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Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 17th March

Dear Parents,

It was lovely to see all of our visitors in school this morning for our Family Day and we hope you all enjoyed coming! Thank you to our wonderful PTA for running the cafe.
We had a great Red Nose day and have managed to raise in excess of £107 for this wonderful charity. Thank you for your support. I hope the children enjoyed the day – they certainly looked the part in their red clothes!
Invitation for a farm visit for school families
The Swerling family would like to invite children and families from Chalfont St Giles Infant School to Upper Bottom House Farm this Saturday 18th March to watch live lambing and calving. Pop up anytime between 10-4, wear wellies and go and watch some baby animals being born, you will get a tour and talk from Simon the farmer and a chance to feed some animals too.
Maths Videos
Following the meeting with the Parent Reps last week we are sharing some of the Maths resources available on our website. Maths, and the way it is taught, has changed significantly since we were at school and many of the methods and steps we use to help teach the children may be different to what we remember from our own education. On the school website there is a wealth of information about how we teach Maths and also some excellent videos that explain each step of how we teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. These can be found at:
We hope these are useful.
Community & Cultural Events
Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.
Memorial Hall Lottery

Please see the attached flyer for details of the Memorial Hall lottery.

The week ahead:


Monday 20th March - Friday 24th March


  • Arts Week - please bring in any clean circular lids in any colour


Monday 20th March

  • Gymnastics (lunch time for Year 1)
  • PFO Football (after school for Reception, Years 1 and 2)


Tuesday 21st March


  • Nursery Open Day - Please see the attached flyer for further information.


Wednesday 22nd March

  • Tennis (lunch time for Years 1 and  2)
  • French (after school for Reception, Years 1 and 2)


Thursday 23rd March

  • Gymnastics (lunch time for Years 1 and 2)


Friday 24th March

  • Year 2 trip to Woburn Safari Park - PLEASE DO NOT ORDER A HOT SCHOOL MEAL
  • Achievement Assembly - Ruby parents invited
  • Years 1 Friday morning reading 8.45 am
  • Reception Friday afternoon reading 2.55 pm

Future Dates


Week Commencing Monday 27th March: SEN meetings with Mrs Bannister 
Monday 27th March: Year 1 Village Fete - Year 1 parents invited
Wednesday 29th March: Yr 2 African Afternoon - Year 2 parents invited
Thursday 30th March: Easter Service in Village Church 9am - 10am
Friday 31st March: Achievement Assembly - Emerald parents invited
Friday 31st March: School closes for Easter at 2pm
Monday 17th April: School opens for Summer term at 8.45am
Friday 21st April: Achievement Assembly - Pearl parents invited
Monday 24th April: Reception vision screening
Friday 28th April: Achievement Assembly - Sapphire parents invited
Monday 1st May: Bank Holiday
Friday 5th May: Emerald class Assembly
Monday 8th May: Coronation Bank Holiday
Friday 12th May: Ruby class Assembly
Friday 19th May: Achievement Assembly - Amethyst parents invited
Friday 26th May: Achievement Assembly - Diamond parents invited
Friday 26th May: Dress down Friday
Friday 26th May: School closes for half term
Monday 5th June: INSET day
Tuesday 6th June: School reopens at 8.45 am
Friday 9th June: Pearl class Assembly
Friday 16th June: Sapphire class Assembly
Thursday 13th July: Flower Festival in Village Church 9am - 10am
