Tuesday 15th October: Year 1 Springbucks Gymnastics Session - wear PE kit to school
Tuesday 15th October: Open morning for prospective parents
Thursday 17th October: Parents Information Evening - TBC
Tuesday 22nd October: Year 2 Springbucks Gymnastics Session - wear PE kit to school
Friday 25th October: School closes for half term
Monday 4th November: INSET day - School closed
Tuesday 5th November: School opens at 8.45am
Thursday 14th November: Parents Evening 5.00pm-8.00pm
Monday 18th November: Parents Evening 3.30pm-6.30pm
Tuesday 19th November: Year 2 PE festival - more detail to follow
Monday 25th November: Reception PE festival - more detail to follow
Tuesday 26th November: Open morning for prospective parents
Wednesday 27th November: Flu Vaccinations for all year groups - more detail to follow
Wednesday 4th December: M & M Production Jack and the Beanstalk - more detail to follow
Monday 9th December: KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - siblings invited
Monday 9th December: Reception Christmas Play 2.15pm
Tuesday 10th December: KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - no siblings
Wednesday 11th December: KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - no siblings
Thursday 12th December: Reception Christmas Play 9.15am
Friday 13th December: Nursery Christmas Play 11.00am
Friday 13th December: Christmas Jumper Day - TBC
Thursday 19th December: Christmas Party Day
Friday 20th December: Christmas Service at Village Church 9.15am - parents invited to attend
Friday 20th December: School finishes for Christmas at 1.30pm