to apply for a place through Buckinghamshire Council opened on the 1st November 2023 and closes for online applications on the 15th January 2024.
PTA updates
- We'll be at the village Christmas lights switch-on this Saturday from 14.30 - 18.30. Please come and support us and enjoy some homemade bakes, Christmas gifts/ stocking fillers, and lots of bits the children will love!
- If your children have pre-purchased gifts please send in a carrier/ resusable bag with them on Monday
- All Elf and Christmas countdown balloons were safely collected or delivered last night. We hope the children liked them, we’ve had some lovely messages!
- Planning for our Christmas Fayre (15 December) is well underway. The fayre is open to all families with children at the school, older and younger siblings welcome. You do not need to have grotto tickets (which is a little out of sight) but there are a limited number of grotto tickets left on Classlist.
- Food & Drink: mulled wine, (Baileys) hot chocolate, other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, hot dogs and snacks
- Craft activities: little Christmas craft bags available for £2, plus free colouring to keep children entertained
- Sweets & festive toys for sale
- Reindeer feed making
- Fun prize stalls for the children to enjoy (50p a go)
- Christmas Raffle draw
- Christmas raffle tickets - please return money, stubs and any unused tickets ASAP to any PTA member or the PTA postbox next to school office. We will be selling more at the lights switch on and at the Christmas Fayre.
Future PTA key dates
- 2 December - village lights switch on, the PTA will have a stall selling cakes, sweets, some light up toys, head-boppers and Christmas bits. Please come and support us!
4 December - Christmas gift shop, if pre-purchased children will come across during the school day to select their gifts to bring home to put under the tree.
6 December - Wreath making, with cheese and wine at the junior school hall.
Community & Cultural Events
Please see
here for detail of events coming up in the community.
The week ahead:
Monday 4th December
Tuesday 5th December
Wednesday 6th December
- M & M Production of Jack and the Beanstalk
- Christmas lunch
Thursday 7th December
- Year 2 Great Fire of London workshop
Friday 8th December
- Year 1 to Milestones Museum
Future Dates
Monday 11th December: KS1 Sibling friendly Christmas production 9.15-10.15
Monday 11th December: Reception Christmas production 14.15-15.15
Tuesday 12th December: KS1 Christmas production 9.15-10.15 (no siblings)
Wednesday 13th December: KS1 Christmas production 9.15-10.15 (no siblings)
Thursday 14th December: Reception Christmas production 9.15-10.15
Friday 15th December: Nursery Christmas production 11.00-12.00
Friday 15th December: Official Christmas Jumper Day
Monday 18th December: Christmas Party Day-more details to follow
Tuesday 19th December: Christmas Church Service in Village Church, parents invited
Tuesday 19th December: Schools closes at 2 pm
Term dates 2023-2024:
- End of the term Tuesday 19th December
- Christmas Holidays
- School opens on Thursday 4th January 2024 and the end of the half term on Friday 9th February 2024
- Half term week
- School opens on Monday 19th February 2024 and the end of the term on Thursday 28th March 2024
- Easter Holidays
- School opens on Tuesday 16th April 2024 and the end of the half term on Friday 24th May 2024.
- Half term week
- School opens on Tuesday 4th June 2024 and the end of the term on Tuesday 23rd July 2024
INSET Days for staff training (days school is closed to pupils - please note these may be different at other local schools):
- Monday 15th April 2024
- Monday 3rd June 2024