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Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 10th March

Dear Parents,

Message from Donna Westall, Chair of Governors: Following the request for a nomination to the role of parent governor, Hemal Pandya, an Infant school parent, was the only candidate and so has been elected unopposed.  We are really pleased that he has joined the Governing Board and welcome him to the team.
Family Day - Friday 17th March
Thank you to those who have completed the Google form or returned the slip. Please sign in and collect a visitor sticker in the Memorial Hall before coming into school.
Red Nose Day-Friday 17th March
We are again supporting the Comic Relief charity and children are invited to wear something red in return for a suggested £1 donation. This can be a costume with a red theme or just normal uniform with something red. 
Nursery Open Day
We are holding a Nursery Open Day on Tuesday 21st March with tours available during the day. Please contact the school office to book a tour. Please see the attached flyer for further information.
Parking Concerns
We have been informed that school parents are parking on the double yellow lines in the roads around the school. As well as being illegal it is also very unsafe. We have informed Police and Parking enforcement who will be coming to monitor the situation.
We have also had complaints from the residents of Albion Road regarding the parking at drop off and pick up times. If you have to park close to school please be considerate of our neighbours when parking. Also be mindful of where you park so as not to block them in, ensure the pavement is accessible and allow for a fire engine or an ambulance to access the road.
Community & Cultural Events
Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.
The week ahead:


Monday 13th March

  • Gymnastics (lunch time for Year 1)
  • PFO Football (after school for Reception, Years 1 and 2)


Tuesday 14th March


Wednesday 15th March

  • Tennis (lunch time for Years 1 and  2)
  • French (after school for Reception, Years 1 and 2)


Thursday 16th March

  • Gymnastics (lunch time for Years 1 and 2)


Friday 17th March

  • Family Day 
  • Red Nose Day
  • Achievement Assembly - Amethyst parents invited
  • Years 1& 2 Friday morning reading 8.45 am
  • Reception Friday afternoon reading 3.05 pm

Future Dates


Monday 20th March - Friday 24th March - Arts Week
Tuesday 21st March: Nursery Open Day 
Friday 24th March: Year 2 trip to Woburn Safari Park 
Friday 24th March: Achievement Assembly - Ruby parents invited
Week Commencing Monday 27th March: SEN meetings with Mrs Bannister - appointment dates/times TBC nearer the time
Tuesday 28th March: Year 1 Village Fete - Year 1 parents invited
Wednesday 29th March: Yr 2 African Afternoon - parents to be invited, more detail to follow
Thursday 30th March: Easter Service in Village Church 9am - 10am
Friday 31st March: Achievement Assembly - Emerald parents invited
Friday 31st March: School closes for Easter at 2pm
Monday 17th April: School opens for Summer term at 8.45am
Friday 21st April: Achievement Assembly - Pearl parents invited
Monday 24th April: Reception vision screening
Friday 28th April: Achievement Assembly - Sapphire parents invited
Monday 1st May: Bank Holiday
Friday 5th May: Emerald class Assembly
Monday 8th May: Coronation Bank Holiday
Friday 12th May: Ruby class Assembly
Friday 19th May: Achievement Assembly - Amethyst parents invited
Friday 26th May: Achievement Assembly - Diamond parents invited
Friday 26th May: Dress down Friday
Friday 26th May: School closes for half term
Monday 5th June: INSET day
Tuesday 6th June: School reopens at 8.45 am
Friday 9th June: Pearl class Assembly
Friday 16th June: Sapphire class Assembly
Thursday 13th July: Flower Festival in Village Church 9am - 10am
