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Infant - Weekly Email - Friday 11th October

Dear Parents/Carers,

Infant School Open Days
We are holding tours of the school (Infant School and Nursery) on Tuesday 15th October and Tuesday 26th November. If you know of anyone interested in a place at our school please ask them to contact the school office to arrange a time.
Junior School Open Days
The Junior School are holding tours of the school on Wednesday 23rd October and Wednesday 13th November. If you or anyone you know is interested please contact the Junior School office to arrange a time. 
Show Racism the Red Card 
Are holding their 10th - wear red to Show Racism the Red Card day on 18 October.
Please could children wear something red (along with the rest of their uniform) to show their support. This is not a fundraising event.
Springbucks Gymnastics and PFO Football still have spaces available. Please see here for more information.
Springbucks are offering free trial sessions to any children in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 who would like to try out the 7.45-8.45am Tuesday morning gymnastics class at the Memorial Hall any Tuesday in October. Please email them at to secure a free trial place for your child.
Community & Cultural Events
Please see here for detail of events coming up in the community.
Update from the PTA
  • Thank you for the fancy dress donations - we have an amazing selection. We will be selling fancy dress alongside the Spooky bakes on Friday 25 October in the Infant playground at pick up.
  • Everyone should have received your child's Christmas artwork via a Class Fundraising leaflet in book bags. You have until next Wednesday (16 Oct) to order. There is a massive selection of cards and gifts to choose from; family love personalised gifts and they make nice keepsakes!
    • If you haven't received this in your bookbag, or any issues please message Infant PTA on Classlist.
    • You can request simple edits via the website but do this ASAP as the deadline to order is the same.
    • The PTA has no control over this deadline - sorry!
  • Elf "I'm back" balloons are back by popular demand. Capacity is limited, pricing super competitive and all profit to the school. Order by 6 November to secure yours.
PTA key dates
  • Fri 25 October - Spooky Bakes and Fancy Dress Sale
  • Fri 29 November - Elf "I'm back" / Christmas countdown balloons (order on Classlist now - they are popular and limited quantities)
  • Sat 30 November - Village lights switch on, PTA stall
  • Mon 2 December - 'Elfridges - Christmas gift shop for the children during school time  
  • Wed 4 December - Wreath Making night - excellent value and great fun with friends - mark in your calendar now! Tickets will be on sale soon
  • Fri 13 December - Christmas Fayre and Santa Grotto (note correction to previous date)
The week ahead:

Monday 14th October

  • PFO Football after school club 15.30 - 16.30 open to all year groups.


Tuesday 15th October

  • Open day for prospective parents


Wednesday 16th October

  • Mini Tennis Club at lunchtime 12.20 - 12.50pm - open to years 1 & 2 


Thursday 17th October


Friday 18th October

  • Show Racism the Red Card and wear something red (along with the rest of their uniform) to show their support. This is not a fundraising event.


Future Dates


New dates in bold


Friday 25th October: School closes for half term
Monday 4th November: INSET day - School closed
Tuesday 5th November: School opens at 8.45am
Thursday 14th November: Parents Evening 5.00pm-8.00pm
Monday 18th November: Parents Evening 3.30pm-6.30pm
Tuesday 19th November: Year 2 PE festival - more detail to follow
Monday 25th November: Reception PE festival - more detail to follow
Tuesday 26th November: Open morning for prospective parents
Wednesday 27th November: Flu Vaccinations for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - more detail to follow
Wednesday 4th December: M & M Production Jack and the Beanstalk - more detail to follow
Monday 9th December: KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - siblings invited
Monday 9th December: Reception Christmas Play 2.15pm
Tuesday 10th December: KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - no siblings
Wednesday 11th December: KS1 Christmas Play 9.15am - no siblings
Thursday 12th December: Reception Christmas Play 9.15am
Friday 13th December: Nursery Christmas Play 11.00am
Friday 13th December: Christmas Jumper Day - TBC
Thursday 19th December: Christmas Party Day
Friday 20th December: Christmas Service at Village Church 9.15am - parents invited to attend
Friday 20th December: School finishes for Christmas at 1.30pm
